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Valleystuck - Printable Version

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Valleystuck - Crowstone - 07-09-2012

If you have triggers look in this box to check! If you don't have triggers it's not worth opening the box and spoiling plot things because triggers don't matter to you! If you do have triggers, it is obviously worth it to spoil plot points to decide if it's okay to read this!
Note: Click the spoilers! Just because they're hiding something doesn't mean they're supposed to be hidden forever!

[Image: valleystuck1.png]

My name is Lohaliri! I live in the small town of Puredale.
Today is my 17th birthday! Me and my friends had a little celebration at school today, but I am having my actual party tomorrow, when it is the weekend!

My father works at his lab in the city nearby, Teroxopolis. The lab had recently made a great scientific breakthrough, but to me that just means that he'll be coming home early! Yay!
Anyways, once he gets home, he'll give me a birthday present, and like always, it will probably be the latest cool video game. I can't wait to see what it is!

What shall I do while waiting for him to come home?

RE: Valleystuck - Schazer - 07-09-2012

Assemble your cephalopod army

RE: Valleystuck - Dragon Fogel - 07-09-2012

>Check your stock portfolio.

RE: Valleystuck - Crowstone - 07-09-2012

(07-09-2012, 11:07 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Check your stock portfolio.

Check your stock portfolio!? It takes forever tapping your request in morse code over the phone, just too look up the current values and points. Well, you could go all the way down to the stock exchange building....

(07-09-2012, 11:02 PM)Schazer Wrote: »Assemble your cephalopod army

[Image: valleystuck2.png]

You'll just have one of these little guys do it for you.

[Image: valleystuck3.png]

You write down your message on a piece of paper and give it the scent of the stock exchange. There! That's all done. You'll be able to check your stock portfolio once he comes back in a couple of hours!

Now what?

RE: Valleystuck - Schazer - 07-10-2012

Get a haircut you dirty hippie

RE: Valleystuck - Infrared - 07-10-2012

Sing a kawaii song

RE: Valleystuck - g0m - 07-10-2012

put on a diaper and fart into it

RE: Valleystuck - Loather - 07-10-2012

Great Scientific Breakthrough: Culminate in a catastrophic oil spill.
Millions: Die.
Society: Collapse.
Party: RUINED!

RE: Valleystuck - TheBoyd - 07-10-2012

Practice your singing.

RE: Valleystuck - AgentBlue - 07-10-2012

Brush your hair!

RE: Valleystuck - btp - 07-10-2012

> Take off that silly fish tail costume


> Take off that silly human head costume

RE: Valleystuck - Crowstone - 07-11-2012

(07-10-2012, 02:22 AM)g0m Wrote: »put on a diaper and fart into it

[Image: valleystuck4.png]

Mermaids can't fart. No butt hole or anything.

(07-10-2012, 05:20 PM)btp Wrote: »> Take off that silly fish tail costume
> Take off that silly human head costume

what's a human?

[Image: valleystuck4.png]

and no this is not a costume
this is my actual butt.

(07-10-2012, 03:00 AM)Loather Wrote: »Great Scientific Breakthrough: Culminate in a catastrophic oil spill.
Millions: Die.
Society: Collapse.
Party: RUINED!

Oil floats. We're underwater. We don't have to worry about that kind of stuff.
Besides, dad's work is with biology or something! Not terrascaping or anything that could involve oil spillage.
his work involves altering DNA and body structures and mutations or something?
I dunno.

[Image: valleystuck4.png]

Maybe that kind of science could make mermaids able to fart?
Ew no why am I even thinking that. Farting is for other sea creatures to do.

(07-10-2012, 12:49 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Get a haircut you dirty hippie

[Image: valleystuck5.png]

Please don't make fun of me.... :(
I really like my hair......

(07-10-2012, 09:48 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Brush your hair!

[Image: valleystuck6.png]

It's just so wonderful! ^_^
Everyone says it's really pretty!
I love it!

(07-10-2012, 12:51 AM)Ed Wrote: »Sing a kawaii song
(07-10-2012, 04:00 AM)TheBoyd Wrote: »Practice your singing.

Yes! That's it! That's my artistic interest: Singing!

[Image: valleystuck7.png]

I love singing! I'll sing a song about my hair!
I'm bad at coming up with lyrics though. We'll see how this goes!

My hair is as wonderful as my singing voice and it's awesome and cute and i'm cute and such
but one day the bad hair day happened that day and the day of the that day happened

I'm much better at singing songs that people already wrote. But I'm a beautiful singer, so I've been told. I'm not thattt great... am I?

Well you figured out one of my interests and hobbies! You just have 4 other interests to discover!

RE: Valleystuck - TheBoyd - 07-12-2012

> play some old action/adventure video game that you never got around to playing/beating.

RE: Valleystuck - g0m - 07-12-2012

If you don't have a butt hole then how do you excrete do you just not eat or what

RE: Valleystuck - Infrared - 07-12-2012

Why do you even have a fishbowl if you're underwater?

RE: Valleystuck - AgentBlue - 07-12-2012

Maybe it's time for some breakfast.

RE: Valleystuck - btp - 07-12-2012


Yes, mass consumption of food is your second interest.

RE: Valleystuck - Loather - 07-12-2012

But floating oil will still block out the sun, ruining mermaid agriculture and leading to mass starvation!

RE: Valleystuck - Crowstone - 07-12-2012


(07-12-2012, 05:41 AM)Loather Wrote: »But floating oil will still block out the sun, ruining mermaid agriculture and leading to mass starvation!

What's sunlight?

(07-12-2012, 03:22 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Maybe it's time for some breakfast.
(07-12-2012, 05:22 AM)btp Wrote: »Yes, mass consumption of food is your second interest.

It's the evening! But yeah, breakfast food for dinner is a good idea. I'll eat lightly so I can have room for my birthday cake tomorrow! <3

[Image: valleystuck8.png]

While cereal IS nice, mass consumption of food isn't my second interest-
But my favorite flavor is sweet, like this nice yummy MerFruitTorus in Chocolate Milk!

(07-12-2012, 02:02 AM)g0m Wrote: »If you don't have a butt hole then how do you excrete do you just not eat or what

You just saw me eat! So yes, we do eat food, and with the waste.... well.................

[Image: valleystuck9.png]

.......That's private.......!

(07-12-2012, 02:15 AM)Ed Wrote: »Why do you even have a fishbowl if you're underwater?

Well, similarly to the milk in the cereal I just ate, the liquid in this fishbowl is denser and immiscible in water.

[Image: valleystuck10.png]

His name is Skizby!
He can swim out whenever he wants but he likes spending time in this nutrient fluid.
He's just so cute!- and yes, that's my third interest. Cute animals are my favorite kind of animal!

(07-12-2012, 01:28 AM)TheBoyd Wrote: »> play some old action/adventure video game that you never got around to playing/beating.

Yes! That's my fourth interest! My favorite video game genre, Action/Adventure!
Good guess!

How about we play... Mooglio? I haven't played that in years. I always got stuck on level 5.

[Image: valleystuck11.png]

Sorry, my family is a bit cheap sometimes. We haven't gotten one of the new expensive Etch-Displays that can shake themselves.

[Image: valleystuck12a.png]

Ugh can't see anything

[Image: valleystuck12b.png]

Gotta shake the screen again...

[Image: valleystuck12c.png]


This game is still impossible. Maybe I'll go buy a walkthrough at the bookstore sometime.

Just one more interest to find!

RE: Valleystuck - Loather - 07-13-2012


RE: Valleystuck - AgentBlue - 07-13-2012


RE: Valleystuck - TheBoyd - 07-13-2012

(well yeah, I mean it's right there on your deviant art.)

(like, maybe actually spoilers?)

I'm no fun, :P

> Develop some sort of conflict, instead of just waiting around until tomorrow
> Alternatively, just go to sleep.

RE: Valleystuck - btp - 07-13-2012

(07-12-2012, 05:22 AM)btp Wrote: »

It was my IDE/Theory that mermaids either excrete their waste through hidden gills (probably under the armpits) or that they have a metabolism that converts whatever waste products they have into their hair. Color and texture of hair is dependent on the quality of their diet.

> yeah I guess just do some underwater things like swim and such.

RE: Valleystuck - Crowstone - 07-13-2012

Author's spoiler

(07-13-2012, 12:02 AM)Loather Wrote: »Fishing!

Fishing? You mean fish catching? No, that's the job of merfishermen.

(07-13-2012, 02:01 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Fashion!

Meh, fashion is more up Kalurefeni's alley.

(07-13-2012, 02:38 AM)TheBoyd Wrote: »> Alternatively, just go to sleep.
> Then go talk to Rasatuho
> go read some Food&Cooking Magazines.

Sleep? Now? It's not that late!

[Image: valleystuck13.png]

Yeah, let's call Rasatuho!
Can on a string logShow

[Image: valleystuck14.png]

Yes! Food & Cooking Magazines are my favorite kind of magazines! I just love cooking and making and eating food! Okay yeah, maybe you're right- mass consumption of food is an interest of mine?
Luckily I'm not fat :3

(07-13-2012, 03:53 AM)btp Wrote: »> yeah I guess just do some underwater things like swim and such.
(07-13-2012, 02:38 AM)TheBoyd Wrote: »> Develop some sort of conflict, instead of just waiting around until tomorrow

Sure let's go outside and see if my dad is home yet!

[Image: valleystuck15.png]

maybe I am a little fat.

RE: Valleystuck - AgentBlue - 07-13-2012


Get down and give me twenty laps around the living room young lady

You need to watch your figure >:c