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[Image: Y7HuBE5.png]

It's cold.

Why are you out?
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> Because you were making your way down town, walking fast, away from that strange shadow with a lot of eyes blinking at you. Pretty normal day!
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> Alligators, man.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
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>do a dance to warm up
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
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Because they couldn't keep you in, no matter how hard they tried
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>Alligators have claimed all your furniture again. No place to sit or sleep.
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To improve your resistance to ice magic, obviously.
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Family troubles.

They're... good people. But you really, really don't enjoy being around them.

(It's not impossible that they're a bunch of giant alligators.)
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
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You need to find a replacement water control chip for your vault's water purification machine
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>Because outside is your only option.
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>Your adoptive parent is a great and powerful ice wolf. Currently, they're not in greatest of moods, and it's way safer to be cold outside than to freeze at home. They've always been slightly mentally unstable.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
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> Your dad's the King of the Ice Realm, but he can't even keep his cool when the Fire Nation representatives come over to flame him. The fight's getting pretty heated inside, so you escaped for some much-needed chill time. Still, it was pretty cold of you to leave without notice.
I have no son.
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>Because the outside is your kingdom, ruled with chill dignity despite chilly times. You w-wouldn't have it any other way. Except maybe with another sweater.
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(12-10-2017, 02:57 PM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »> Alligator-man.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]