
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I just remembered that back when the MSPA Forums were on phpBB3, they had a limit of three nested quotes. Which meant quote pyramids didn't form as easily.

Perhaps we can do that here?
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
How about every new member has to pass a test/body of tests before being allowed to post? And I don't mean the same test for each person, I mean we get some unique test shit up ins. Tests could range from mental challenges [Write a brief synopsis for a pornographic film without swearing, nudity or suggestive language/facial expressions] to physical challenges [Create an elaborate shrine to your desire to join] and other challenges too. I feel this system could be totally fucking radical. I haven't thought this idea through at all, so it can really only get better.
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
can we have a secret coolkids forum where the requirement to get viewing/posting permissions is that
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs

(quick, who's got the memory-wiper?)
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Really I just want tribal challenges with rewards.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
View new posts link.

'nuff said.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Not The Author Wrote:Maybe have the basic font for the forum GUI (not the actual posts, mind) be more in line with the site's header?

I really like that font, and think it goes well with the minimalist theme going on.

It's nice, but it's not an actual font-set (as far as I know). The "bold" I scratched myself in MS Paint; anything else would also entail replacing text titles with little images by mixing and matching what's available - and fiddling in MS Paint to get the letters that aren't.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Wheat Wrote:
cyber95 Wrote:Really I just want tribal challenges with rewards.
Retribution is the whole point of a tribal challenge.

Either you have done nothing and are doing it for fun or you have done something bad and need to do something to dissuade people from referring to you as "the guy who made a bunch of shitty threads and insulted people."

There was a time last year when people started asking for challenges (and I obliged until I saw it was missing the whole spirit of it); I don't think any of the people who asked for them actually came through with anything decent because those are the types of people who wanted to do something for attention instead of doing something for the hell of it. The people who delivered on those challenges were separate people who came along later and cleaned up after them.
Well yeah that's why I don't mean literal tribal challenges, just something in the style of that, except instead of doing challenges to make up for failure, doing challenges for fun and profit.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I noticed that alignment tags aren't an option. As someone who's quite partial to some [center] tags, would it be at all possible for these to be implemented at some point?
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
You want tags?
[right]You got tags![/right]Come on down to craaaaaaazy Pinary's discount tag warehouse!

We've even got Custom User Titles, available now!

(I've added, [center], [right], and [left] tags (even though that last one's pretty useless), as well as [sup]erscript and [sub]script tags to boot. Also, if you go to your profile, you can designate a Custom Title down at the bottom, which'll show up by your avatar.)

(These scripts aren't showing up on the list because I've set them not to so they don't clutter up the place. They're not likely hugely often-used, and if you want them, they're not exactly hard to remember or figure out, are they?)
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I propose the addition of an art sub-forum. It would be cool to have a place where we can share our art, unfinished projects, give and receive feedback, etc.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I support the Congressman from Edville's proposal.

Also his avatar.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
That's fabulous, Pines. :D Thank you!

I'm also in favour of an art forum. If this place is going to be a hub of creativity it would be odd to not have something of the sort.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I can guarantee an Art Forum is going to be a thing that happens in the future, but right now I'm somewhat wary of divvying up the whole place before we've got the people to fill it. I mean, we don't even have 40 members yet and not all of us draw/word/sculpt/aurallate/craft in our spare time, or would feel comfortable with dedicating a whole little threadshrine to it.

That sleep-deprived turn of phrase was not meant to discourage our drawers/worderers/sculptors/auralatrices/craftsbitches amongst us from showcasing their stuff. There's a reason I haven't made any solid rules about how/where/when to post, so if you guys want a thread, you should make one! Whether that's "post your doodles" or "my stuff I've drawn/written/what have you" or "take photos of jack-o-lanterns you've made." Anything's welcome, and if there's a need in future to give it its own subforum, that's not difficult either.

E: By which I apparently mean, "I'm gonna start a doodle thread, but anyone else is free to start whatever threads they want."
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
whoosh! Wrote:I didn't even notice that I had a private message for four hours apparently. It's more subtle than I'm used to.
SleepingOrange Wrote:Yeah, I'm with whoosh on this one; hard to see!
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
There's a small issue that's been turned up by the Breaking the Ice thread, but it's not that much of a big deal. It's a bit hard to see when you've got a private message. It's not difficult to resolve seeing as you can choose to get a pop-up whenever you get a private message, though it might be nice if there was something a little less subtle to inform you if you don't have that option selected.

As I said, it's hardly of vital importance.

E: Ack ninja'd.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
In addition, it's not a problem now, but at some point it might be a good idea to increase the inbox cap above 50 PMs.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
I've updated the To-Do list with some things for me (or, for some items, Schazer) to get done. In general, they're ordered by simpleness and soon-too-happen-ness, so you can probably expect things to happen in vaguely that order. I'll hopefully be pegging away at one or two a day during the week and probably more on the weekends. That's about as accurate as I can get for a time-estimate on any of this, but I'll do my best to keep you up-to-date in this topic as best I can.

Also, there's a software update for phpBB that I'm planning to install some time in the next week or so. You can expect a few minutes of down-time for that, but it shouldn't take terribly long. I'll give some more-accurate warning once I've got a more-solid plan.

Niall Wrote:I would like it to be that any thread you post on you are automatically subscribed to please.
Settings>Board preferences>Edit posting defaults>"Notify me upon replies by default" should do that, I think. Haven't tried, though.

Anomaly Wrote:In addition, it's not a problem now, but at some point it might be a good idea to increase the inbox cap above 50 PMs.
I've gone ahead and raised it to 200 per box (with a 5-box max). If anyone wants it to go even further, feel free to post here and PM me, but I'll probably want an explanation at that point, since that's a lot of PMs.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Schazer's just passed me an emboldened and emmorecolourfulled update to the "unread PM" alteration to the upper bar, which is now in place. You can test this out and see the change by simply sending yourself a PM- then, you can bask in the glory of a red-and-bold menu icon!
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Well, pink-and-slightly-fatter-texted. No FF0000 up in this bitch for us, thanks.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Can we get that nice feature we have on the MSPA forum where we can delete a post at any time? I just found I can't do reserve-bump-delete (reserve, bump the thread with the new post, delete the reservepost) for Mini-Grand 5801, and instead have to do reserve-delete-bump.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
That's already on the list, Pipe, but since so many people (two!) have asked about it, I'll give it a bit higher priority.
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
can we have boxes on our profile for Windows Live/Skype names? those are pretty much the only messengers I use and somehow they're the ones absent from a profile!
[Image: sig10.gif]
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Probably it won't be important for a long time yet, but redirecting new users to the Rules Page upon first login would be nice. Would work well in conjunction with the proposed list of helpful links. Although if this is instituted, there may need to be a few changes in the Rules Page structure to make people, Iunno, want to read it, I guess?
Re: Feedback/Suggestions/Bugs
Before I was having this weird thing where I was unable to edit one of my posts (and only that one) but that appears to have resolved itself so nevermind.

Also I can't seem to vote in polls. I keep getting a 'The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.' message.