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RE: Valleystuck
RE: Valleystuck
Come to think of it...

RE: Valleystuck
RE: Valleystuck
RE: Valleystuck
[Image: valleystuck50.png]

Okay this dream is over. Do you want to keep following my story or go to one of my four friends?
RE: Valleystuck
> Everyone hang out together. or as many as possible.
RE: Valleystuck
RE: Valleystuck
(09-14-2012, 08:38 PM)TheBoyd Wrote: »> Everyone hang out together. or as many as possible.

(09-15-2012, 01:11 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »TO THE MALL~

Okay, well Ilun and Feni are hanging out together, so let's see them now. Bye!

[Image: valleystuck51.png]

Hey again! We're on our way to the mall and we're seeing if my boyfriend wants to come.
RE: Valleystuck
Of course he does! Just make sure you don't run into his crazy stalker.
RE: Valleystuck
(09-18-2012, 03:49 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Of course he does! Just make sure you don't run into his crazy stalker.

[Image: valleystuck52.png]

Yay! Jobaza is like, gonna hang out with us!

[Image: valleystuck53.png]


[Image: valleystuck54.png]

Wait, creepy stalker? What?


[Image: valleystuck55.png]

What should I buy for Liri?

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Valleystuck
Buy a whole load of bacon Sea Bacon, and some rolls of tape
RE: Valleystuck
Go buy some shoes.
RE: Valleystuck
No Stores Here has a lot of metafictional merchandise...
RE: Valleystuck
(12-29-2012, 10:40 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »No Stores Here has a lot of metafictional merchandise...

Actually that's just the local Black Market.

(12-29-2012, 08:40 PM)btp Wrote: »Go buy some shoes.

Shoes? What are shoes?

(12-29-2012, 08:37 PM)Jacquerel Wrote: »Buy a whole load of bacon Sea Bacon, and some rolls of tape

[Image: 242zVT0.png]

Yes, Sea Bacon is delicious. Liri will love it. 50.50$
Also I need some more sculpting tape. 20.50$

[Image: cYIPPlf.png]

Oh hello, it's Ilun, Feni and her boyfriend, Jobaza!

Feni: "Hi Cipi! Are you getting a gift for Liri too?"
Cipi: "Yes, I got her some a whole load of sea bacon."
Ilun: "hey cipi...!"
Jobaza: "Sup, Brolar Bear!"
Cipi: "..?"

Oh, he's talking to the shopkeeper.

"Gimme a 7pack of beer!"

[Image: kZvUpyp.png]

Jobaza: "Liri's turning 17 right? That means she can drink now! So this is my present for her!"
Feni: "Alright! I'll give it to her tonight. Ilun, what should we get for Liri?"

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Valleystuck
Drink all the booze.
RE: Valleystuck
> Hair products! She has awesome hair, and you can never have too many hair products.
RE: Valleystuck
(08-06-2013, 03:08 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Drink all the booze.

[Image: Fz5B5yZ.gif]

n-no... I can't risk that again........ sorry...

(08-09-2013, 03:21 AM)jack_fractal Wrote: »> Hair products! She has awesome hair, and you can never have too many hair products.

[Image: 5gO7uln.png]


Alright. Any other characters you want to hang out with or is it time for the party?

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Valleystuck
It's always time to party
RE: Valleystuck
(08-22-2013, 01:49 AM)Jacquerel Wrote: »It's always time to party

At the party...

[Image: le35PqI.png]

Liri : "Aw thanks ~ <3"

Everyone has wished me happy birthday! What a great start to the party! Let's see what everyone got me!

[Image: VkK3NSF.png]

Liri: "Periscope! Oh thank you Rasa, now I can play it whenever I want!"
Rasa: "Make sure I can come over and play with you still!"

Liri: "Sea Bacon! I love sea bacon! Thanks Cipi!"

I should probably save for later or I'll eat too much!

Liri: "Oh Taco Shampoo!! This makes me hungry! Thank you Feni and Ilun~"
Feni: "Oh! My boyfriend got you something too!"

[Image: 7exqyRr.png]

Beer! I've always wanted to try some! I down a couple of beers.

Everyone gets a can except for Ilun and Cipi.
Cipi: "I don't really want one, no thanks!"
Ilun: "Me neither..."

Feni: "Awww Ilun, but we had so much fun the last time we got drunk! Haha that's all I can remember though."
Ilun: "Oh um..... "
Feni: "Well that's fine~ ....... I didn't pressure you into drinking last time did I?"
Ilun: "No, you didn't."
Feni: "Okay!"

[Image: j6WhUJW.png]

Liri's Dad: "I.... have a present........ too."

Ilun: "eep!"

[Image: Jar7naf.png]

Liri: "Dad! *hic* You got me iriddeellllllly that's nice game..."
Rasa: "Liri, um, didn't you say your dad was working on some sort of body adaptation project at his lab?"
Liri: "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeah i guess"

Oh boy, I'm like really drunk....

Liri's Dad: "Girls........... get away from me.... .before it's too............"

[Image: KsyeMIf.png]


Oh no! Dad turned into a zombie!

[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Valleystuck
Get him drunk! That should distract him from brains for a while.
RE: Valleystuck
RE: Valleystuck
(08-23-2013, 01:14 AM)bigro Wrote: »wait dead flesh floats. No problem.

no... spirits float! not bodies!

[Image: Iwep8l7.png]

I'm too drunk and everyone but Rasa is in shock...
Looks like she will take over from here!

(08-22-2013, 04:15 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »IN THE HEAD.

[Image: anrcjfH.png]

Donning some plastic bags so I don't have to directly touch him, I use my martial arts skills....


(08-22-2013, 05:16 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Get him drunk! That should distract him from brains for a while.

[Image: XUeL68Z.png]


Everyone knows how alcohol affects the brain, but when it is consumed, the liver reduces the effects! But when I apply it directly to the brain, it should do some serious damage!

[Image: 330IE4B.png]

Well that takes care of that.

Liri: "Wow rasaa... that was awesome! lol..."
Ilun: "!!!!"
Cipi: "Where'd you learn how to do that?"
Rasa: "Not only does my father make weapons, but he taught me how to fight and handle dangerous situations so I could protect myself and my friends! Speaking of which, we should go to him. He'll know what to do... Plus he'll give us weapons so we can protect ourselves better."

[Image: 0zw7zv0.png]

Feni: "Eh, how about we go to my dad instead? He's a wizard! He'd know what to do!"

Rasa: "A wizard? You don't really believe that do you?"

Feni: "No... I've seen him do magic! Trust me he'll know what to do."

Rasa: "No, Feni, now is not the time for that. We need to go to a responsible adult like my dad!"

So? Feni's dad or Rasa's dad?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: Valleystuck
wizards can't be trusted
RE: Valleystuck
Wizards lack the methods of rationality.
RE: Valleystuck
We need to go see the wizard. the sea wizard.
~◕ w◕~