Medium Difficulty (reboot)

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Medium Difficulty (reboot)
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Go check right now. RIGHT NOW.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Answer it. Oh god oh god answer it.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Oh, come on. You can't honestly say you aren't curious about what kind of ridiculous over-the-top thing Harrigan did with the You Have Been Tricked text.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
remove harrigan from your contacts
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Now you're /definitely/ not going to look out the window. You're going to draw the curtains, just to be safe. the files anyway. Maybe you can troll the 'gan back later.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
fridge modus: it's a fridge
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
modus modus: every item uses its own uniquely-themed modus

denial modus: i don't not have this inventory item!!!

recursive modus: recursion will continue until item is reached...

cuil modus: items are assigned to layers of abstraction. each retrieval is a risky foray into the unknown.

tangram modus: make shape of requested item with tangrams
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Cloud modus: Can access inventory as a handy list of items, but only when there's access to wifi (or access to 3G, but data charges apply)
[Image: 6LGz4x9.png]
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
>Spite Modus: Things fly out of your inventory when you're really (and legitimately) frustrated at them.

>Maslow Modus: Items are ordered on how physically necessary and important they are for you to function (physiologically first, and then otherwise) or progress from bottom to top. You can only take from the bottom-most card.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Trick Modus: You can only pick up or use an item if you get linked to the trick thread and fall for it.

If you recognize the link, or just go there yourself, it doesn't count. You have to legitimately be tricked.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Denial modus: You refuse to believe in modi. There are no restrictions as to what you pick up except for the size of your pockets and/or backpack. In other words, reality.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Chicken-and-egg Modus: If you captchalogue an item, you can only eject a POULTRYGEIST ghost-clone of the item. If you can find a "logical" match for the item and also captchalogue it (a seed for an apple, a handful of sand for a wineglass, leaves for something made out of paper), then both items can now be ejected - however you can't eject one, they have to be ejected simultaneously.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
forum adventure modus, every item becomes it's own forum adventure, and then you have to suggest things to coax it out of the modus
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
> Cobalt modus - items are retrived the moment you think of them, no matter what.
> Compass modus - Items are retrived based on your directional orientation
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
> Fancy Santa Modus: all items stored in the sylladex turn into fancy santas.

And they can't turn back.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Sarcasm Modus: items are retrieved only when you pretend you don't want them, by pretending that you want them.

' wow. A toaster would be sooooo useful right now.'
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
fuck this shit modus: you don't know what it does and you don't want to know
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Well, start by attempting to put something in it.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
mourn the loss of never getting to experience fancy santa modus
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Get those pens on the desk.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Straighten that picture.