The Grand Battle [Game Over!]

The Grand Battle [Game Over!]
The Grand Battle [Game Over!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

A group of men, sworn to secrecy, stand in a room. One man is at the head of the room, covered in shadow
"A tournament has been scheduled," The head man spoke, "I am recruiting each of you men to find one individual each."
"From where, sir?" Inquired one of the men.
"Anywhere. Search throughout the entirety of the known- and unknown- universe."
"What kind of people are we looking for?" Another one asked.
"Unique individuals. Those gifted with extraordinary abilities. Whether it can help them fight or simply help them defend. I want them here."
"But... what for, sir?"
The man in shadow gave a twisted smirk.
"A grand battle is about to take place."

[Image: GrandBattle.png]
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"What? I a text based collaborative game!? I'm calling the police!"
Now slow down and put away that wiffle bat! Your children are safe... for now.
This is The Grand Battle, an elimination style fight to the dead with words.

"So I can just join in, chop off everybody's heads and win, right?"
No, that isn't quite how it works here.
First you'll have to create a character before it all starts (more on that later). Once you're in, you can't kill anybody. There will be a number of rounds, and only one player will die in each round. Who dies will be decided by a combination of me and an audience, and even then, the victim's player writes their own death scene, having them die however they want (within limits)

"Good thing I Godmode and can't possibly be defeated!"
Sit down, Andy, it doesn't work that way.
Defeat is based on quality, not power. If you abuse power to just be unstoppable, don't be surprised if a pile of Deus ex Machina opens on your ass. If your rise to power is well written, however, you might still make it to the next round.

"I was writing an epic post when some asshole sniped me [img]images/smilies/icon_sad.gif[/img]"
Fear not, as your troubles are gone with one simple word.
We understand that writing a decent sized part of a story may take a while, and to combat battles over what should be canon, we give you an hour and a half to write your section of the story.
Still, watch out, because your reserve is null and void once that time is up, and somebody else is free to make a reserving post.
"So, do I write a paragraph or a novel?"
There is no real writing length requirement, but this isn't like image collabs where one post takes merely a few seconds to read, or where you wait for person B to provide a line of dialogue that you two go back and forth with. You'll probably write out entire conversations involving multiple characters, and possibly large action sequences, depending on what happens. Overall, don't worry if you write a lot about what a character that isn't yours does, it's often more interesting when characters get written by different people with various interpretations. Just make sure most of your writing concerns your own player. As for the actual length? I don't really know. I suppose it should take at least a minute to read out loud.

"Okay, sign me up, Sarge!"
Now, in order to have enough character reference, we've got plenty for you to put in your sign up sheet. Use the following form to make a character.

Username:Take a wild guess.
Name: What is your puppet's character's name
Gender: Male, Female, or N/A really.
Race: Species. Human, cyborg, elf, anything else you can come up with at all just about.
Colour: You're going to be posting your story sections in a specific colour so your posts are more easily identifiable. Black is not available.
Weapon: Does your character fight with something? Mention it here.
Abilities: What makes your character so special that they were chosen for this?
Description: Physical and personal. What do they look like and how do they act? Draw a picture to help show what they look like, if you want.
Biography: Finally, their backstory. Character depth and all that.

"Sweet, okay. Name: Problem Sleuth..."
No, not okay. You're going to come up with an original character for this. This also means you can't take a character from your own adventure, but it's okay to make a character inspired by an existing one. No, this doesn't mean you can bring out the thesaurus and change their name and call it a different character. There's a fine line between homage and ripping off.

"Well then, I'm Xnth from Pardoo 7 near Betelgeuse"
If you can give schler a decent characterization for interacting with others, go for it. Straight up stupid characters might be rejected though.

This isn't the game for you if you can't at the very least skim through something like this. If, however, you just don't give a shit about all the details of this game, I'll summarize it.

Signed up players take turns making a collaborative story together. After a while, a chapter will end with one of the characters dying. That person will write the part of the story with their death, and will be out of the game. Once a character death is posted, I'll post a section of story carrying the game over to the next chapter, and it continues until we get to the final two players, where it'll switch up a bit.

Note: None of your characters were simply asked to join, and nobody has any prior knowledge of this. They were plucked from their worlds with no warning whatsoever. It's also a semi-serious game. Semi-serious. You can be funny, but it doesn't hurt to have a bit of drama in there.

Any questions?

Player List:
Lutherion Maw - dexexe1234 - DEAD
Alcarith - fait - DEAD
Dorukomets - almost-there - DEAD
Amethyst - Draykon - DEAD
Eximo Pulvis - Dragon Fogel
Nathan Finley - Oddguy - DEAD
Emily Trenwye - PawntoD4 - DEAD
Aeon Ferrous - Aryogaton - DEAD

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Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by g0m.

Username: g0m
Name: James
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour: This one.
Weapon: No weapon!
Abilities: Bipedal movement, opposable thumbs, basic motor control
Description: Shit, I dunno. Big, I guess. Sorta... tall. And has glasses.
Biography: James was just a normal guy. He had hair, limbs and skin. He enjoyed certain activities and found others uninteresting. He had a number of family members and friends. But then, one day... he entered this contest for some reason.

Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

g0m Wrote:Username: g0m
Name: James
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour: This one.
Weapon: No weapon!
Abilities: Bipedal movement, opposable thumbs, basic motor control
Description: Shit, I dunno. Big, I guess. Sorta... tall. And has glasses.
Biography: James was just a normal guy. He had hair, limbs and skin. He enjoyed certain activities and found others uninteresting. He had a number of family members and friends. But then, one day... he entered this contest for some reason.
Quote:Note: None of your characters were simply asked to join, and nobody has any prior knowledge of this. They were plucked from their worlds with no warning whatsoever.
Not that your entry was likely very serious anyway.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by g0m.

Quote:Note: None of your characters were simply asked to join, and nobody has any prior knowledge of this. They were plucked from their worlds with no warning whatsoever.
Dammit, not sure how I missed that. On the other hand, this supports the whole "generic persona" thing I got going on.
Username: g0m
Name: James
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour: This one.
Weapon: No weapon!
Abilities: Bipedal movement, opposable thumbs, basic motor control
Description: Shit, I dunno. Big, I guess. Sorta... tall. And has glasses.
Biography: James was just a normal guy. He had hair, limbs and skin. He enjoyed certain activities and found others uninteresting. He had a number of family members and friends. But then, one day... he got entered into this contest for some reason.

Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

this sounds interesting! and its text, so theres no pressure in making pictures! sign me up scotty!

Username: dexexe1234

Name: Lutherion Maw

Gender: Male, but is mostly dead.

Race: undead.

Colour: i will be using this grey color!

Weapon: he has a staff made of bones, but his real weapon is his wightmaw arm, its his right arm, and is made outta alot of tiny bone splinters, that can stretch and cut.

Abilities: he is a necromancer. he stores all his "minions" inside his wightmaw arm. he can also grow bones from anywhere on him.


physical: physically hes very slim, because he has no need to eat. he mostly resembles a human, though he is missing an eye. hes got big saggy clothes made from stuff he found around him. his right arm is one big class of bonesplinters, but he keeps it wrapped up in a leather band when not in use. he has black hair, extremely pale skin, and the one eye he have is an eerie green glow. he normally wanders about with his eye wide open, and grinning eeriely, while laughing maniacly to himself.

psychological: he a bit of a psycho. his only true wish and goal is to become a god of death, and because of this, he keeps collecting dead humans to make minions for his wightmaw arm! hes afraid of everything that is bright red, and he doesnt even know why himself (its because he died in a fire). when he is talking normally, he almost shouts, and when he shouts he shrieks from the top of his lungs! he laughs maniacly at everything, friend and foe, healing and damage, and even things that could never be funny, like death and sickness. he gets excited whenever he sees blood and bones, and then gets the urge to help make more of this delicious fluid! only problem with it is that he becomes scared seconds after because of bloods color.

Biography: Lutherion was a normal necromancer, in the country of hollowarios, the hellhole of dexothrolium. he was practising steadily and carefully, so that he would not damn himself like so many necromancers before him. one day, he had planned to summon a greater flesh ghoul, he accidentally tipped a candle, that fell unto the scrolls he used for the summon. this, and the half completed flesh ghouls shriek in terror of the sudden burning, made luther jump up in fright, hitting his head at the wall behind him. he fell unconcious and burned to death. this does normally stop a necromancer, but luther was special. he had learned himself to reincarnate, through his steady and carefull training! after he awoke, he felt strange, instead of the normally head pains, his entire body shivered from pain. he then saw that his body was burned and mangled, his right arm was burned of, and a hole had burned right through his right eye into his skull and burned some of his brain. he then began to think thoughts not normal to him. he bagn to think that what if you began to mix undead, to create a powerfull weapon? he saved what didnt burn in his home, and began to wander from graveyard to graveyard, raising the dead, and pressing them into the shape of a bone splinter! on his road, he found another dead necromancer in one of the graves he raised. he had the bonestaff that luther wanders around with, and luther took it now that the necromancer didnt need it. when he had finally made enough splinters, he found them all to his soul of his missing arm. the body is still whole while body parts get destroyed, so he made this his new arm! shortly after the completion of the wightmaw arm, a black figure suddenly appeared behind him. "you, necromancer. i need you to follow me." luther answered, in a shock: "w-why? who are you? hehhaheh..." "im ?%&#¤, and i need your help, necromancer. a grand battle is about to take place, and i need someone like you to help me win it!" luther thought alittle to himself, and then he said: "what is in it for me? why should i help a total stranger, in winning a battle i never even heard of?" "because if you dont, then i will have to take you by force!" luther grinned, and said: "sure then! no hard feelings are needed! just tell me where to go!" luther followed the black figure into a his portal, grinning all over his head, laughing like a maniac all the time.

hello! i bring wall a of text! i hope it is ok!
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.

cyber95 Wrote:Sit down, Andy, it doesn't work that way.
i hate this idea sim,ply on the fact that you actually included my name in the questions. WAH. I WASN'T EBEN GOING TO GODMOD THIS TEIM! NYA!
lol, jk.

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Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by g0m.

andanotherone Wrote:
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I'm sorry, basic human motor abilities was my guy's thing. You can't have them.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.

FOOK YE!!!!!
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by andanotherone.

andanotherone Wrote:FOOK YE!!!!!
what does that eben mean?
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Y'know, I was gonna discount James as a dumb idea and just completely leave him out, but I've got an idea as to how one of the mysterious men ended up somehow choosing him to be in this, despite not having any unique or amazing abilities whatsoever.

Just make sure to not play him totally as a joke, and you won't be the first character to get the boot most likely.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

wow, im actually kinda shocked that there has been no speak about my wall of text! sorry to be such a prick, but im just a little amazed!
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

dexexe1234 Wrote:wow, im actually kinda shocked that there has been no speak about my wall of text! sorry to be such a prick, but im just a little amazed!
Game's all about writing large walls of text. Hopefully broken into nice paragraphs, but still.
Re: The Grand Battle
Originally posted on MSPA by almost-there.

Spoilered for size.
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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.

Username: Draykon
Name: Amethyst
Gender: Female
Race: Magician Youkai (Born a human, has absorbed enough magical energy to be considered inhuman. Therefore unaging and somewhat more pain tolerant than an average human, but still normal strength and speed.)
Colour: This shade of purple looks nice.
Weapon: Apparently unarmed, but actually relies on an armband heavily involved in her powers. See below.
Abilities: A kind of digital magitech. At her roots she is able to alter "properties" of matter (heat levels, density, electromagnetic charges, etc) However this is far too complicated to do in realtime. Hence she relies on her armband, which contains prewritten magical "scripts," serving as a kind of spell cache. If possible, I'd like to reserve the specific spells as a kind of Schrodinger's Gun*, as I like to think of her as being versatile to compensate for a lack of power, and listing off all her spells ruins that versatility.
Though I'd like to mention her signature two spells are "Hyper Bolt," a generic laser attack, and "Force Shield," an advanced shield system designed to neutralize attacks without wasting energy, which works by projecting a shield only at the exact point of impact.
Description: Appears as a young teenage girl (13 or 14). Hair is shoulder length, and colored purple. For the sake of this battle she dresses in a long black dress. Her original human form was fairly pretty, however her transformation has left her skin completely white, and her eyes pupilless and black. She's still cute, but in a creepy way.
Biography: Born in the fictional city of Embrake, which exists on a dimensional fault line, she was caught in the middle of an interdimensional war. Her hometown was almost completely destroyed by the two factions, leaving her a refugee. In a moment of insanity, she looted the magitech weapon of one of the soldiers, and learned to use it herself. (This was a surprisingly simple matter, as the interface was curiously similar to that of a conventional computer. Though the actual creation of spells was due to her own ingenuity and programming abilities.)
She began to engage both sides of the war, and was on the verge of finishing them both off when she was plucked from her world.

*At least I think this is the proper application of the term. I mean to say that I don't want to list them directly so that I can not limit myself to spells I can only think of at the moment.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

ive made a picture of what lutherion looks like in his face! but i spoilered it because... its rather disgusting!

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Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Username: Dragon Fogel
Name: Eximo Pulvis
Gender: N/A
Race: Undead Vacuum Cleaner
Colour: I'll go with this one. Let me know if it's too hard to read.
Weapon: Self

Abilities: Powered by dark magic (and resistant to it because of this), able to interface with advanced technology, ability to suck in and blow out air, very efficient cleaning techniques.
Description: A bizarre hybrid of an undead monstrosity and a vacuum cleaner.

Biography: Long ago, a powerful wizard named Konka Rar was slain. He arose as a lich, and was slain again. Thousands of years later, he was returned to life and infused with cybernetic parts. Fascinated by the fusion of high technology and necromancy, Konka Rar began experimenting to create new minions by combining both disciplines.

One of his early experiments was the Undead Vacuum Cleaner. He considered it to be something of an embarrassment after the fact, but it was still useful for cleaning the evil lair, so he kept it in storage. On a whim, he gave it the name Eximo Pulvis. (Latin for "remove dust")

Why somebody decided to take this barely-intelligent monstrosity and enter it in a tournament is unknown at this time.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Quote:Schrodinger's Gun
Chekhov's gun.

Schrodinger had the cat.

Chekhov's Gun
Schrodinger's Cat

Anyway, Draykon, your character is in, and Dragon Fogel, while you actually have put some thought into your character, I'm still deciding whether to accept it, by racking my brain to think of some situation where an undead vacuum cleaner can be taken seriously as a character and not a joke.

Don't make detailed descriptions for joke entries. It confuses me and I don't know whether to accept or reject. [img]images/smilies/mspa_face.gif[/img]
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

wow, with all these undead characters, we should call it the grand undead battle!
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by PawntoD4.

Name: Emily Trenwye
Gender: Female.
Race: Human
Colour: Light Green
Weapon: A kite-shield of white metal with the picture of a keyhole on it. It is very large and when placed in front of her it shields her entire body from the front.
Abilities: She is a grand powerful healer. She also has the power to create barriers and weaken and strengthen people. Although she prefers not to fight and usually only heals, she has practiced a style of fighting with her large shield. Unfortunately she lacks many offensive powers. Her only offensive magic involves draining a victims health.
Description: She is aa fairly old woman with fairly short blonde hair and pale skin. She wears a long grey robe with a light blue rings on the shoulders and a black neckline. She also wears a pair of light blue greaves.
Biography: She is the grand master of a sacred order dedicated to guarding the gate to demon world. She guards the gate (her shield) while her high priestess holds the key. She is actually one of the two founders of the sacred order and she trained her high priestess personally. She is very knowledgeable about demons, monsters, and general magic. However she is also extremely predjudiced and believes demons are nothing but monsters.

Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

I'm perfectly willing to give a serious shot at writing up the perspective of an undead vacuum cleaner in this tournament.

Also, Schrodinger's Gun is a term from TV Tropes.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

PawntoD4, I like your character, but that text colour is mildly blinding.

*reads article on TV Tropes*
Oh, okay, I guess that it's Schrodigner's Gun.

Dragon, I'll put you in the roster, then. Your font is a little hard to read, maybe something slightly darker like this?

I wonder if Nobor Puss entered the vacuum cleaner. It seems kind of pointless to enter a vacuum cleaner into a tournament.

Funny is allowed, but it should try to be done in moderation.

Oh, and dex, I just reread your character's bio. At the end it says that he's invited into the tournament, but nobody knows if they're in the tournament or not. They're just plucked out of their world with no warning whatsoever. I could probably write this in as an exception, I suppose.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by OddGuy.

Name: Nathan Finley
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour: I like blue. But this one's okay too I guess.
Weapon: Nathan has armed himself with a kitchen knife, it's kind of dull. It also has the soul of a millennium-old demonic lord trapped inside.
Abilities: Nathan has no abilities by himself, but the knife has the powers of one compressed Demon Lord, as one would assume.
Description: Nathan is average looking, not short nor tall, fat or skinny, black hair, brown eyes, striped blue shirt and jeans. The knife is on his person at all times, usually in some sort of sheath or something.
Biography: Nathan is average, just a regular high-school student. His father, in his younger days, was a demon-hunter. He would hunt down ancient horrors and seal them into whatever weapon he had on his person and give sell them to whomever was buying, usually those who were looking to slay a tyrannical force of great power or something. Anyways, his father retired after sealing quite the powerful demon lord into a nearby kitchen knife, and decided to keep it for himself. After dying of liver failure, bit of an anti-climax, he entrusted the knife and other keepsakes and whatnot to Nathaniel, as well as some instructions telling him what to do with the knife, main rule being that he never use it. However, considering this whole tournament he's being entered in, it seems he's going to need to use it lest he die a terrible, horrifying, gruesome death.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.

Username: Aryogaton
Name: Aeon Ferrous
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Colour: Might as well.
Weapon: Usually anything he can find. Typically carries around a tool that can change shape to suit the user's needs, but it's not really made for a "weapon".
Abilities: The fact that he, unlike the rest of his population, adapts and improvises in any situation. Can easily find solutions to problems that were previously believed unsolvable.
Description: Not much in the way of physical strength, but fast and has good reflexes. Prefers to think his way out of a problem instead of brute-forcing it.
Biography: In his town, serves a number of different jobs, ranging from mechanic to teacher. Is known to adapt to whatever situation he is placed in, being able to find a solution using limited resources.
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by dexexe1234.

cyber95 Wrote:PawntoD4, I like your character, but that text colour is mildly blinding.

*reads article on TV Tropes*
Oh, okay, I guess that it's Schrodigner's Gun.

Dragon, I'll put you in the roster, then. Your font is a little hard to read, maybe something slightly darker like this?

I wonder if Nobor Puss entered the vacuum cleaner. It seems kind of pointless to enter a vacuum cleaner into a tournament.

Funny is allowed, but it should try to be done in moderation.

Oh, and dex, I just reread your character's bio. At the end it says that he's invited into the tournament, but nobody knows if they're in the tournament or not. They're just plucked out of their world with no warning whatsoever. I could probably write this in as an exception, I suppose.
oops... sorry about that! cant we work something outta this? he is vey unstable, so he may not even know that hes in a tournament!
Re: The Grand Battle [Signups!]
Originally posted on MSPA by g0m.

I like how the last link on the Schrodigner's Gun page is to MSPaintAdventures. Full circle!
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.