The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
to all you jobseekers out there: you should totally work at an amazon warehouse if.....

-you're okay with being given Thursday-Monday, 55-hour work weeks with days that go from 6am to 5pm, in spite of you specifically signing up for a *40 hour* work week that goes from Sunday-Wednesday, 7am to 5pm
-you don't like having the 21st century convenience of a cellphone (cant have those in the building at all)
-you like having your lunch only 4 hours into your 11-hour shift, NO EXCEPTIONS, HAVE FUN BEING HUNGRY THE REST OF THE DAY
-you hate your legs and feet and wish you could see them die in a fire as soon as possible really need money ;____;

also @kitet: wow that's...kind of awful? making you practice a stressful task like that while you were feeling that way...your dad seems like he has zero comprehension of other peoples' mental/emotional wellbeing...also, what the hell is it with parents and denying their kids privacy? don't they get that all that does is teach their children to be distrustful, paranoid, and secretive because of the looming threat of someone barging in at any moment? (well, that's what it did to me, anyway)
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
(12-06-2015, 06:13 AM)Raibys Wrote: »your dad seems like he has zero comprehension of other peoples' mental/emotional wellbeing

whenever i'm in a better mental state, remind me to give you more details about what happened today, because you have no idea to what extent this is true.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Not to belabor a point, but these are some diagnostic criteria for depression and depressive episodes:

[Image: bd5d57b6a0352d1ce3476ba6cb3e9668.png]
[Image: 1765f9acd248a095596326c0d5960d6a.png]

It bums me out to see you call yourself lazy, because one of the things depression does is make it hard to do things (or even to want to do them) and then to feel disproportionately guilty about it. You're not at fault here, and you don't need to feel so much blame.

Also, I don't know if I or anyone has said this, or if you already knew, but a general practitioner or family doctor is able to (and may be readily willing to) prescribe antidepressants. If you have enough coverage for a regular office visit and a prescription, you may already be able to start getting treatment; seeing a specialist and/or a counsellor is preferable, but if you can see a regular doctor now, it'd be better not to wait if you don't have to. If you don't have any coverage now, or have already hit your limit, this isn't much help, but if that's not the case...
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Reading about anesthesia and trying not to get too worked up or barf because all the options sound kind of scary and potentially painful, and my friend said Japan doesn't normally do general anesthetic and an epidural sounds even worse????

I don't want to need surgery and I am pissed off at these stupid faulty organs I never signed up to deal with
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
regular office visits cost an unreasonable amount right now, which is why i'm waiting until january for my coverage to change to a better plan

okay so since i can kinda think about what happened yesterday without breaking down again right now, here's some more detail about what happened yesterday.

prelude: i have this fun quirk where whenever my dad, and afaik ONLY my dad, yells at me or gets angry, i freeze up and can't think and start freaking out and crying. i think he knows this, but chooses not to address it.


in conclusion, i don't want to do practice driving anymore, and i don't want to be in this house anymore either
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

jesus, that's awful.

/me hugs for everyone.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
That's terrible, so sorry to hear that.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I'm sorry, :c

I went shopping with mum today? She wanted to get me some new clothes, because over the last year i've managed to gain over 20kg and nothing fits me anymore, or its too short. So mum comes home stressed and headachey from work, and we head off. Possibly an important note here: i usually hate december because my family like making events about themselves instead of whoever is celebrating. This was a million times worse when i was still on speaking terms with my dad, who has been divorced from mum since i was about 10- he used to use my birthday as a means to get back at her, or whatever. Even mum, who tried not to be bitter (though she had every right to be, dad is an abusive fuckhead) would get v upset if she didn't get to have dinner with me on my birthday. Even though the date is not important to me in the slightest, and i made that clear.

ANYWAY. I've gained this terrifying amount of weight (literally an extra 1/4 of my previous bodyweight on top, for those of you who don't grasp metric) and as a result everything looks like a potato sack on me. I look like a weird pile of potatoes. Mum is getting frustrated as we go through a few stores, because she clearly just wants to get everything done in this trip and be done with it. I'm getting increasingly upset because i am being confronted with how horrible i look now. She yelled at me to hurry because she wanted to look in yet another store before it closed, but i was sick of it at this point and was completely done. This trip was supposed to be about me and finding me a nice thing to wear, and instead has turned into mum feeling like she's been a good parent and gotten me a nice present even though now i feel like trash. Happy birthday to me

Also, sort of related: when i was flatting i live right next to this mall, and being that i love cafes i spent a lot of time there. Theres also a kmart and the supermarket open till midnight, so i used to go browse around late at night because i could? It was basically a second home. Anyway today i felt like some sort of weird alien going into the crowds of people and i felt super uncomfortable? I just wanted to hide. I've barely left the house in the past few months too. Is this how agoraphobia starts
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Having a real bad depression day

Happy birthday to me
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
50 days in the parent trap.
50 days in the parent trap.

Oh god I hate this so much
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
Ren has been running the Netherlanders twitter account this week (similar to @sweden but dutch) and as openly agender, and they're getting so many fuckheads? They just won't quit either, and i really want to go after them but it won't have any effect but more abuse, probably. Why are people so shit
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
45 Days in the Parent Trap:

"The facts show that Muslims have higher birthrates than Christians, and we all know that Muslims have a xenophobic culture"

Ladies and gentlemen, my family
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

I just wanted to scream for no reason, flip my shit out a little, just feeling like i should let out some steam like the little worrying machine i am.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
$9 in my bank account and i haven't sorted all the christmas presents yet. So depressed i can barely move. Someone please end my suffering
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
my grandma died and i dont feel as upset as i should be because i hate the jehova's witness side of my family for potentially ruining any chance of me having a friendly relationship with my cousins when i eventually shed my facade and turn into a gay trans fuck
Standing here, The way ahead's becoming clear
All across these new frontiers
In my hands I hold the ones I love
Walk forward through the cold dawn
Always to new horizons
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
I know for a fact that I had a dentist appointment scheduled to fill a cavity for this morning. And when I get there, nope no appointment. And because I have such a short winter break, the next time I can actually get there is in March. Now that won't turn out bad whatsoever. Just let the cavity sit for three plus months. Whoop de freaking doo.
Also, I keep seeing loads of things, or remembering stuff I've done, or the like, which now I'm looking back and going "seriously how did I not know I was trans earlier". And it's going to be a few weeks until I can actually start counselling up at school and it's just... Yeah, let's fake through the holidays with this. Won't make me feel horrible inside whatsoever.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
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RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
So question about that. If you aren't able to drink (yay not being 21), any suggestions? Because I still have two more days to get through, and it's going swimmingly. And by that, I mean I spent about an hour locked in a bathroom away from everyone while hearing them discuss me on such flattering topics like "why does he insist on singing so high" or "you know, I can't wait until he gets a girlfriend".

I can't wait until heading home on Tuesday, wherein I'll only have to deal with one person, who won't talk about these things to themself.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
You can always say you don't feel so well and should go lay down in a quiet room. Gets you away from them, at least
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)

Edit: Ugh, I'm not being very coherent here. I shouldn't be writing posts this far past my bedtime, but I kind of felt like getting it off my chest. To be more to the point, I'm having a problem with procastination, and at this point it's becoming a problem for other people who have the power to really screw me over.
RE: The thread for flipping shits (and tables)
As a chronic procrastinator myself, the best technique I've found is to start working immediately upon waking up.

Don't go to any of your usual distractions, don't even eat breakfast, just turn to the thing you need to work on and just do something with it. If you've just woken up and haven't got it into your head yet that you're going to be doing anything else, it's easier to get to work.

I can't guarantee this will work for everyone, of course, and it may be that you have other issues with the particular assignment worrying you that are making it much more stressful. Still, it's worth a try to see if it helps.