[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!

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[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!
[split] The Return of Jester Mafia - GAME END!
Hello everyone, some of you may remember this game's past iterations and how ludicrous they were. This particular version will be co-hosted by btp.

For those unfamiliar with Jester Mafia: this is not a typical Mafia game. This is a very silly game where the ideas of "town" and "scum" barely matter, other than for figuring out when the game ends.

Every player will have their own individual win condition. Often this is simply being lynched, but that's not the only win condition. Most of the conditions are silly, or in some way counterproductive to the role they're attached to.

The scum will not be informed of who their teammates are, which obviously doesn't matter much because none of them really cares if the scumteam wins as long as they get their own conditions.

If you're looking to play a serious game of Mafia, you will not find it in this thread.

We have eighteen ridiculous roles looking for players to fill them, so sign up now!

1. Garuru - House - Could invite one player to visit him at night, would give temporary daychat to anyone who visited him, would win if half the living players visited him on the same night - died N1
2. Jacquerel - False Blood Trail - would leave a trail of his own blood leading from a player of his choice to a random player, would win if lynched - died N3
3. Mirdini
4. Epamynondas - Wannabe Murderer - details later, this is complicated - vanished N1, body discovered after N7
5. Not The Author
6. yd12k
7. Purple Walrus - Watchjester - Could watch one player and see who visited them, would win if he saw no visitors on three nights over the course of the game - died N2
8. bigro - Arsonjester - Could set a player's house on fire and roleblock them, would win if he did so three times without his target dying the same night, if someone died during one of his fires he would take over their role and half-win if he met their win condition - lynched D7
9. ICan'tGiveCredit - Bodyguard Jester - Could protect one player at night, would die in place of a mod, would win if he died any other way - lynched in place of btp on D1
10. TehPilot - Flip-Flop Liar - Had to alternate between truth and lies in posts, could target one player at night and tell them either Truth (they would be given one random game related fact and one random piece of trivia) or Lies (their night results would be falsified), would win if he was lynched.
11. Kieros - Dog - Could visit one player at night and would kill them if they had a newspaper, would win if he visited his master (Palamedes) - lynched D2
12. cyber95
13. Palamedes - Delivery Boy - Could deliver papers with FUTURE EVENTS, would win if he died for reasons related to delivering his paper - killed N6
14. Coldblooded, formerly frigidScholar - Jargonjester - Had to use Mafia jargon in posts, could investigate one player at night, would win if scum was lynched - lynched D6
15. Sruixan - Wrestler Jestler - Could either wrestle a player at night (roleblocking them and being affected by any actions that targeted them that night) or rest and wrestle during the day (which would be affected by any roleblocks or redirects from the last night), would win if he died while wrestling during the day or at night if there was one visitor besides the killer, half-win if he died at night and there were no visitors besides the killer - lynched while wrestling bigro D7
16. Granolaman - Gunjester - Could visit one player at night and would turn their action into a kill, would win if killed by his own gun - killed N5, was supposed to vanish N5 and reappear after N7 (whoops, my bad)
17. SupahKiven - Busjester - Could busdrive two players, would use busboy skills to janitor a player who died on his bus, would win if he bused the whole scumteam by giving them rides on his bus, half-win if he didn't win but bused all living members of the scumteam at some point - killed N7
18. MalkyTop - Jesterbot - Could visit one player at night and find out if they were human, would win if all nonhumans died - killed N4

1. Viata
2. A Killer Cuppa Tea
3. Coldblooded
4. LegendaryQ
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
okay the first one was cool so in i suppose
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
yes please
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
lynch me up
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
i would like to die please thanks
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
I'm going to regret this but yeah sure
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
In like a bot
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
Oh Yeah, so in on this!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
In this. Too much in.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
finally a mafia I can win in!

[Image: c48AoKl.png?1]
I make game: site | itch
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
ln(-1) = iπ
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
yeah okay
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
What Pilot said.

RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
In please!
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
Oh gosh yes please.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Taking signups!)
Oh snap almost filled up, better /in while the inning's good.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (16/18 slots filled)
I... suppose.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (16/18 slots filled)
mnugh i suddenly want to join this.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (16/18 slots filled)
Hi I am interested

oh never mind i was 1 post too late lol

wow like 2 minutes late. just my luck
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Signups filled!)
Oh, hey, we filled up! I've got half the Quicktopics put together, and I should be able to finish that tomorrow.

Sorry you were late, Viata; if someone drops out or disappears, you can replace in if you'd like.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Signups filled!)
Yeah I'll be a replacement if you need one. thanks
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Signups filled!)
/me falls on knees.

/me rolls around sobbing.

/me seppuku for i have dishonored legacy by not getting to this earlier
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Role PMs sent)
Okay everyone, your ridiculous roles are sent out!

Please confirm in your Quicktopics, and feel free to ask in there about anything that confuses you.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia (Role PMs sent)
All right, two-thirds of the playerlist has confirmed, so I'll be starting the game soon.

Nobody post please, I want to start at the top of Page 2.
RE: The Return of Jester Mafia: Day 1 - Breakout Breakdown


You think you're soooo great, don't you? You'll just run this WHOLE GAME. JUST GET IT STARTED WITHOUT CALLING UP GOOD OLE BTP.

Not enough that I have to run down here just to see you ready to play around with all your Jester buddies! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? IF YOU LIKE THEM THAT MUCH YOU CAN JOIN THEM!

[Image: bootDF_zpsfd0b2dbb.png]

1. Garuru
2. Jacquerel
3. Mirdini
4. Epamynondas
5. Not The Author
6. yd12k
7. Purple Walrus
8. bigro
9. ICan'tGiveCredit
10. TehPilot
11. Kieros
12. cyber95
13. Palamedes
14. frigidScholar
15. Sruixan
16. Granolaman
17. SupahKiven
18. MalkyTop
19. Dragon Fogel

Alright you JESTERS. Time for you to all get around to doing whatever counter-intuitive thing you do.

You've got 5 days from good 'ole midnight central time to come to a decision on who to kill or to just dance around for 120 hours. WHATEVER.

oh and just in case you guys are wondering who's really in charge here...


Dragon Fogel has contracted THE VIRUS.

Day ends on 11:59:59 pm June 2nd Central Time. With 19 alive it takes 10 to lynch. There is no soft-lynch on day 1.