IRC highlights!

IRC highlights!
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<faker> My dads talking about how sexy girls in tight jeans are I didn't drink enough wine for this
<faker> In fact I think it's sobered me up entirely
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<sdegenko> i don't really like labels
<sdegenko> they tend to un-complicate things
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<Elize> Two agens? Oh no, which one do I shoot?
<Jacquerel> why would you shoot either you monster
<Elize> i thought that was what you do if there is two of somebody.
<DragonFogel> Hi Elize.
<Pharmacy> if there was two agens
<Agenpetra> ;^;
<Agenpetra> but whai
<Elize> heya fogel
<Agenpetra> whaaaaai
<DragonFogel> Can't you just incapacitate them both?
<Pharmacy> I would probably watch anime with the two
<Elize> look, this is just what society told me to do in case of doppelgangers
<DragonFogel> If society jumped off a bridge, would you do that too?
<Pharmacy> no I will watch anime with society
<Elize> society is always jumping off bridges.
<Pharmacy> and then we complain about the characters
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<PickYerPoison> it reproduced asexually when crowsy put her money in
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<PickYerPoison> I appreciate that Off can be played with one hand
<Jacquerel> I liked the atmosphere but not in /that/ way
<PickYerPoison> um
<PickYerPoison> wait
<Jacquerel> have you beaten Off yet
<PickYerPoison> goddamnit jacq
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<Red709> on a side note I beat OFF today
<Red709> i meant IRL PyP
<Jacquerel> those were some exciting tmi questions then I guess
<PickYerPoison> ah
<Red709> GH
<Red709> jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacq.
<Jacquerel> look if you say "I beat OFF" and then "I meant in real life" what am I meant to do
<PickYerPoison> bahahahaha
<PickYerPoison> BHAHAHA
<Jacquerel> that was just impeccable timing pyp

They've joined forces.
[Image: xwldX.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<MrGuy> your balls jingle
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:12:15 PickYerPoison omg i can make this size() function way faster by keeping track of when elements are inserted and removed
12:15 PickYerPoison yesssss
12:16 Red709 ...I...
12:16 MrGuy that ganja gremlin should have shut up
12:16 PickYerPoison bwahaha
12:16 PickYerPoison 10 lines? try ONE
12:17 Jacquerel that's good because I want to insert and remove as quickly as possible

Quote:12:17 PickYerPoison snrk
12:18 PickYerPoison well i intend to make this thing resize itself on the fly

Quote:12:18 Sanzh i'd resize your function ;)
12:18 PickYerPoison int m_elements tells me how many elements are in the list tho
12:18 WHIMBREL no sanzh no
12:18 PickYerPoison which is how i'll tell when to resize it
12:18 Jacquerel how big is it though? is it an int or a long
12:18 Timujina what
12:18 PickYerPoison i /could/ make it a long
12:18 PickYerPoison but that seems overboard
12:18 Timujina why do ou have two sizes?
12:18 PickYerPoison one is the /size/
12:19 PickYerPoison the other is the number of elements
12:19 Timujina oh
12:19 PickYerPoison it's a hash table
12:19 PickYerPoison so some parts are empty
12:19 Timujina oh that makes sense
12:19 Jacquerel you wouldn't class your size as a long?
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[04:49] <DragonFogel> But how interested can you stay when I start talking about how quaternions form a four-dimensional associative normed division algebra over the real numbers, and thus also form a domain?
[04:50] <Sanzh> sounds pretty kinky imo
[04:51] <Sanzh> can you say that again, only in a huskier, sexier voice
[04:52] <DragonFogel> Uh... woof woof quaternions grrr four-dimensional associative normed division algebra arf, baby?
RE: IRC highlights!
the fuck are quaternions and 4-dimensional associative algebra

is fogel a quantum physicist or some shit
RE: IRC highlights!
Quarternions are sort of an extended imaginary part to the imaginaries; so if you think of the imaginary line as being at right angles to the real number line, the domain of quarternions is at right angles to BOTH of them. In fact, there are even more lines at right angles to all three! Thus Fogel is talking about how the domain of quarternions has its own algebra existing in dimensions above that of the real numbers

i think i'm wrong

also fogel is a mathematician
RE: IRC highlights!
Mathematician? that's a worse fate than quantum physicist

at least the latter sounds cooler
RE: IRC highlights!
as a quantum physicist* if you diss my mathematician friends you're gonna get quantum tunneled

or whatever else you think sounds cool

*i'm not sure this is a thing one can be but OKAY
RE: IRC highlights!
More like a correct physicist
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:Schazer: eating all that bacon-flavoured lube
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<sdegenko> so i think i'm going to go to bed about now
<sdegenko> see ya guys
<DragonFogel> Night Scott.
<DragonFogel> Girth, are you going to say goodnight to Scott?
<Girth> Not a chance!
<sdegenko> fuck you, girth
* Girth hugs sdegenko
* TheFoot (~Mamylon@ Quit (Quit: TheFoot)
* sdegenko breaks away and runs away crying
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<PickYerPoison> p. sure this is what love feels like
<DragonFogel> (nerd)

[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
That was in response to your explanation of your wrong time zone calculations, which were totally nerdy.
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:<myw> slo I am straight
<myw> pretty straight
<@Ojay> Pretty sraight
<@Ojay> Is enough of an opening
<myw> had a girlfriend and enjoyed it roughly
<Sanzh> hot
<@Schazer> wow tmi
RE: IRC highlights!
of all things said last night/morning, that is the most quotable?

RE: IRC highlights!
Apparently so. It is hands down the most quoted thing.
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote::54 SlorangeMinus1 Tell them some OTHER drunks on the internet want you to do this more
15:54 SlorangeMinus1 And to be fir we were here first
15:55 PickYerPoison but you are the people
15:56 *** PickYerPoison is now known as pyp5
15:56 *** pyp5 is now known as pyp4
15:58 *** Elize-1 is now known as Elize-2
15:58 *** Akumu3 is now known as Akumu2
15:58 *** Ravenforge1 is now known as Ravenforge0
15:58 *** myw4 is now known as myw3
15:58 *** SlorangeMinus1 is now known as SlorangeMinut2
15:58 *** SlorangeMinut2 is now known as SlorangeMinus2
15:59 *** Ravenforge0 is now known as Ravenforge-1
15:59 *** SlorangeMinus2 is now known as SlorangeMinus3
15:59 *** Akumu2 is now known as Akumu1
15:59 *** Timujina5 is now known as Timujina4
16:00 *** pyp4 is now known as pyp3
16:01 *** Elize-2 is now known as Elize-3
16:02 *** Timujina4 is now known as Timujina3
16:02 *** myw3 is now known as myw2
16:02 *** SlorangeMinus3 is now known as SlorangeMinus4
16:02 *** Elize-3 is now known as Elize-4
16:02 *** Timujina3 is now known as Timujina4
16:03 *** Elize-4 is now known as Elize-3
16:04 *** SlorangeMinus4 is now known as SlorangeMinus5
16:04 *** myw2 is now known as myw1
16:04 --- Kaynato is away (Auto away)
16:05 *** Elize-3 is now known as Elize-4
16:06 *** pyp3 is now known as pyp2
16:06 *** Akumu1 is now known as Akumu0
16:06 *** Ravenforge-1 is now known as Ravenforge-2
16:06 *** SlorangeMinus5 is now known as SlorangeMinusSix
16:07 *** Akumu0 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
16:08 *** Timujina4 is now known as Timujina3
16:10 *** Timujina3 is now known as Timujina2
16:10 *** pyp2 is now known as pyp1
16:10 *** SlorangeMinusSix is now known as SlorangeMinusSeven
16:10 *** Elize-4 is now known as Elize-5
16:11 *** myw1 is now known as myw0
16:11 *** Ravenforge-2 is now known as Ravenforge-3
16:14 *** Elize-5 is now known as elize-6
16:15 *** SlorangeMinusSeven is now known as SlorngeMinus8
16:16 *** SlorngeMinus8 is now known as SlorngeMinus10
16:17 *** SlorngeMinus10 is now known as SlorangeMinus9
16:17 Red709 what
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[18:22] <Malky2> The only thing that's projectile about anything that comes out of my butt is pee
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:[00:10] <Agendork> that's funny, normally i am on photoops like a totalitarian government on a conscientious objector
RE: IRC highlights!
Quote:Red709: PiLE
Red709: *pile

TehPilot quietly pours a glass of warm milk over Red's head

Red709: wh
TehPilot: shhhhh
Red709: hahahHA no Im
Red709: I'm fine
Red709: Im fiIne
Jacquerel: you definitely sound totally fine
Jacquerel: completely in control of yourself, absolutely
Red709: heee no

TehPilot keeps pouring milk

Red709: no I'm just
Red709: think ing about thing s
Red709: th ingssssssSSS

TehPilot starts grating parmesan cheese over Red

TehPilot: shhhh
Jacquerel: Pilot I have to warn you that Red has turned down every cannibalistic advance he has thus far been forwarded
Solaris: what a loser
Jacquerel: (maybe he was just waiting for the right person ???)
TehPilot: shhh
TehPilot: i am preparing a red pasta sauce

TehPilot keeps adding cheese


TehPilot quietly follows Red, throwing basil in his general direction

I guess this fits here too