Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)

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Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
Write-Off! (NEW VARIATION? Taking signups!)
Because this is always fun.

For those not familiar with the idea, here's how it works.

We have two writers going head-to-head to write up a short story with three major characters. Both writers will be working with the same setting, characters, and overall plot. The winner is whoever writes the best story!

Here's the gimmick, though. The setting, characters, and plot will be provided by three different people, and they won't know what the others are submitting!

After both players write their stories, they post them and then everyone decides who had the best story.

So, let's kick this off! I'll be one of our two writers. I'll need one opponent and three volunteers!

Some points of clarification:
-Characters: Whoever volunteers for this gets to come up with three characters. A simple one sentence summary of each should be fine (such as "a headless insurance salesman with a heart of gold"); names are optional.
-Plot: When referring to characters, use the terms Character A, Character B, and Character C. It doesn't have to be very long or detailed, but it should have a beginning, middle, and end at the very least.
-Setting: Actually, I guess there's nothing in particular to note here? Again, doesn't have to be particularly long.

Now, who wants to take me on?
Re: Write-Off!
I'll volunteer the characters!
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Write-Off!
I could use some extra practice. I'll challenge you, Fogel.
Re: Write-Off!
I'll volunteer the setting! How detailed does it need to be?
Re: Write-Off!
I'd say at a minimum, give it a physical description and some kind of information about the culture and/or history.
Re: Write-Off!
I suppose I'll wrangle together a plot.
Re: Write-Off!
Actually, I asked Selward for a plot, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to have an extra. We can always save one of them for the next round, after all.
Re: Write-Off!
Oh right, I have everything in. Forgot to do this because when I got the plot, it was late and I was in the middle of Lithuanian Roulette and then I went to sleep afterwards.

Give me a second to get it all together.
Re: Write-Off!
Characters, from PYP:


Setting, from Agent:


Plot, from Selward:


This is going to be very ridiculous.
Re: Write-Off!
hi5 on the questionable superheroes, Agent. Great minds think alike.
Re: Write-Off!
A spider that wants to get into a dumpster's pants...good luck with that!
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Write-Off!
Pick Yer Poison Wrote:A spider that wants to get into a dumpster's pants...good luck with that!
You have no idea the magnitude of the vengeance I will enact upon you someday, Puck.
Re: Write-Off!
Mine's written up. I'll post it once Guy's done with his.
Re: Write-Off!
Guy's done with his.

Re: Write-Off!
Here's mine! This was fun to put together.

Re: Write-Off! (Round 1 stories up!)
Okay here is an opinion.

Both stories are good but Fogel's story incorporated the many bizarre elements in a more coherant way, plus also took the plot synopsis hilariously literally. I would have to vote for Fogel.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 1 stories up!)
Okay, it looks like I win. Yay!

Now we can have another round! We could have someone challenge the winner (me), or if two people want to face each other, we can do that too. So, who's up for Round 2?
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
om nom nom characters
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
I will accept the challenge. I will stand against Fogel and prepare myself for complete and utter failure. Bring it.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
I will serve the steaming hot Plot Coffee McCoffee
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
I'm just gonna drop my interest bomb here... and slowly wait for it to go off! You can't do anything about it!

(I'll take on the next challenge)
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 looking for volunteers/challengers!)
Okay! Ixcaliber and I will be facing off this time! Now send in those characters, plot, and setting so we can get this started.
Re: Write-Off! (Round 2 underway!)
I hate you all.

Characters, from cyber95:


Setting, from Chwoka:

Plot, from Schazer:
Re: Write-Off! (Will Smith Edition!)
Here's my needlessly long, overly expository effort at making sense of this madness. Seriously this is too long. :/
