Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Day 1)

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Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Day 1)
Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Day 1)
Here is an intro, stolen wholesale from the original Ridiculous Clusterfuck Mafia:


What the fuck is going on in here? I'll tell you what, this is the Ridiculous Clusterfuck Mafia Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time, yet another mafia game, but unlike those other mafia games, this one is straight up devoid of any balance, reason, or sense. I've compiled a list of some of the most ridiculous, stupid, and terrible roles I could find or come up with.
What does this mean for you? Well it means you'll probably have no idea what's going on, and that's the point. This is going to be crazy, weird, and hopefully, fun. Like a candy-filled train crashing into a bus full of children.


As many or as few people can join as they want; obviously it'll probably be more fun if we get more people in on it (especially since this community is filled with fun people), and I can accommodate everyone who feels like joining. I'm not going to post a big list of rules; you pretty much have carte blanche to do whatever you want except be a total butt. The only thing I will forbid is faking day-actions, since there's a pretty good chance of a lot of those in a game this silly. This also means that if someone has posted a day-action, it's real and you need to not post until I say it's okay to!

This should be silly and fun, and that's all it's for; hopefully even people with tricky wincons or who get killed off early should be able to enjoy themselves. With that in mind, it's time for signups!

Current playerlist:
1: Mirdini
2: g0m
3: Dragon Fogel
4: AKillerCuppaTea
5: Epamynondas
7: MalkyTop
8: Ixcaliber
9: Cyber95
10: Timeothyhour
11: Solaris
12: Godbot
13: Sanzh
14: AgentBlue
15: Wheat
16: Schazer
17: MrGuy
18: PickYerPoison
19: Chwoka
20: NotTheAuthor

The game should start up in a few days to a week; basically, whenever I think that nobody else is going to sign up and I've got enough roles for everyone who did.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
I join this game
Last edited by Mod-S4; 05-20-2012 at 05:23 AM. Reason: Please do not post your size for opinions. Thanks.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Signing up over here.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Its the incredible hulk!
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Woop! Woop indeed.
quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Oh fine
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
This sounds like fun.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
I am in on this.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
I'd join, I guess.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
I have never played a game of mafia and thus this is an excellent introduction.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Oh why the hell not :3
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Joining, if I may.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Eeeeeeeeeeee yes :3
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
All day every day.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Gotta start somewhere, I guess
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Alright! The playerlist is finalized and the roles are fully formulated. I'll be sending out PMs when I finish this post and get everyone's quicktopics set up. Confirm in this topic, your quicktopic, or by PM when you're sure you have and fully understand your role. I'll be starting the game itself whenever I finish send out roles and writing things up, rather than when I get an arbitrary number of confirmations, but confirm anyway because it lets me know who's still around and whether you have any problems with your role.


This is a clusterfuck game. That's what it was advertised as and that's what, hopefully, you expect. This means that BASTARDRY IS POSSIBLE. Take anything I say with a grain of salt, and don't expect too much sense, sensibility, or classical literature. That said, I will never outright lie to you, and I did not include any roles whose win-conditions are completely impossible to fulfill. That's not bastardry, that's being a bastard.

Claims are are a weapon of last resort; massclaims are a hilariously bad idea. I can't stress that enough! I don't like, as a player or as a GM, when games end up being a series of mechanical confirmations and win-by-claimfests, and I thought this would be a good time to institute some completely ludicrous measures to limit claiming. To reiterate, by claiming you are probably doing your side more harm than good unless the situation is truly dire!

This game is supposed to be a goofy funfest, and I hope everyone treats it as such. Reaction images, custom gifs, good-natured ribbing, and anything you think will increase your enjoyment of the game, as well as everyone else's, are encouraged. Just don't be a douche, okay? That's practically our forum motto, and it fits just as well in this topic as anywhere else.

Have fun, and get ready for ridiculousness.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
SleepingOrange Wrote:I did not include any roles whose win-conditions are completely impossible to fulfill. That's not bastardry, that's being a bastard.
I stand by my decisions to include both Catch-22 Killer and especially Ultimate Warrior in the original Clusterfuck.
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
Re: Woop Zoop, It's Mafia Time! (Clusterfuckery in T-Minus 1
hello i have a role