Ignore This

Ignore This
Ignore This
I meant to hit the Save Draft button and accidentally hit the Post button.

Update: I just learned that I have no idea how to delete threads. Sorry for this inconvenience :c
I have no son.
RE: Ignore This
Want I should delete this?

I mean... it's a perfectly good thread. It'd be a shame to waste it.
RE: Ignore This
>don't ignore this thread
RE: Ignore This
>its ok
RE: Ignore This
>Get ye flask
RE: Ignore This
>Retrieve arms from the Save Draft button
RE: Ignore This
Is this thread replacing Half in the Bag the new Wrong Forum Please Ignore?
RE: Ignore This
(04-20-2018, 05:28 AM)Bobert Wrote: »Is this thread replacing Half in the Bag the new Wrong Forum Please Ignore?

No, but this thread is replacing Re:View replacing Ignore This.

Don't Ignore This <-- click on that and ignore this thread like intended
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: Ignore This
I remember when this person made a thread on the old MSPA forums asking you to ignore because they made it seemingly by mistake and then Dalm spun a whole weird and unique story out of it by hijacking the thread, it was fucking cool.
RE: Ignore This
I was literally going to do this, until you posted this message.

You've stolen the idea right out of my head. Such an affront, I cannot ignore.
RE: Ignore This
Whoops, I have committed a sin.

You can steal do it if you want. (Because I crave novelty.)
RE: Ignore This
Fuck I just realised I did a pun by accident. "STILL" I MEANT "STILL DO IT", I've made a fool of myself.
RE: Ignore This
I am not equipped with this accidental thread's growth of things actually happening.
I have no son.
RE: Ignore This
>equip a dagger to protect yourself from forumites rabid for content
RE: Ignore This
Hi there, whoever else can see this.

I'm the main character of a story that never got told, on an adventure that didn't start. The OP made me, then... well, they sorta left me to fend for myself I guess. All I know about their original intentions comes the message they left when I was created.

[Image: 7HrnXuA.png]

Quote:> Ignore This
Quote:> I have no son.

Don't get me wrong, I've been doing my absolute best to ignore my own existence. That's what The OP asked of me, you know? But sometimes it's hard.

All I am is something that exists. That's all I can do! The OP didn't write a setting, or leave some plot notes or anything. And they never taught me how to delete myself either, so I just keep on existing. I drift on toward Page 2 and 3 of the Last Post list, and I hear the voices of all the other abandoned adventures in there... and to be real honest, I get kinda scared? Existing forever, but frozen in stasis? I really don't want to end up like that.

So, today... well, I got to thinking that maybe I'd want to be something else. Maybe I could be my own narrator, I guess? But I'm no good at figuring out what to do with myself. What kind of story I should be.

You all seem to be pretty good with telling stories, though. So, maybe you guys can help me out?
RE: Ignore This
>Be the narrator!
>What about a fantasy setting with cute dragons and... clowns... A lot of clonws?!
> OR something spoopy, like ghosts and ghost-busting?!
> that's sure a good setting.
>ghosts. hehehe
Duck, duck, duck, duck, GHOOST.
RE: Ignore This
Well, you're in some kind of weird space between active and abandoned adventures right now, if I'm understanding correctly. So let's start by making the most of your circumstances and see what we can find by exploring the place.

Maybe we'll find a plot hook! Or some characters to interact with! No way to know until we try, right?
RE: Ignore This
>I can be your narrator
RE: Ignore This
> We can clothe you in flesh and blood, give you a real existence. Just tell me how many lives must we sacrifice.
RE: Ignore This
Let’s burn things!
RE: Ignore This
There is an option.
One that bears a terrible price.
You already know the price.
(You always have.)
And have already come to a decision long ago.
All that is left is to affirm the choice you have always made, the answer to the riddle unspoken.
Say that word, and it will be so.

RE: Ignore This
3 New Messages!Show
Wow, okay. That went dark places pretty fast.

I'm glad you're getting into the spirit! But... er, maybe we can wait on the blood sacrifices or ritual arson or whatever? That seems a little extreme for the start of the story.

'Sides, I already retrieved "my arms" from the Save Draft box. Someone suggested that earlier, before I started writing. I guess people leave unused bits of other adventures in there or something? But anyway, that's what's letting me reply to you, so I'm probably good for now. Let's avoid any sacrifices for now?

(04-28-2018, 08:38 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »>I can be your narrator

Aww dang. That's really thoughtful, and I appreciate it. But I'm finally getting psyched up to do this. Let me give it a shot for a bit, though I'll keep your offer in mind? For the time being, though, please feel free to help out with the brainstorming and whatever!

(04-28-2018, 07:49 PM)LammarWesley Wrote: »>Be the narrator!
>What about a fantasy setting with cute dragons and... clowns... A lot of clonws?!
> OR something spoopy, like ghosts and ghost-busting?!
> that's sure a good setting.
>ghosts. hehehe

Clowns? Don't get me started on the clowns. I swear, some nights I can hear their big floppy shoes scampering around. If you want spooky, clowns are nightmare fuel enough for me.

Ghosts though? Ghosts can be fun. So are cute dragons! Cute dragon ghosts maybe? I'unno. Let's keep workshopping this. I bet there's a good story here.

(04-28-2018, 08:01 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Well, you're in some kind of weird space between active and abandoned adventures right now, if I'm understanding correctly. So let's start by making the most of your circumstances and see what we can find by exploring the place.

Maybe we'll find a plot hook! Or some characters to interact with! No way to know until we try, right?

That's a good idea! I bet there's a lot of cool stories and plot hooks out there! Definitely more than are in this room, right?

Oh, wait. You can't see anything in here, can you? I should be describing the area or something. That's part of the narrator's job, right?

Well, here goes.

You are in a square room. There's a door on the other end of the room that says "Leave". Where you're at now, there's a desk where you've been reading the messages you have been leaving. Er... or rather, where you've been reading messages from... other people? Who are also you?

Anyway, there's a box with a lid in the corner that says "Save Draft". That's where you found my arms. I mean, your arms. And you have a bed you've been sleeping in when things get quiet around here. Some other little things around, but it's a pretty plain room, I'm not gonna lie.

Okay. I guess I should try the "Leave" door next. I hope there's cool stuff out there like you said! Though I should probably narrate this too...

Let's see. So, you're crossing the room over to the door. Going to try opening it. You've got the door knob now. You're turning it. Okay, it turns. Now You're pushing it... nghh. The door is stuck? It won't open!

Dang it! I really wanted to see what was out there...
RE: Ignore This
Feel free to first-person narrate if that makes things easier for you.

Is there a key in the Save Drafts box, perhaps?

If not, can you describe some of the other objects in the room? They might help you escape.
RE: Ignore This
Does the desk have any drawers to rummage/loot?
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Ignore This
>If you look out the window, you'll see a bust of Ben Stiller blocking the door