RE: The Write Stuff! (Text-Venture Contest Redux)
04-11-2016, 12:19 AM
Best Opening Post
Best Use of Reader Suggestions
Best Mascot
Best World Building
Best Badass
Best Sword in a Stone
I'm so prond of all of you!
Best Opening Post
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SpoilerThe Basalt City – by Sai and Paranoia
The only entrant with a single post, but this post was a doozy! When presented with the daunting topic of “Underwater Political”, with only 500 words Sai and Paranoia managed to introduce a thriving underwater metropolis. Here magicians of all species form guilds based on their unique specialties. Here buildings are grown, the path of sea currents foretell the future, and the Joyful Council keeps its power consolidated by keeping the guilds at one another’s throats.
The only entrant with a single post, but this post was a doozy! When presented with the daunting topic of “Underwater Political”, with only 500 words Sai and Paranoia managed to introduce a thriving underwater metropolis. Here magicians of all species form guilds based on their unique specialties. Here buildings are grown, the path of sea currents foretell the future, and the Joyful Council keeps its power consolidated by keeping the guilds at one another’s throats.
Best Use of Reader Suggestions
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A Perfect Crime – Dragon Fogel
Dragon Fogel has long stood as a staple of text-adventures. His diligence towards developing his writing is unmatched, and the ease at which he incorporates his reader’s suggestions shows the results. Every suggestion given in A Perfect Crime has found its way into the story. Readers will find themselves creating characters, giving testimony to a crime, or defeating goons that they themselves imagined. This Dystopia is one built from the ground up. Readers provide the pieces, and Fogel puts them all into place.
A Perfect Crime – Dragon Fogel
Dragon Fogel has long stood as a staple of text-adventures. His diligence towards developing his writing is unmatched, and the ease at which he incorporates his reader’s suggestions shows the results. Every suggestion given in A Perfect Crime has found its way into the story. Readers will find themselves creating characters, giving testimony to a crime, or defeating goons that they themselves imagined. This Dystopia is one built from the ground up. Readers provide the pieces, and Fogel puts them all into place.
Best Mascot
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Junior Nova – Robust Laser
Taking place at the home computer of 14 year old Victor Conrad, Junior Nova by Robust Laser lets you point and click your way through a delightful encyclopedia of Superhero training knowledge. Guiding you along is the emoticon wielding spherical AEON. Educating potential Novas in a positive and sometimes cartoonish manner, AEON allows aspiring learners to explore at their own pace and is happy to provide whatever information it can…as long as it’s been declassified.
Junior Nova – Robust Laser
Taking place at the home computer of 14 year old Victor Conrad, Junior Nova by Robust Laser lets you point and click your way through a delightful encyclopedia of Superhero training knowledge. Guiding you along is the emoticon wielding spherical AEON. Educating potential Novas in a positive and sometimes cartoonish manner, AEON allows aspiring learners to explore at their own pace and is happy to provide whatever information it can…as long as it’s been declassified.
Best World Building
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The Gravity Escapement – AgentBlue
AgentBlue plugs us into the Educhair onceagaint ooexpandromnidsnd…
Venturing into an expedition at the north pole is not a matter taken lightly, especially if you are Rachel Hsobel – professional author and protagonist of AgentBlue’s The Gravity Escapement. As Rachel explores the Hall of Artificers and interviews its collection of clockpunk inventors and workmen, her musings, observations, and discoveries gradually reveal the world of Source Gloriana. Not so much a dystopia, but an alternate history set in the 1890s, The Gravity Escapement carefully reveals the nuances of this world to the readers who along with Rachel experience the quiet tension present found in exploring a world that is just slightly unfamiliar.
The Gravity Escapement – AgentBlue
AgentBlue plugs us into the Educhair onceagaint ooexpandromnidsnd…
Venturing into an expedition at the north pole is not a matter taken lightly, especially if you are Rachel Hsobel – professional author and protagonist of AgentBlue’s The Gravity Escapement. As Rachel explores the Hall of Artificers and interviews its collection of clockpunk inventors and workmen, her musings, observations, and discoveries gradually reveal the world of Source Gloriana. Not so much a dystopia, but an alternate history set in the 1890s, The Gravity Escapement carefully reveals the nuances of this world to the readers who along with Rachel experience the quiet tension present found in exploring a world that is just slightly unfamiliar.
Best Badass
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SpoilerExtraction – Schazer
You live in a world ruled by a mysterious supervillain, powers unknown, influence unquestionable. As a leader of the resistance you are tasked with succeeding where all other leaders before you have failed: bring him down. Followers at your side, you lure him out of his fortress, enact your best laid plans, and somehow manage to kill the monster while everything goes to hell. And you do all of this, before your story even begins. That’s the tale of Director Queens, leader of the Uprising and protagonist of Schazer’s Superhero Horror adventure – Extraction. Now the director finds herself heading an infiltration squad into the dying citadel of the Vault. All in hopes to save the countless people still enslaved by the now deceased villain.
You live in a world ruled by a mysterious supervillain, powers unknown, influence unquestionable. As a leader of the resistance you are tasked with succeeding where all other leaders before you have failed: bring him down. Followers at your side, you lure him out of his fortress, enact your best laid plans, and somehow manage to kill the monster while everything goes to hell. And you do all of this, before your story even begins. That’s the tale of Director Queens, leader of the Uprising and protagonist of Schazer’s Superhero Horror adventure – Extraction. Now the director finds herself heading an infiltration squad into the dying citadel of the Vault. All in hopes to save the countless people still enslaved by the now deceased villain.
Best Sword in a Stone
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The Tortoise Carriage -
Honorable mention goes to ’ quick-paced entry The Tortise Carriage. While they decided to step out of the contest, their adventure and characters certainly had the spunk necessary to compete with the greats! I encourage you all to check out ’ other endeavors!
The Tortoise Carriage -
Honorable mention goes to ’ quick-paced entry The Tortise Carriage. While they decided to step out of the contest, their adventure and characters certainly had the spunk necessary to compete with the greats! I encourage you all to check out ’ other endeavors!