Vox Mentis

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Vox Mentis
Vox Mentis
[Image: gvd9n2S.png]

"Look, he's coming around."

"No, their eyes always do that."

"Did you shut off the optic nerve?"

"Of course I did."

Pressure. Right eye.



"Get the-"

"Too late, forget it. Take it out."

"It's not too late. Hold him."

Smell of alcohol. Stale urine.

"Nick? Can you hear me?"

Pressure. Right eye.

"Get his-"

Fingers around wrist.

"Nick, it's important that you not touch your face."

"Why is he conscious?"

"I don't know."

"You fucked something up."

"No I didn't. Give me that."

hnnnnn hnn

"Stop moving."

Hot breath. Right ear.

"There is a needle in your eyeball. Do not move."

bip bip bip

"Shit. Shit."


"They're here."


"Two of them it says. We need to go."

"I'm already in though."

"You can't do it when he's conscious anyway. You'll fry his brain."

"I mean, I probably won't."

Dry mouth.

"Pbbbbleeez duuu nt kllll meee."

snap snap

"I'm doing it."

"You can't do it when he's conscious, we're out of time, and he probably isn't even the guy."

"If you're not going to help, get out of the way."

Nose tickling.

"I... need... to... sneeze."

"Sneezing's looking like a bad move at this point, Nick."

Weight on chest. Eyeball rotating in socket.

"This might hurt."

snk whrrrrrrr CHNK


"You're toasting him."

"You're okay, Nick. You're okay."

"He's... gross, he's bleeding from his eye."

"Nick, I need you to answer a couple of important questions, okay? It's very important that you answer truthfully. Do you understand?"


"First question. Would you say you're more of a cat person or a dog person?"


RE: Vox Mentis
You were more into goldfish honestly and AAAAGGGHHH.
RE: Vox Mentis
shittt they know you're an anime catgirl
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Vox Mentis
Fuck with them. Say you're a dog person, but in reality, you like cats.
RE: Vox Mentis
Oh god you're allergic to both.
RE: Vox Mentis
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RE: Vox Mentis
(03-16-2015, 11:03 PM)SupahKiven Wrote: »Oh god you're allergic to both.
RE: Vox Mentis
Cat person, but seriously what does that have to do with this horrifying procedure guys?! Nothing, right? Nothing?
~◕ w◕~
RE: Vox Mentis
(03-16-2015, 08:38 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »shittt they know you're an anime catgirl
RE: Vox Mentis
[Image: gvd9n2S.png]


"Come on, Nick. Dog or cat?"

Shit is this about the anime stuff I thought I cleared my hist-

"The fuck is that? I can't read this. This is why we don't do it when they're conscious."

Uhh dog i'm a dog person-

"Lying. See that there?"


White hot pain. Screaming.

"Answer the questions, Nick. Truthfully. The pain stops when you answer the questions."


"Was that cat?"

"Yeah. He tried to say cat."

"Good. Very good. One down. What's your favorite color?"


"Oh, fuck!"


"Wolf's here!"

"That can't be right."

"It says it right fucking here!"

"Show me. Come on, Nick, favorite color?"

RE: Vox Mentis
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RE: Vox Mentis
#5 is a great color
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Vox Mentis
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Vox Mentis
RE: Vox Mentis
Blue no yellow
RE: Vox Mentis
[Image: gvd9n2S.png]

Blue no yellow purple red RED RED AHHHH RED RED RED

"He responded. You see?"

"Yes, I saw! Who cares? We have to leave. We have to leave."

"Nick, I want you to think of a number between one and a hundred."

"Oh, Jesus."

"Any number you like. First one in that range that pops into your head. Go on."
RE: Vox Mentis
6 6 6 6
RE: Vox Mentis
[Image: gvd9n2S.png]

"Concentrate, Nick."

"Wolf is coming and you're dicking around with a live probe on the wrong guy. Think about what you're doing."

Six six I choose six-


"I saw it."

"That's good, Nick, very good. Only two questions left. Do you love your family?"
RE: Vox Mentis
Nooooo screw those guys!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Vox Mentis
Who can truly say what love really is?
RE: Vox Mentis
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
RE: Vox Mentis
(03-17-2015, 08:05 PM)Sanzh Wrote: »What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

i don't, but I do love this song. This song can be my new family
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Vox Mentis
Why does love do this, do this to me
RE: Vox Mentis
I have a family?
RE: Vox Mentis
[Image: gvd9n2S.png]

"Look, now you just triggered a song in his head. This is bullshit."

"Concentrate, Nick. Do you love your family?"

No what kind of a- I don't have a-

"Good enough, I'm seeing something. Christ, that's weird."

"One more question. Why did you do it?"
