2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip

2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
So hey. I love travelling, and frankly I haven't done enough of that in my life. It is a problem.

Thankfully work these days has given me the freedom to take it with me wherever! And so, cross-country travelling expert Wheat and I are organizing a Summer Roadtrip. We're hoping to visit some of y'all Eagles in North America, check out local places and whatnot, maybe do some camping or sight-seeing in spots, and so on. As it sits, I can take up to a month or so to road-trip, so depending on our collective gumption, our range can extend all over the US, and into Canada. Mostly depends on where we're going, and who wants to hang out!

Personally, I'd like to see the deserts out west, and Wheat mentioned wanting to check out the northern Great Lakes area. A few folks have voiced an interest in doing little micro-roadtrips with us too, maybe do some camping and such with us before we mosey on. There's no hard and fast plans yet, other than hoping to visit and hang out with interested folks. As a rough guideline, we're hoping to plan things out this spring, and get the proverbial show on the literal road some time this summer.

So yeah, are you interested in being visited upon by some nerds? Maybe showing us some places or doing some regional sightseeing? Or just meeting up for coffee while we're passing through? Let us know, so we can make the thing happen!

(04-21-2018, 08:32 AM)Wheat Wrote: »if you want to meet up, list:

-whereabouts you'd be for a meet up
-what time of year, times of week and times of day you're generally available
(-what kind of thing you're looking to do

we're gonna make much more concrete plans about a route once we get enough input about who can do what and when. accommodations will be made and we're more likely to make a trip to a certain part of the continent if there's a bunch of available people along a route.

(04-25-2018, 11:48 PM)Sunspider Wrote: »To make it a little easier to roughly plan out where and who all we can visit, I'd like to make a map of where the interested folks are at.
Here's a link to the map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nmH3hI...sp=sharing

NOTE: I think you need to be logged in to Google to edit it, unfortunately. If anyone has issues with this, just lemme know where you want to pin and I'll add you manually!
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
firs- dang it!
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
i'm not far from the northern great lakes area in question and i'd be down for it
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
I am in the ORegon and will probably be available on weekends and weekdays past 3-5ish for the foreseeable future

Not the PortLAnd but also not the eAStern but I'd feel more comfy PMing absolute town names and all that jazz, yeah?

(Coffee sounds cool with cool folks like you two! Maybe a concert if there happens to be one on the day, we get lots cheapo at this local place)
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RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Sweet! Have fun, y'all, keep us updated w/ a few pictures, will ya? 8)
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
I'm in Edmonton, Alberta (Ed's location is unfortunately a joke so we can't hang out in person) and I have a very open schedule.

Not too sure what we'd do, probably just hang out and talk and make bad jokes like we usually do, only in person this time.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
I'm in Kelowna, BC, Canada, (The Moon) and I doubt that'd be on the way but look

if i were to meet up with people i have so many board games

so many
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Wheat and I are starting out from the Ohio/Michigan area, in the American midwest. And part of me would definitely like to see the Northwest, and Oregon/Washington/Alberta/BC are near enough! But if we do end up going that far, I am going to hike a mountain, see the rainforests, and swim in the ocean. It's non-negotiable.

As for events, I am a boardgame nerd, and a game night would be absolutely great. Checking out local music would be awesome as well! Loather mentioned doing a short camping trip in the Great Lakes area possibly. I'm almost always down for outdoorsy stuff like that too! Also, if folks don't have ideas for stuff to do in their area, once we've got a rough route, I was gonna look into local sights and obscure places and such, to help hash out a plan.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
come to maryland! the north-of-DC area

All times of year! Just let me know a month in advance for 100% reliable availabitly!
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RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Mike knows where I live and I'd be down to grab some grub or show you around if you come on a week end
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Not in the UniStates, but I wish you guys luck on your journey!! ouob
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
It could be neat to go from the east to west coast. My ambition may be the end of me, but I still kinda want to.

Also! To make it a little easier to roughly plan out where and who all we can visit, I'd like to make a map of where the interested folks are at.
Here's a link to the map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nmH3hI...sp=sharing

NOTE: I think you need to be logged in to Google to edit it, unfortunately. If anyone has issues with this, just lemme know where you want to pin and I'll add you manually!
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
-Now to about mid-june: Richmond
-I'm down to show y'all around. Lots of great stuff here to see, do, and eat.
-mid-june to mid-august, minus a week in the middle: DC
-IDK not a local! Whatever!
-Only definite no: Concerts. Too loud for me.
~◕ w◕~
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Hi! I am travelling around a bunch this summer but I am free:

-July 1st to August 1st: Nashville, TN! My home town, I know it well and there is a ton of fun stuff - music, art, food, etc.

-After August 5th(ish): Champaign-Urbana area IL. I will have just moved here so idk what there is for sightseeing.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Ayyy, hit me up if you happen to be traveling through Columbus at any point, I should be free just about all summer.

I'm pretty much up for whatever, Columbus has some good zoos and museums and parks and food places, just let me know what you're interested in.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
-I'm p stuck in Monmouth, Oregon. I don't have good transit options typically (though there is a bus that comes through), and I can be reclusive. In wine country tho
-I'm open most all times of the year, most all times of the day and week. Except for when I am asleep, and my exact hours of waking and sleeping vary. If we try and plan smth a month or so ahead, or even two weeks, I could p much guarantee an exact waking cycle.
- I am broke almost 100% of the time, but I could plan ahead for showing you a cool place to eat out. We have like 4 or so inch thick burritos, p good chinese food (separate mandarin menu if you know it), and lots of other stuff. I can also introduce you to the lady a block over who runs the Fed Ex and talk about how you're a friend and contribute to a community I value (this one is basically "hi Mother figure, this is a cool friend"), or if I have extra weed things we could listen to 4lung or stuff you like while high. There's also like an oregon history museum and a rly nice cemetery. If you want to visit things outside of the monmouth area I'm happy to (chaperone?) and generally hang out to make tourism less awkward, or get ideas of places to go around the state.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
If you guys ever wind up in Florida I'm in the Orlando area and would love to meet up with you guys! I'm free pretty much most of the time except for a week in July possibly when I'll be up in Maine. Heck if tha'ts more convenient we may even be able to meet up there, even tho it's way out near nothing but a lake. I've got my own transportation and stuff, and I know of some great, relatively inexpensive things to do in the area! There's a springs near where I live that's a lot of fun, and if you hit me up on a Tuesday evening I can even take you to my tabletop games event.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Yet another Ohioan here (SW Ohio/basically Cincinnati). I have free availability, provided you let me know ahead of time. The only note is I am your stereotypical gay who can't drive (and not out to my parents yet), so I might be harder to work around but I'd love to meet with you all.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
i'm an oregonian too, in willamette "damn it" valley. i don't know if i can offer a room and i don't know of anything to do around here and i hate outdoorsy stuff but you can meet my cat and marvel at the existence of a drive-in movie theater in a part of the world where it rains for 3/4ths of the year
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
I'm in Ellensburg, WA for like the next year and a half probably. School isn't a thing for me from mid-june to september so that time would be chill, also the town will be dead because all the students go home

I know some good local coffee shops, we can do drawing games, my roommates know how to chill better than I do but there's a lot of us, so ye Meloncooly
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RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
whats my user name on here again

come eat a chungle bungle in the boro o' queens
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Hey all! Posting live from the road, since I forgot to post or even update the thread before we left. Whoops! I am the worst at travel blogging. We've worked out most of our route, on the way to and from the west coast, and made plans with the folks we're going to be able to visit. If you haven't heard from us, don't worry; we're not going to show up at your house unannounced or whatever! We tried to fit as many stops as possible, but are limited by time, distance, and wanting to avoid the heat down south. If you still wanna hang and aren't on this northwesterly route, we're still hoping to do other shorter trips in future!

Anywho, Wheat and I just left a few hours ago, after repacking the car to fit all the gear we'll need for month on the road. Currently driving north toward our first stop, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, headed for Tahquamenon Falls, the Pictured Rocks, and some nice stretches of Great Lakes coastline. Hoping to find some authentic Yooper pasties (kinda like beef stew in a pastry/calzone shell), some smoked fish, and other nice stuff on the way. Complicating the trip is a bit of recrent flooding, and roads that are currently under water or otherwise closed. We should be able to make our way on through by taking a few detours, so here's hoping! Gonna camp the next 2 nights as we start driving west and north, and make our way toward our first visit with DragonFogel in Canada!

Will update the thread to post pictures of all the pretty Upper Peninsula coastline and stuff when we can!
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
One thing I've been wondering about all this -- have you and Wheat ever met in person before this? Traveling across the country for a month with somebody I'd mostly only known through the internet (and not for very long, either) is not something I would be comfortable with.

I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, of course, more curious what your thoughts are on that aspect of it.
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
This is a really cool thing to do. I hope everyone involved has a lot of fun!
RE: 2018 Wayward Eagles Roadtrip
Looking forward to seeing you! Let me know if you've got any particular ideas for what you'd like to do here.