Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]

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Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
MrGuy Wrote:> Equip that one blue necktie.
[Image: Pics012.jpg]

You equip your 8-Bit Tie.

SleepingOrange Wrote:>Hey hey hey

Fix your magnet-cube you slacker
Ugh, fine. That's a sweet buckyball configuration you're messing up, though.

[Image: Pics013.jpg]

There, happy?

GreyGabe Wrote:>Go order the next two Dresden Files books. And maybe Side Jobs too.
You've already read them, you just want to wait and get them in paperback. You'll get them one of these days, don't you worry.

btp Wrote:> Read Dead Beat

> Use the tiny fridge to cool it.
Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Read that Stephen Hawking book with a title that's hard to make out from this angle.
AgentBlue Wrote:>Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide. In one sitting!
You grab your tiny refrigerator from the top and open it up.

[Image: Pics014.jpg]

Oh hey, your orange sunglasses! You've got a terrible track record with sunglasses. You can never seem to keep track of them! How they ended up in your tiny refrigerator you may never know.

Anyway, you make with the reading.

[Image: Pics015.jpg]

Hang on, this isn't working. First off, this fridge isn't plugged in. Secondly, it won't close on this book, and even if it could, it wouldn't be insulated enough to do any appreciable cooling! You'll have to figure out a better way to chill this book if you want it to qualify as cool in the temperature sense of the word! (It is, of course, already cool in the awesomeness sense of the word.)

> _
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Initiate global cooling.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
>What's the temperature like outside? Maybe you can stick it out the window.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Summon a tiny fort of crisp refreshing coke to cool the lukewarm book.

Or maybe call one of your friends with a more thermal related ability.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
btp Wrote:Summon a tiny fort of crisp refreshing coke to cool the lukewarm book.
Sorry, but you can only summon one can at once. Gaining levels in Cokeomancy increases the number of cans per day you can summon, but you need to finish the one you're drinking before you can summon another.

btp Wrote:Or maybe call one of your friends with a more thermal related ability.
Schazer Wrote:Initiate global cooling.
Hahaha, ha. Ha.

[Image: Pics016.jpg]

Even if he was an actual friend and not a fictional character from a video game, you wouldn't dare calling him after 1:30AM again. He made it very clear last time that he has a warm White Russian at 1:25 and is asleep by 1:30 every night, and he absolutely hates being woken up.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>What's the temperature like outside? Maybe you can stick it out the window.
[Image: Pics017.jpg]

You're not sure, but you think it might be fairly cold out there.

Of course, there is a screen in the way, and even if you could get past it, it's very dark out there. You're pretty sure you'd just lose your book if you put it out the window.

> _
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
>Okay, fine, just open the window then.

Also, put on an eyepatch.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> Do some math.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> Acquire cryokinetic powers.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> Better put on a coat! (also that hat while you're at it)

(welcome ladies and gents to the Pinary dress-up sim game)
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
>Devise some sort of ninja-like equipment to get you from here to the kitchen without waking anyone up. Place book in big fridge!
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> Acquire that shopping list on the window. You need to get Canada, winter and nighttime before tomorrow!

What are you going to do????
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Wait, you said something about a mysterious box. Try opening it again!
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Okay, fine, just open the window then.

Also, put on an eyepatch.
[Image: Pics018.jpg]

MrGuy Wrote:> Do some math.
[Image: Pics019.jpg]

You do some math to figure out how wide and how far away the moon would have to be if it were to be an accurate analogy of how wide and far away we are compared to the sun. You conclude that it's way too close and way, way too large to be anything accurate. You experience a brief sensation of being nothing but a tiny speck wiling away your insignificant little blip of a life on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

btp Wrote:> Better put on a coat! (also that hat while you're at it)
You grab a coat at random and put it on to amuse some people on the internet.

Now you're wearing a hat, a coat, an eyepatch, a tie, and a pen. Do you think maybe you're wearing enough things now?

[Image: Pics020.jpg]

TimeothyHour Wrote:Wait, you said something about a mysterious box. Try opening it again!
[Image: Pics021.jpg]

Ah, the box of mysteriousness, also known as ThinkGeek's "Magic IQ Gift Box". You'd love to try opening it, but you've got no idea how. It's supposedly openable with no tools or anything, but you've never been able to manage it. You wonder if anyone on the internet has any ideas.

> _
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Just sorta... slide the box outta the things?
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Grab two opposite corners and pull- try each set of opposite corners, I'm not sure which ones they are.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> If you bash it hard enough against the wall it will permanently open!
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
> Use that sonic screwdriver on your bookshelf.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Godbot Wrote:> Use that lightsaber on your bookshelf.

Astute as always!
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Equip box in mouth.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Ask the INTERNET for help!

Oh. Waaaaaait.
Re: Pics or it Didn't Happen [Photoventure]
Those wooden panels don't seem very sturdy

> Cop a feel on the box's woodwork
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.