Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War

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Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
[Image: 1.png]
The year is 1917. War rages over Duckope, the largest war in history. Millions have already died, and millions more have yet to lay down their lives.

A lone private stands in the battlefield. The rest of his squad was destroyed in a bomb blast. Now he stands alone, unsure of what he should do next. Unbeknownst to him, he is about to become the greatest war hero of all time.

In fact, I'm betting you know his name already.
RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Commander Drake
RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Sir Quackington of Upper Smythe.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Hey, hey, it even says it - "War rages over Duckope." The main character is Duckope.
RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
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RE: Private [UNKNOWN]'s Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Large Dillweed
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
[Image: 2.png]
That's right!

[Image: 3.png]
Oh bother! It looks like our hero is in a spot of trouble! What shall he do to escape this predicament?
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Fly. He's got wings, doesn't he?
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
Invert the time axis along the entropic front.

Alternatively, just enter the trench. That's what they're for.
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
> Fire a grenadine out the jacuzzi or whatever it's called.
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
become the greatest war hero of all time
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
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RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War

[Image: 4.png]

It doesn't seem to be having much of an effect! It appears our hero has yet to undergo the required training "How to Remain Attached to a Gatling Gun"

[Image: 5.png]

Supreme General McRun'n'Shoot arrives at the scene in a hurry! It seems that he has a special mission that only DRAKE BUFFLEHEAD, FUTURE GREATEST WAR HERO OF ALL TIME could complete! But what could it possibly be?
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
> Go and get hoagies for everyone in the company.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
> Infiltrate enemy lines and steal their breadcrumb rations. Then discover their breadcrumb supply line and cripple it.
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
become a mole. start digging
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
>seconding breadcrumb infiltration
Look at this beautiful lamp egg:

[Image: B2skh0Y.png]

Some fear for what it will hatch into. But not me. I'm not silly!
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
> Engage in some fowl play.
Does really cute mice people, vibrant characters/backgrounds and the most adorable art style you've ever seen interest you? Read Great Haven.

Have you ever wanted to save a bunch of kids from dying horribly in a nightmare dreamscape? Read Lucidstuck
RE: Private Bufflehead's Adventures in The Pretty Decent War
go bury all your dead friends, lol