Serum for Hair

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Serum for Hair
Serum for Hair
Wonderful blog..Crying Eagle Thanks for sharing informative Forum...The information you have given here are most worthy for me. I have implemented in my training program as well, thanks for sharing.:3atermelonYour information is really very unique and useful for me.. I think this is the best blog I have been through all this day.ScofflawThanks for sharing this valuable information to our vision. You have posted a trust worthy blog keep sharing.Regards.This is very useful to me...Fact Seagull

Serum for Hair
RE: Serum for Hair
Birds don't have hair or any need for serums! Raaaaage
RE: Serum for Hair
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RE: Serum for Hair
finally, a serum that will help me get rid of all my hair. one step closer to becoming man-fish, the fish man
RE: Serum for Hair
no, no, it's a truth serum. For when you're a cold-hearted cop with no ethics, you must give it your all to make criminals talk... even if it's your hair.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Serum for Hair
[Image: Serum01.png]

A mysterious robot knocked on your door, gave a strange and rambling manifesto about the quality of your blog, handed you a "Serum for Hair" and waddled off down the street to destinations unknown.

That was Tuesday. The bottle's been sitting on your counter for two days now.

You contemplate the bottle and its mysterious contents. Should you drink it? Rub it on your scalp? Send it off to be tested for toxic materials? Feed it to your fish? Something else?

Status: Bald
~◕ w◕~
RE: Serum for Hair
> Microwave it
RE: Serum for Hair
Dip your eyelashes in it
RE: Serum for Hair
[Image: Serum02.png]
You pour a bit of the "Serum for Hair" into three vials, and commence scientific testing. Into the first you pour some sugar. No reaction. Into the second you pour salt, which seems to produce a hairy substance. Into the third vial you add ground pepper, and it bursts into flames in a matter of seconds.

After that you aren't really sure what other sorts of science experiments you need to do, so you just sort of stick some of it in the microwave for a bit.

[Image: Serum03.png]

It turned into some kind of meaty looking bits. Overflowed the petri dish.

Status: Intrigued, bald.
~◕ w◕~
RE: Serum for Hair
Obviously the next step is to put that substance on your head.
RE: Serum for Hair
eat broken glass
RE: Serum for Hair
> Just travel to Utah, jump in the Great Salt Lake, and then dump the rest of the serum in.
RE: Serum for Hair
this looks like it's getting hairy
RE: Serum for Hair
add mustard to serum
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Serum for Hair
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RE: Serum for Hair