The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure

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The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
You are a perfectly generic character. What kinda of world do you inhabit? What kinda of adventure should you go on? All very important questions. Find out after these messages.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
For sale: baby shoes never worn
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
"The BIGGEST! SALE! EVER! HereattheSUPERULTIMATESHOPPINGEXPERIENCEMALLCENTERweofferavarietyofunmissabledealsthatwillknockyoursocksoff! HERE is FRIDGE for $399.99 HERE is USELESS KITCHEN IMPLEMENT SET for $29.99 HERE is SOCIALIZED HEALTH INSURANCE for $fuckyou HERE is LEATHER RECLINER for $199.99! Buynowbuynowbuynowbuynowbuybuybuybuyconsume"

'This has been these messages'
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Are YOU the protagonist of a perfectly generic text adventure? Do YOU feel as though your personality isn't well-defined and you have no motivation? Call now for a free trial of QuestCo's Quest Generator! It will change your life!

Life-changes not guaranteed for non-protagonists.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Your name is EGG JOHNBERT. You have POSSESSIONS and INTERESTS, and you live in A ROOM.

RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Isn't advertising wonderful? You shut off the tv before the flashing garish colors blind you. Man, who knew that Hemingway would make a come back. Or that fast talking people can sell fridges. Isn't the world a wonderful place? You may be overusing wonderful. Call it wonderfully good character development.

Unnamed generic character: What do you do now?
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
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RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Hm. You might want to deal with the fact that your house is filling up with slips of paper with 'wonderful' scrawled on them.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
You decide a nice, quick, paperwork burning will solve all your problems. It's rather difficult to do because some random dude keeps following you around and pounding on your back.

Oh, Oh Dear. What have you done to your house?
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
It appears to have burned away, leaving only a nice, cozy asbestos shell for you to live in for the rest of your short, cancer-ridden life.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Contemplate death in Wonderland.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
You assume the asbestos will lead to your death. You probably become like the mad hatter, insane, and cancer filled. Wonderland is a lot less fun than you thought! You suddenly see a rabbit in a bright pink dress. Irrelevant.

What on earth did they put in this tea!
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
It's probably just a dream.

In the tea, I mean. You're drinking someone's really weird dream. Gross.
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
Whoever's dream this is, they sure love their asbestos. Don't they know it causes cancer! The worst part is, everybody used it as a building material. Speaking of substandard building, look at that castle!
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
It's falling apart! Who decided to let the giant fire breathing lizards redecorate, anyway?
~◕ w◕~
RE: The Perfectly Generic Text Adventure
(01-22-2015, 02:37 AM)Whimbrel Wrote: »It's falling apart! Who decided to let the giant fire breathing lizards redecorate, anyway?

I think we just found out why everything is made of asbestos