Experimental RPG

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Experimental RPG
Experimental RPG
This is a bit of an experimental game, at least for me, so approach this with caution. Anyone willing to play should know that it will probably be silly, riddled with issues, and possibly not very well done. I just kind of want to make sure that anyone playing knows that they are guinea pigs for a game that I'm really just going with because I though it'd be fun.

The game is for five primary players, though I think spectators would still have an important role in it. The game essentially starts when anyone willing to play picks four things: their name, race, class, and sex. From there, I'll pick who is playing based on unfair decisions and you'll all have to deal with that. From there, I'll pretty much interpret your four categories and try and build a world that could house all of them. After that, the game would mostly be a sort of forum adventure where the five players control their own character. It's going to be modeled after retro RPG's and, well, I feel it'd be best to just get the first part out of the way right now.

Anyone interested in playing: What is your name, race, class, and sex?

It's important to note that I didn't give any restrictions to a particular universe. If you suggest it and I think it's a cool idea, I'll make it work in the world I'm building for the game. If it doesn't, I'll probably either just reject it or tell you what I don't like about it. It's not a big deal, I just kind of want to be as open about it as possible. For this first run-through, it might be nice to stick with mostly fantasy things with only one or two characters complicating the world.

There's absolutely no reason to explain what you mean by your race or class. In fact, I'd much rather you just post the race and class and have me decide what they mean. I'll be drawing all the stuff myself, so any pictures are also entirely unnecessary. I figured half the fun of this would be you guys picking things without knowing what I would make for them. Hopefully.

So again:


Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Michael Canassis
Race: Human
Class: Arcane Engineer
Sex: Male

Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Gareth Sk'lk-Ksh'shkkksh
Race: Spiderkin
Class: Sanguisurgist
Sex: Male
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Any name it bears would be a lie, as it is not the representation of the concept such a name would carry.
Race: Truth Elemental
Class: Unbound Planar Spirit
Sex: None
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Sir Edgar Lyon Robert Thurgood Allenson-Finch III (but he prefers Eddie)
Race: Hamsterling
Class: Penguin Rider
Sex: Male
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Sisce
Race: Osmogel
Class: Assimilator
Sex: Mostly female
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Mick Green
Race: Human
Class: Fisticuffmancer
Sex: Male
[Image: xwldX.gif]
Re: Experimental RPG
Hmmm, nah I'm good for now, I'd like to help with random encounter-eering though later on I suppose though!
Otherwise I'll just watch!
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Limi Knight
Race: Mescull
Class: Thespianaut
Sex: Female
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Experimental RPG
Solaris Wrote:Hmmm, nah I'm good for now, I'd like to help with random encounter-eering though later on I suppose though!
Otherwise I'll just watch!

That's fine. Anyone who doesn't get an official "player" position can give general suggestions for what happens in the world and also control monsters and stuff during random encounters. You'll still be able to participate.
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Lady Mirabella
Race: Spriggan
Class: Mediator.
Sex: Female

hoooope I get iiiin!
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Agrelle
Race: Earthen Golem
Class: Runographer
Sex: Neuter-she
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Emily Vee
Race: Human
Class: Gyromancer
Sex: Female
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Hkalllap
Race: Holy Spider Golem
Class: Prophet of Hats
Sex: Neutral, prefers male
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Elrohir Ar-Feiniel
Race: Flame Elf
Class: Baseball Knight
Sex: Male
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Avi'e
Race: Crow person
Class: Shadowcaster
Gender: Female

I fully expect to be the villain.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
Re: Experimental RPG
Name: Eidolen
Race: Dream Shade
Class: Drifter
Gender: Female
Re: Experimental RPG
[Image: Character-Select-Screen.png]

Fabricati, SleepingOrange, Not The Author, AgentBlue, and whoosh! are going to be the "players" of the game. Everyone else will be spectators, but I think I have a good way of getting everyone involved even if they aren't "playing".

I'll quickly give some small reasons why I didn't use the other proposals right here in this nifty spoiler:

After a bit I'll finish up some more sprites for the characters, draw up a rough map, and then really start the thing out with the first "cutscene". It might be a little while just because of how much I'll have to draw as well as the fact that I'll be using this time to work on the basic mechanics for each character.

Also, as a quick question: should there be a "deadline" for telling your character what to do like the deadline for lynching in mafia? How long should that be?
Re: Experimental RPG
In my games I don't really have deadlines, I just go to IRC and yell at people to post their commands. Especially since a deadline is problematic when it turns out I don't have time to update in the scheduled hour.
But I would say that one and a half day would be a decent one.
Re: Experimental RPG
This is so cool. Whoa

You're awesome, sdegenko.
Re: Experimental RPG
Oh man

These are all great

But Gareth is the greatest just look at him Minion
Re: Experimental RPG
Oh right, I forgot to say these are all amazing. I can't wait to see what kind of great events will happen in this Minion
Re: Experimental RPG
This already looks beyond awesome. Happymelon

I really wish my sinuses weren't more clogged than a 90-year-old septic tank so I could appreciate it better, but there we are.

Also, whee, basic mechanics for a complex mechanic.
Re: Experimental RPG
ProfessorLizzard Wrote:In my games I don't really have deadlines, I just go to IRC and yell at people to post their commands. Especially since a deadline is problematic when it turns out I don't have time to update in the scheduled hour.
But I would say that one and a half day would be a decent one.

Thanks for the advice. I guess I could set up a sort of general "soft" deadline of like...a day and a half or two days and then if I can't keep up, then I would just extend it or something. Does that sound good?

And wow, I didn't expect that much praise. Thanks so much. I was kind of worried that people might not like what I did with their character, but that's because I forgot this was eagletime and it's full of actually sensible people. For the most part.
Re: Experimental RPG
Oh man, I'm lovin' these arts. I'm disappointed I didn't get in, but only really because it means I don't get to see my character drawn like this. :D

And I'd say two days would be a good "soft" limit, at which point you poke them, wait another day, and then move on. I mean, sometimes stuff just takes up your day entire day, so a day and a half might end up having timing derps.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]