Sheep: Sheep!

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Sheep: Sheep!
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
hey, doin' better than I thought I might
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
11. What is the worst pokemon?
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
12. What is the best Mario spinoff game?
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
FINAL QUESTION: What is the gayest video game?

Which means our winner is...

Final scores:

Thank you all for playing in this... atypical round of sheep. I'm fairly certain that this is probably one of the lowest scoring games we've had, but it was interesting to see everyone's different answers on these questions.
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
Still the sheepchamp.Meloncooly

also look at some of those bad bad pokemon answers

Also also, I knew Mario Golf GBA wouldn't be a sheep answer but it's THE TRUTH, DANGIT.
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
What is this, I was only eight points behind first place, that's ridiculous. I should be way further behind than that.
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
i have to thank a52 both for hosting this and also introducing me to dream daddy.

i still think bastard bonds is gayer but this is nice.
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
[Image: unknown.png]
It's like I'm psychic...

(07-22-2017, 08:28 PM)a52 Wrote: »Anything after gen 4: a52
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
I don't really know how I managed fourth, feel like I missed quite a bunch.

Anyway, thanks for the game a52, I never get to be a sheeple so I appreciate this side of it.

This is the blog for my game I'm making for real its happening
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
"undertale is the gayest" - lots of people

welp time to reference undertale and anger everyone
oh hey
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
good game yall

I'm really surprised Mario Sunshine wasn't the sheep answer; isn't that the game no one can stop talking about how good it is? Not even just that it wasn't the sheep answer, but that NO ONE else said it...
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
People generally consider Sunshine to be part of the main series, and the question was about spinoffs.

I mean, I guess you can argue that between the 3D exploration games and the 2D platforming games, it's not clear what the "main series" is at this point, but at the time Sunshine was released it was pretty clearly a follow-up to Mario 64.
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
Thousand Year Door was the genuinely correct answer and I didn't even think of it, Party and Karty seemed like locks.

This is the blog for my game I'm making for real its happening
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
oi lost
RE: Sheep: Sheep!
i have no regrets
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