National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!

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National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!

We had too many people lose interest/become examified halfway through, and are all massive derps.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I think the fact that you guys managed to write anything at all is a sign of massive success!

Also DF. What did you do this year? Any chance we can take a peek? Or what you've tossed together from previous years?
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I ended up not doing it this year, I just didn't have an idea that I felt able to write about for a month.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
what we aren't just going to let schanowrimo die just because it's december, are we?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Well, I personally am filing that away as a fun idea which worked until I got hells to the busy.

Without the whole "don't worry too much about quality, just try write 50,000 words in a month" pressure, though, would entail taking the whole exercise of writing a coherent story a bit too seriously for my liking.

It looks like most my battles are set to pick up again, so I've got that to get back to. Seeing as this one's a decentralised programme, though, anyone's welcome to take the setting/story and do as they please with it.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Man, I wish I'd gone and written that start-new-chapter like I meant to. Might've injected some momentum.
Oh well, it really is pretty impressive that this even got as far as it did. These sorts of things are hard to keep going.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Why don't we propose that there should be someone writing on this at least once a week? Having it 'anyone whenever' would kind of ruin the exquisite corpsiness of it all...
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!

RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
can we actually finish this time
last time we all just gave up just because november ended >:(
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I'm in!!!
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
So the project mentioned in the last few posts has started:

First section done by Agent, second by me. Have fun, whoever wants to go for it next.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
okay i'm starting riiight now.

Edit: Okay done. next person's turn!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Hey, there IS a thread for NaNoWriMo! It's a year old, but still!

I started this to try and trick myself into producing something, but it's not going so well. I keep thinking "wow, this sentence is stupid and the whole plot is stupid and you're stupid" after every sentence I write. My motivation's in the gutter as a result.
Maybe I'll make a comeback.

Anyone else doing it this year?
beware the glus
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I am but not that seriously.

Or rather, I have an idea that I want to develop, but rather than worrying about making it a novel with a coherent structure I'm just writing whatever in hopes that I get some ideas at the end of the month that I can work with.

Occasionally I'm just writing whatever about an entirely different idea that I want to develop and putting it towards the word count, because like I said, I'm not taking it that seriously.

I already write regularly, so getting 50,000 words a month isn't that hard for me. I only came up short for one year that I participated in. The part I have trouble with is that it tends to feel like a slog towards the end of the month. I'm using it as more of an aid to help me do other things than a goal in and of itself.

I'm not sure how it's working out overall, but I'm not having that much trouble pumping out the words.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I am not a good plotter. This is why corpse nano appeals to me so much.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Corpse nano...? Do I want to know what that is?

Does it refer to giving up on the event? Because if so, I'm already a part of it.
Too much stuff going on and not enough motivation to keep up.

On that note, Dragon Fogel's work ethic makes me think of the Terminator
beware the glus
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Corpse Nano was a thing we tried... two years ago? You had to write a 1000-word chunk while reading only the chunk previously written before yours (exquisite corpse style, hence the name). I lost steam on it as soon as there was an actual "canon" I had to keep up with, which was, like, six chunks in. I'm vehemently useless lmao
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I'd like to do a nanowrimo once but like, november is possibly the worst month for it if you're still in school, and I never have anywhere near enough time for it.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
But the adventures of Harrison Haddenson Hanson were so captivating!
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
That was a fun experiment.
I'm not doing NaNo this year. I won it last year, but I already have too many half-finished NaNo novels that I kind of want to finish to justify starting a new one.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
Yoooooo I just had an idea so I might try write 50,000 words for it or whatever

Anyone else getting on Mr Verboneses Wild Ride this year???
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
If I end up writing 50,000 words I'll be doing it in essay form. I hate uni for doing this to me every year, I legitimately have ideas I want to develop :c

You know one way we could get around corpse nano is to institute a rule that there's no canon... I really liked corpse nano.
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
I legit loved both the idea of corpse nano and the specific one we did. There was always part of me that wanted to go back and finish it.

After a little cleanup ofc
RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
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RE: National NaNoWriMo Doing Month!
A quick scan through this thread should elucidate, it's a group effort NaNo written in thousand-wordish chunks where you can only read the previous chunk. Continuity gets wonky but the charm was in how it still somehow maintained cohesion.

I burnt out quickly on the project because I'm a stickler and a grouch and my ~creative vision~ or whatever the fuck was being ~compromised~ (though it probably deserved to be if it was seeking literary perfection in that kind of project).

I was kinda thinking instead of a linear narrative, I might have an easier time writing chunks for an interactive fiction type format, with branching paths or whatever. Maybe that's something a new Corpse NaNo crew could tool around with?