In Search of Jazz Camp

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In Search of Jazz Camp
In Search of Jazz Camp
[Image: ISOJC1_zpse9d704e6.png]

This is the most lost you've ever been.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
It's probably right behind the bushes.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
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RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Start scatting. Listen for the sound of people improvving with you.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Pick mushroom, eat mushroom.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Turn a wild carrot into a clarinet
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Whatcha play?
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
take out a machine gun. it's time to stop futzing with this contrabass shit and just go whole-hog contra on this wilderness' ass
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Use your cellphone as a sundial to see how much time you have before it gets dark. You need to make a shelter and survive if you get stuck out here.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
(01-09-2015, 12:07 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Whatcha play?

earthexe Wrote:What's in your bag?

[Image: ISOJC2_zpskl1jowcg.png]

Fifty spoons (in new handy paper note form) and change, the jazz camp brochure, your old music player micro, a well-worn paperback copy of Time Moon and a couple of loose strawberry sherbet sweets are contained within your deceptively deep pockets.

Your backpack contains the instrument chosen for you at your Jazz Initiation Ceremony last week; the Hexaphone, and the equipment required to handle such an item. One of only six ever created it is apparently a massive honour to be selected by such a powerful and challenging instrument.

MalkyTop Wrote:why aren't you playing the double bass.

[Image: ISOJC3_zpsd6ffmwtj.png]

It’s not like you got a choice in your instrument. Honestly you’d probably rather be playing the instrument that you can’t accidentally disintegrate yourself with, no matter how huge that instrument might be.

GreatKaiserNui Wrote:>Why did you come to jazz camp?

[Image: ISOJC4_zpsha3twgoh.png]

Your parents insisted that you fulfil your destiny or something. You’re not really convinced, but at this point you’re almost there and it’s got to be better than living wild in the woods for the summer.

Spira-Virgo Wrote:> Did you check again in the GPS app?

[Image: ISOJC5_zpsp7eezroq.png]

In terms of navigational equipment you have this map that appears to have been drawn by a five year old and that is it. Jazz Camp has a strict ban on technology; it apparently interferes with the jazz energies or something. Even your old music player mini is probably pushing it to be the honest.

Bobert Wrote:> Call upon the powers of Miles Davis to guide you!

[Image: ISOJC6_zpssvpyix7x.png]

There are a couple of problems with this course of action. Firstly you’re not sure if calling upon the spirits of famous jazz musicians is even a Thing. Secondly you’re certain that you’re not experienced enough to manage this potentially impossible feat. Thirdly you’re not really sure who Miles Davis is. You conjure the image of a generic Jazzman and bellow into the uncaring wilderness: “Save me Miles Davis.”

It’s difficult to tell how effective this was.

(01-08-2015, 10:50 PM)Akumu Wrote: »Start scatting. Listen for the sound of people improvving with you.

[Image: ISOJC7_zpsze4ere7h.png]

Your efforts only attract a sweethart. It really seems to enjoy your clumsy vocal improvisation. Though you appreciate the appreciation the candy deer only makes you aware of how hungry you are after the hours spent traipsing through this forest.

(01-08-2015, 11:05 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »Pick mushroom, eat mushroom.

typeandkey Wrote:>Those mushrooms look edible

What a great idea. Mushrooms are natural which pretty much guarantees they’re gonna be good for you.

[Image: ISOJC8_zpszt5dyhyb.png]

After a single bite you decide you’ve had enough. It’s not like it was a terrible horrible mistake or anything, it’s just… you’re full now. Obviously.

brainfree Wrote:That's an unusually tall toadstool.

[Image: ISOJC9_zpszjienudy.png]


[Image: ISOJC10_zpsdvlr2bvc.png]

You touch the toadstool in a bid to further investigate this clearly important mystery and are surprised to discover that it is made of metal. That’s weird, right? You’re not a fungus expert or anything but you’re pretty sure that’s not normal.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Trip on mushroom.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
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RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
> Look for more metallic flora
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
See if it pulls or twists or something
~◕ w◕~
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
name sweethart "Miles Davis"
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
lick sweethart
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Tame sweetheart with mushrooms.
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
>Ignore sudden urge to pray to jazz gods
>Don't eat canedeer
RE: In Search of Jazz Camp
Well, I dreamed about metallic mushrooms last night. I think this adventure is a success.