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The Literary Group sat around their suitably posh coffee table, in their rather classy high-rise apartment. A window made of pure diamonds overlooked the sea of universes, churning, churing; a thousand civilizations being born and dying in a millisecond. Everyone was wearing rather nice tuxedos.

“So,” one of them said, sipping a glass of wine. “We’ve just finished reading G’fthat Poth-ykan Norteps. Does anyone have some suggestions of what we do next?”

For a long while, everyone was silent.

“Well,” another said, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Have we read A Tale of Two Cities yet?”

Another sighed, replying, “Yes, Reginald. We read it last Tuesday. I think we’ve run out of books.”

“Well, what are we going to do, then!?” questioned another.

Yet another spoke, slowly and carefully. “Well,” he said, “I’ve been hearing about these things called Grand Battles. The people that run these take people and creatures from all across the universe and put them in a battle to the death. I’m thinking we could do something like that. We do have a sizeable section of the multiverse outside our window.”

“That’s a good idea,” the first one said, taking another sip of alcohol. “How about this: We each go out into the multiverse, select one or two champions, and come back. But here’s the twist: We’ll randomly switch champions with each other! How does that sound?”

“Ok, I guess.”


What is this?

This is a Grand Battle with a twist. If you don’t know what a Grand Battle is, check the Grand Battle threads in ET or on the Collab/Roleplay section of the MSPAforums. Honestly though if you’re on ET you probably have a general idea of what a Grand Battle is.

The twist is, however, that you will not be writing for the character you submit. Someone else will, and you’ll be writing for a character another person entered. Fun times!

If you’re interested, put a post down stating such. I’m shooting for anywhere between 4-8 peeps.

Alright, after you state your general intent of joining this shindig, pop me a PM with the profile of your character. Your profile should look something like this:

Name: No username required. I don’t really want people to know who wrote what profile, but regardless, a username is irrelevant in this situation.

Gender: Male, Female, None, or Other. If other, explain.

Race: What is your character? Human, alien, robot, something else? If the species/race needs explaining, explain it here, too.

Colour: Colour the character’s text will be written in. I will ask you to change colours that are annoying or unreadable. Purple is taken.

Weapons/Abillities: What special powers or weapons does your character have?

Description: What does your character look like? What about personality?

Biography: I consider this a zone to basically explain your character in full. People just write stuff here.

NOTE: DO NOT WRITE A PROFILE DESIGNED TO TROLL SOMEONE. I will not accept such profiles and I will disqualify you for them, unless obviously marked as a joke accompanied by the real profile.

Once we get all the profiles in, I will randomly select what profile goes to who, maybe/probably with a d20 or random chance thing. I will post who got what profile in the game-starter post.

And then grand battling happens.

I guess you can go write profiles and stuff, then.
I'm up for this. I need some time to come up with a good character for someone though.
I'm in. I wanted to do this some months ago, but we never got around to it.

I just need to think of a fun character to toss to somebody else.
Okay, yea this sounds fun.
I should be up for it if I somehow pull time out of a hat.

*Pulls Time out of a hat*

Ohai Time. :3
Hell yeah I'm interested.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
I'm interested Happymelon
I'd like to consider this a reserve of interest too please!
I don't bite....much
Cyber sent me a profile, so that's eight contestants.

We're waiting on Woodlandbeef, Mirdini, and Agent to get this started, then. Hurry up guys!
Waaaaaaah hold on to your horses Time, I'm getting thereeee :3
<--- This guy will send in a proper profile tonight if it kills him.

In order for everyone (including me) to prepare for THE GRAND SWITCH, I'm posting everyone's profiles along with their designations here!


Dragon Fogel-


Pick Yer Poison-





Suddenly, the contestants found themselves in a particularly stylish living room, immobile, sitting in a circle of wooden chairs, while five dapper-looking fellows lounged about in a couple of sofas in the center. One of them looked towards the shortest of them, who was quite nervous looking, and spoke.

“Reginald, why don’t you introduce your new contestants?”

Reginald jumped up sharply out of his seat at the voice and looked at the speaker with distain before finally focusing back on the circle surrounding him.

“Well, um. This here is Dylan Houle,” he said, pointing to a particularly muscular man. He’s a professional wrestler. He has wrestling-based powers and is probably insane. And stuff.”

Continuing, he pointed to a rather large reptile in the room. A very large chair had been found for the dragon, even if the did look quite uncomfortable.

“This is Grizzald. He’s a dragon, and he has to guard a treasure thing, too. So yeah. Those are my contestants. Now, um. Someone else introduce the other people.”

As Reginald sat back down, another stood up, continuing the introductions.

“Hello,” he said with a big smile. “My name Alexander. I’m the one who came up with the idea to do this! Anyway.”

He pointed towards a small toy ship as he spoke, saying, “This is ESS Pyreness and her crew. Well, actually, the Pyreness isn’t a ship, and it doesn’t have a crew. The whole thing is a TV show, so I stole a fully working model, along with their voiceacting crew! Isn’t that great?

“My other contestant-” he pointed towards a rather normal looking guy, as far as the contestants so far went. “Is Dole Flejer. He used to work as a magicians assistant, and he has a magical power that lets him throw back any attack directed towards him. It’s pretty cool.”

He gave the group another big smile before pointing to another one of The Literary Group, and saying, “Your turn, Leon.”

“Ugh,” Leon said, standing up. He was probably the least fashionable of the five, looking like he threw several mismatched classy outfits together. He walked up to a young, teenage girl and apathetically used his arms to point in her general direction.

“This is February Allen. She’s an average teenage girl, except she can change the weather with her emotions. How drab.”

Leon stumbled over to the other contestant. This time he didn’t even bother to point at him, he just kind of stood there, kind of looking at the contestant as he spoke.

“This is Todd Sherman. He has a club that can turn into wild animals. So he wields animals as weapons. A little more interesting than Mrs.-Month-for-a-name. Just barely.”

He started walking back to his seat. “Pauline, it’s your turn.”

Suddenly, Pauline jumped out of her seat excited, smiling at Leon, saying, “Ok!”

Half-walking, half-dancing over to one of the contestants, she happily pointed towards a glowing girl.

“This is Cassiopeiea! I just had to have her. She’s a star-turned human. She’s not great at fighting, but she can shoot energy out of her! Isn’t she precious?”

She walked over to another contestant and continued.

“And this is Corthi Karomanski! Isn’t Corthi just an adorable name!? Either way, he can’t control his body because its robotic! It makes him kill people. Every once in a while though, it gives him control! I think he wants to die. It’s soooo cuuute!”

Pauline sat back down, and then another stood up. He held a glass of wine, and was probably the classiest person in the room. After a short pause, he began to speak.

“Hello!” He said. “My name is Pierre, and I bet you’re wonder what that was all about.”

He clicked his tongue a few times, walking slowly with the circle, looking at each contestant directly.

Finally, he continued.

“Well, I regret to inform you, that you’ve been entered into a battle to the death. All of you will die, but one. I hope you were listening to those introductions.”

Pierre paused for effect.

“Anyway, there’s really only one item on the list: Where you will be fighting. Each time one or two of you die, we’ll be going to a new locale, so don’t worry if you don’t like where you are at first; if you can survive, you’ll go somewhere else. Anyway.”

He lifted his free hand, and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the arrangement of furniture was floating above the air, over two massive towers stretching several miles into the sky.

“Welcome to iGhetto. The most advanced lower-class residential containment zone in the world. Built by the fantastic Apple Corporation in conjunction with the World Council, if you live in a first-world country and you’re in the bottom 10% of earned income, you probably live here. Rife with gangs, drugs, and futuristic apple products, this place will certainly make for an… interesting round.”

Pierre snapped his fingers again. The contestants were scattered throughout the ghetto, and The Grand Switch had begun.
Grizzald found himself in a narrow alley. It was a tight fit; he slowly made his way forward into the street so he could get a better look at his surroundings.

"Wonderful," he muttered. "All those years in the tower must have finally gotten to me. I'm so desperate to get out that I'm imagining things now."

He turned himself around and looked back at the alleyway. The treasure was lying in it. He sighed, and started squeezing himself back into the alley to retrieve it.

"But apparently I'm not imaginative enough to forget this thing. And of course it would have to be behind me."

And then, just as he was about to reach it, several hooded humans ran into the alley, grabbed the trophy, and fled.

"Come back here!" he shouted, firing a blast of toxins in their direction. But it was too late; they were faster than him while he was stuck in this narrow space. He sighed, and resigned himself once more to gradually pushing his way forward.
When THE DRIVE was dropped off in some random alley, he was sweating bullets. The entire time he had been confined to his seat, he had been attempting to channel his WARRIOR STRENGTH and break out of the magical binds of the sissies who thought they could keep him trapped.

They were right.
But that didn't let THE DRIVE down.

After shaking the sweat off, THE DRIVE took a closer look at his surroundings. Then, he heard it. The ring. A bell had rung and someone, somewhere, was about to get a face full of THE DRIVE.

However, as it turned out, the bell was not one for school, but for lunch. Or at least what passed for lunch in this hell hole of a school. So, when s large man broke through the wall and immediately flipped a table, the children were not that angry that they didn't have to eat that day. The robot custodians in charge of making sure that their wards received their daily source of nutrition however, were not.

THE DRIVE scowled at the machinations.
THE DRIVE jumped around the lunch area and meticulously placed tables in a perfect cube as the robots gave their pre-recorded warning for him to cease immediately.
Suffice to say, THE DRIVE did not.
'Hmmm....battle to the death? With a dragon?' Todd rubbed his chin in thought, rapping his club against the pavement. The lumberjack-turned-hunter grinned and started down the dirty sidewalk. The fact he was just about to kill a Komodo Dragon before being spirited away was moot in the news of a dragon ripe for the slaying.

Wait...where was he again?

Todd took the moment to survey his surroundings. iGhetto was it? The description on the brochure didn't do it much justice. Buildings looked like they were stacked upon each other like a bunch of Legos. It was like an urban jungle...a perfect scene for a hunt! A horn sounded suprising Todd and he whipped around with his club, walloping some poor sod and sending him flying into the wall. His funky looking scooter thing, labled iPed, buzzed to a halt and keeled over beside Todd.

"Hey...uh...buddy? You alright?” Todd’s response was a semi-conscious groan. The lumberjack frowned and looked around to find nobody seeming to take notice. iPods and iPhones and unfamiliar i-technology had the locals lost in their own little world paying no heed to the poor sap who just got clobbered.

Todd looked over at the iPed and rubbed his stubbly chin again. He figured the owner wouldn’t miss it to much while he was sleeping. Grinning, Todd mounted up and zoomed off down the street hoping to find some trail to pick up in tracking the dragon. Or maybe he’d come across one of the other rather normal looking people in this contest and they could figure out just what was really going on.
I don't bite....much
“Hello, thank you for holding. This is iGhetto technical support, my name is Ted. How can I help you today?”
“It’s snowing.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah. The weather report said that it would be overcast today. Also it’s summer. I don’t think it should be snowing.”
“Um, yeah. You’re right. It shouldn’t be. Where are you right now?”
“Outside of a coffee shop. I think I’m near Camera #26?”
“Hold on, I’ll have somebody take a look at that.”
Ted put the caller on hold. There really shouldn’t be snow. It shouldn’t even be possible for there to be snow, in fact. During the summer months they don’t even put the artificial snow mix in the weather generators. There’s no point to it. So either that guy has some other problem, or somebody screwed up. He arrived at one of the monitoring stations. There was a note on the desk.
‘Out to lunch.’ Of course. Never mind that everybody else had lunch an hour ago. Oh well. He knew how to use the security devices well enough. Well enough to find the camera he needed anyways. Zero-Two-Six. The scene appeared in front of him. Visible was the man on his cell phone, who apparently noticed the green light turn on, and waved towards the camera. The monitoring lights were set to turn on by default, but could easily be set to stay off for secret monitoring. In this case, getting the attention of the man helped him confirm that it was the right camera. Also visible was the support issue. It was, in fact snowing. Flipping through a few random cameras, he noticed the snowing was localized around the area. Cameras 25 to 31 were all caught in the snow as well. That would be Weather Biome 3. Always had troubles with that one, but not usually ‘snow-in-summer’ troubles. He picked up the nearby phone and called one of their technicians.
“This is Dale. How can I help you?”
“Hey, Dale. This is Ted from Tech Support. Weather Biome 3 is on the fritz.”
“Again? I just fixed it yesterday!”
“Shit, I hope we don’t need to get it replaced. Big expensive equipment replacements mean pay cuts. Anyways, it’s snowing. I don’t think that’s right.”
“...You’re kidding, right?”
“I didn’t think it was likely at first, but I checked the cameras. Snow. Can you just take a look at the systems and give me an ETA on repair for my caller?”
“Alright, I’ll take a look.”
There was a moment of silence on the phone while Dale presumably was looking at the system info.
“Uh, the biome is fine.”
“There’s no artificial snow in the system, and it doesn’t have any output right now. It’s not even generating a light breeze. It’s just pulling a normal overcast. Your problem is not with the biome. I’ll have my boys look at what else could be causing the issue. I’ll call you up if I figure it out.”
“Yeah. Sure. Talk to you later.”
Ted set down the phone. Something was seriously fucked up. Snow doesn’t just form itself. Well, not in the iGhetto. And especially not during summer. Oh right, he still had his customer on the line! Rushing back to his cubicle, he picked up his phone and hit the Hold button again. The customer was still on the line.
“Hi there. Sorry about the wait. Anyways, we’re still working on diagnosing the problem, but thank you for bringing it to our attention. Would you like to leave a return number for us to call you back when the situation is resolved?”
“Nah, I’m good. I’m sure I’ll figure out if you’ve fixed it when it stops snowing.”
“Okay then. Is there anything else you need help with today?”
“Well I was having a bit of trouble with my toilet...”


The snow fell gently upon February as she huddled in an alleyway, cowering. The snow was only getting stronger the longer she sat there and contemplated this situation. Her life has been nothing but a string of improbably bad luck over the past few days. First she was struck by lightning, then accosted by freak weather systems, and now a battle to the death with a bunch of people from other universes. The last bit wasn’t just improbable, it should have been impossible! Hopefully, nobody would find her here. She wouldn’t have a chance against any of the others.
...but then why was she chosen to be in this fight in the first place? She admittedly hadn’t heard too much of what they were saying about the contestants, she was too focused on being scared out of her mind. Maybe the others weren’t as strong as they looked? She could barely remember what they looked like, really. She remembered that one was a dragon or something, which was kind of worrying, and there were, like, cyborgs and stuff too.
She sighed an stood up. The snow started calming down a little, but it wasn’t going away completely. Februrary was certainly scared, but the least she could do was try to handle it rationally. Sitting around in a corner surely wouldn’t get her out of this kerfuffle. First, she could probably try to remember who the fellow ‘contestants’ were.
There was that tiny spaceship. Filled with... actors? That didn’t make much sense to her, so she simply figured she was misremembering.
Then the dragon. The dragon. The goddamn dragon. How is there a dragon!? The snow picked up a bit but calmed down again. ‘Calm down, Febs,’ she whispered to herself. The dragon had to guard a treasure, so with any luck, it wouldn’t be hostile unless she tried going after that. Hopefully.
There was a professional wrestler. Likely to be strong, and, well, it’s a pro wrestler. How likely would it be for him to take a competition seriously? Maybe he could help protect her.
Then, um.... a magician? Febs couldn’t quite remember anything about him.
One guy had a big club. And animals? Maybe he trained animals? Should she have to be worried that he could make the pigeons attack her?
Cassiopeia was the one name she could actually remember, because of the star. February wondered if there was any significance to that.
And the cyborg. Which apparently kills people. Yeah okay that one was kind of concerning. After considering the dragon, though, she had kind of gotten over the idea of deadly impossible things. Well, not so much over it as much as she was aware that no one thing was less likely to kill her than another.
There was also the matter of herself. They had said something about her. Something about her emotions. Well of course she was going to get somewhat emotional, it’s a battle to the death! Ugh, perhaps everything would be clearer later.
At least she had mildly identified all the threats. Or at least, she had thought so, but she turned around onto to be face to face with a man in a mask wielding a knife threateningly.
“Gimme all you got!”
The snow picked up considerably and instantly turned into a small blizzard. A mugger!? Here!? He wasn’t even one of the contestants told to fight her!
“I-I-I don’t have much! I have five dollars! Oh! Y-you can have my iPhone!”
“What the hell would I want with a fucking iPhone?”
“Uh, s-sorry?”
“Yeah, then I would have TWO iPhones in the iGhetto. Jeez, it’s not even worth it to mug an idiot. You didn’t see me.”
The snow slowed down considerably as the mugger walked away. The wind did start to pick up quite a bit, though. February was confused. Her iPhone was worth, like, 200 bucks. Why would he deny it so quickly?

...wait what the hell was an iGhetto?

Life could be hard in the iGhetto. Many of its residents reguarly opted to forego it entirely; "come on down to the Apple iCade!" the adverts said, "plug yourself into one of our state of the art isolation pods and experience the wonder of the all new iReality!". If you'd spent any time hanging outside one of those iCades a) you'd notice that people seldom come out of there and b) you'd probably be shot under suspicion of being a Microsoft Spy.

Alexander King did not have a hard time living in the iGhetto. The only thing he worried about was Apple Trademark Enforcers and he kept an iRifle handy to deal with those scumbags. He was also in the business of offering escapism to the poor downtrodden folk of the iGhetto, though his was less permanent... at least for most. Just off Genius street down an unnamed alleyway you'd find a dingy little shopfront lit up with flickering blue neon. Inside you'd find a man in an old fashioned suit and tie, the like of which is seldom seen nowadays. The outfit is a little battered and stained but classy nonetheless. He has short slicked back hair and a little goatee beard. This is Alex King, he would greet you warmly, enquire whether you were one of those Apple Trademark Enforcers as his security guards discreetly prepared to blast you into bloody chunks if you gave the wrong answer. Then he'd ask you what kind of girl you'd like, after a little negotiation you'd find yourself in a dingy little bedroom with one of his famous iWhores and you'd do what you came there to do.

Alex had his feet up on his desk and leant back in his chair. Business was brisk. Nowadays he was less concerned that the Apple Trademark Enforcers would want to shut him down than he was that they'd want to buy a controlling stake in his business and the intelluctual property rights on the iWhores. He tucked into a tasteless salad while reading the latest news off his iTop; some kind of freak weather incident a couple of blocks from here. Alex liked to think of himself as smarter than most; not eating unhealthily, drinking or smoking. He would not allow himself to be cut down in the prime of his life by those iPoisons. He also liked to think that he would never dismiss something out of hand for the mere fact that it was unlikely, he'd seen too many iFilms where nobody believed the heroes until it was too late. Even so he wasn't about to believe that there was a dragon loose in the iGhetto. It was more likely some kind of hobbyist geneticist's experiment gone horribly wrong.

There was a scream from one of the rooms down the hall. He glanced towards the source of the noise, but did nothing. Screams weren't all that uncommon what with all the perverts he got in here. It was only when the door slammed open and the client stumbled backwards into the corridor, nude and terrified that he grabbed his iRifle and ran down the corridor. Pushing past the petrified and indecent client he stood at the door of the bedroom, where inside a mostly white toy spaceship expelled real flames and flew drunkenly around the room. He looked at it for a moment and then slammed the door shut. It was not that he doubted the evidence of his own eyes or anything silly like that. Alex was perfectly certain that there was a toy spaceship flying around room 7. It was just that he was already certain there was some way he could spin this thing to make himself some cash and he didn't want the thing getting out.

Cassiopeiea stumbled forwards awkwardly on new and unfamiliar legs, the body she wore not three hours old, and brought a steadying, pale hand to rest on a filthy alleyway wall. Sensations were everywhere, like a flurry of asteroidal debris peppering her mind.

Everything…was…so…fast! And so slow at the same time! When she had turned her gaze to the blue planet, all she had seen was a blur of microorganisms evolving with blinding speed as her ridiculously slow lifespan raced through it all. Now she was on /their/ scale, on /their/ timespeed! So many colors! So many blurs!

She brought her hand away from the wall, and stared at the smeared dirt in interest. An observer looking on the scene would find the sight of a stunning blonde girl ankle-deep in snow gazing befuddled at her palm unfortunately not odd at all. Except, perhaps, for the snow.

Snow! Ice and snow!

Cassie remembered snow. There had been a short time when the blue planet had been her favorite spot to look on in the cosmos, a crystalline white with stripes of blue. It had gone away and come back, gone away and come back, never for long. But here it was! Snow! Like a child, she moved out of the alleyway in search for fresher, purer, and most importantly more snow and found herself in a small square, cobblestones hidden under the snowfall. As she waded through it, she failed to notice its chill – and only partially because she knew no concept of cold beyond that of bitter space. Where the snowflakes touched her golden-tinged skin, they simply...melted away, like dissolving candyfloss on the tongue of an excited child.
Behind her a shallow, slowly refilling trench of meltwater marked her path as she made her way towards the deeper snow, eager for more novelty, eager to cavort and discover the hidden treasures of snow.

The wind was picking up a little, however. Cassie stopped in front of a closed grocery store to shelter herself from the stinging feeling it gave her. As she stood there, she thought she heard someone crying on the wind.

"What is it?"
"I have no idea..."

The two students of the iGhetto's only high-school of any quality observed the odd metal box that had appeared in their classroom with wonder.

"It doesn't have any touch screens or nothin, just this... thing there... with numbers." One of the two said as he inched closer.
"Man, I don't know if we should be touching it..."

The first of the two ignored his friends advice, not ceasing his movement and slowly pressing the button marked "Play." The sound that emitted from the boombox scared the two children. They ran back as soon as the machine began to play, obviously in fear that something without the Apple Logo could play music.

However... as it continued, they began to feel the song. They felt... pumped. It wasn't like the music that they got on their iProducts. It was cool.

The two children looked at each other knowingly. They had to share this with the rest of the class, they wanted to jam and if they had to slam they would do that too.

And they'd get their chance.

When the duo reached the cafeteria, where most of the other students were, the song had changed just as they slammed open the double open doors. Taking the advice of the song, they fiddled with the boombox until the volume raised higher.

This was just the boost that THE DRIVE needed. He lifted his hands in the air and proceeded to do a WARRIOR CRY, which combined with the song allowed him to finish off another of the security robots. And with his success, along with the odd inspiration from the non-apple music making device turned the odd man's singular plight against a security drone into a full out rebellion against the school system.

While THE DRIVE was pleased with his work, far away, looking through the eyes of the security, one man certainly was not.