
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
(05-03-2013, 05:48 PM)Granolaman Wrote: »I'm sure this is a bug for exactly no one, but whenever I use internet explorer from my school's computer, the advanced reply screen appears unaligned.

Mainly, the smilies box floats into the message box, and the message box extends down past its border.

nope that's me too
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I'm not positive, but I think you may find that that goes away with a wider window. (The only way I've found to replicate it, at any rate, is to have a less-wide window.)

Anyway, that'll be dealt with as part of the next thing I'm aiming to work on, which is an overhaul of the theme that'll fix a bunch of table bugs, clean some things up, and generally make things look nicer.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but my settings screen repeatedly tells me the threads I'm subscribed to have new posts in them, I go to look, and there's no new post: just the same last page dated from 3 days ago or a week ago or whatever.
I believe they also get bumped in the forum index when this happens.
Is it something intentional about subscriptions or people editing old posts, or is it a bug?

I'll screencap this next time I see it come up
"The parties are advised to chill." - Supreme Court of the United States, case opinion written by Justice Souter
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
When editing the main post of the topic, the character limit for the title is 85. When replying, the character limit for the response should be 89 to allow the presence of the string "RE: " or the string shouldn't be editable.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I've seen some forums where if you edit a post within, say, a minute of originally posting it, no notification of editing shows up. Would that be possible to do here?
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
MyBB doesn't appear to have that functionality built in by default, but it looks like it should be something that can be added in. I'll take a more detailed look later and see whether it's doable.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Is it possible to modify the "Search Thread" thing to be capable of bringing up all posts made by a specific member?
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
i call mod abuse

e: nvm... for now
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
skiz is drunk w/ control
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Other notable feedback picked up from this experiment:

Quote:12:38 donatapocalypse um
12:38 donatapocalypse what's happening with et orums
12:38 Dalm ??
12:38 donatapocalypse like everything is melon
12:38 DragonFogel Schazer's abusing her power.
12:38 bigro schazer happened
12:38 GenTrigger I know it wasn't intentional yo.
12:38 isoraqathedh What do you mean, abusing power?
12:38 Dalm OMG
12:38 donatapocalypse all "e"s are melons
12:38 Schazer pffffbt
12:38 Schazer all es are melons yes
12:38 Dalm That's so glorious
12:38 cyber95 gen you can believe that if you want
12:38 PickYerPoison wtf
12:38 donatapocalypse schazer
12:38 donatapocalypse why
12:39 PickYerPoison no it's not all e's
12:39 Dalm I'm happy
12:39 donatapocalypse most of em
12:39 PickYerPoison i'm looking at a lot of e's that arne't like that
12:39 cyber95 you're right pyp schazer fix that the uppercase E's aren't filtered
12:39 Schazer not all e's, said Pyp
12:39 DragonFogel It's true, I see a bunch of e's that aren't affected.
12:39 Dalm not all es
12:39 Schazer oh right I know why
12:39 Schazer because it can't parse smilies without a space after them
12:40 GenTrigger NOT ALL E's
12:40 Schazer look at this fucking post
12:40 Schazer
12:40 PickYerPoison it also gets the second e in never
12:40 PickYerPoison and in they
12:40 Akumu PYP: "not all e's"

Quote:12:41 NotTheAuthor It looks like Es followed by l's are sometimes immune?
12:41 NotTheAuthor Your own signature, for ex
12:41 bigro schazer replace all vowels
12:41 Akumu I before E, except when a melon

Quote:12:46 NotTheAuthor oh no
12:46 NotTheAuthor it CHANGED
12:46 donatapocalypse schazer no
12:46 DragonFogel What the heck, you added eagles in too?
12:47 cyber95 oh god
12:47 bigro img
12:47 Schazer oh my god it just keeps getting worse and worse as I add more in
12:47 NotTheAuthor
12:47 bigro oh god
12:47 donatapocalypse schazer you're gonna break i
12:47 infrared THE EAGLECALYPSE
12:48 Chwoka what in the world is happening oh my god
12:48 Schazer best forum glitch
12:48 DragonFogel Schazer, you're breaking the tags adding in the emoticons.
12:48 infrared WOOP ZOOP, THE END HAS COME
12:48 NotTheAuthor OH MY GOD
12:48 Dalm [Image: yhoQtKu.gif]
12:48 donatapocalypse rip eagletime

Quote:12:47 Hobbesy [Image: 91vy2.png]
12:47 Hobbesy wat
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
The true extent of the damage, courtesy of Akumu, in all its animated glory (gif warning, obviously)
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs

User Control Panel (Edit Profile) and User Profiles now have a Pronouns field under Additional Information. I'd like people to avoid using it to make tasteless jokes, so the character limit is on the short side, but anyone's welcome to petition me via PM if their needs aren't being met.

The names of the various fields under Contact Information have had their names changed, but this is purely cosmetic. The links don't work and ICQ only accepts numerals, so that's "favourite number" in the interim. I can't actually add or remove any either, but hopefully this proves useful to people.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I figured the linking would be the tricky part.

(mainly posting this because of the "hey look, the thread's not counting the posts properly and it's showing an extra page that doesn't exist" bug)
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Guys are you still working on that spoiler button? No hurries but manually typing spoilers is so tiresome.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Straight answer: No, because I can only tweak things which are prepackaged in the Admin Control Panel, and the layout of the advanced text edit box isn't there.

Pines can do it, given the time, but he hasn't had the availability and energy to be around as much as I'd (and, I hopessume, he'd) like.

There's odds and ends all over the forum which need a good looking-into, and I'd only consider bringing on someone else to look under the hood if Pines himself suggested it.

I'm pretty tired from car school, so apologies if that came off more snippy/tyrannical than intended. That's about the honest where we're at for all "how's progress on X" queries.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
That's fine. I don't think having someone else is imperative, we can manage like this 'til Pines gets time/energy to tweak the forum (if he wants to, of course).
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
It's actually possible to delete your own threads, which... I think is something we were previously unaware of? I've never heard of that being a thing before.
It's not a case of "someone asked for this thread to be deleted" it's "someone realised they had that power and then executed it".
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
There's a notification if you try to delete posts that deleting the first post of a thread will delete the entire thread. I'd noticed it but hadn't really thought about it before.

Is it possible to remove the thread-deleting permissions from most users without affecting other permissions? If people want to delete a thread for some reason, they can ask an administrator who can then decide how to handle it.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Good afternoon forumancers and csstylists, I come today with a request to anybody who knows a lick about coding forums! As evidenced by the lack of activity in this thread, we the forum have had a bunch of changes we'd like implemented, but have not made happen between my computing incompetence and Pines' gainful employment.

It would be cool if we could get things like the preview/advanced pages and user profiles to be more streamlined/useful for people. If anyone's interested, we can make a mirror forum for any interested individuals/groups to mess around with. Changes which work can then be copied over to the forum proper, and due credit given.

If you're interested, please get in touch with Pines or me! Probably me because Pinary's going to be away. We'll basically give you free reign to mess around in a sandbox copy of the forum, so feel free to try out for it even if it'll be a learning ground for learning to use CSS in MyBB (the forum software Eagle Time uses). Even if we get one good tweak like a Spoiler button on Advanced Editing, I'd consider that a solid outcome for this endeavour.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I used to admin a forum way back in the day that ran MyBB. We tweaked buttons and stuff too. I'm no expert on the field of web coding but I'm sure I could get some minor things implemented if there isn't anyone better at that sorta thing (and I'm sure there is on a forum like this).

I can, however, design websites? (or at least do the project management, check out my portfolio website in my signature! Built from the ground up in Adobe Muse)
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I'm a codey-type chap who is at least vaguely aware of CSS and how it works. So maybe I'm interested?
I could probably accomplish something useful. The question is just if I'd ever get around to it. But I might!
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Is there any way we can implement a countdown timer plugin? I'm so horribly tired of calculating timezone differences when deadlines are set. With a plugin like this we can just put things down like "Battle Signups close in xx:xx:xx" and not have to worry about stupid calculationary things. Stupid round planet.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Hmm. It's possible; I'll look into that and see if there's something simple we can put in. As a stopgap, you could always use "X hours from this post" or some such.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs is also a neat stopgap.
RE: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Can we make emails hidden by default? When I first joined it took me a little while to find out that the email I used for registration was visible to everybody, and it kind of freaked me out when I noticed it.