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RE: tossaway
well okay! let's go to puncture! ask about what money is like here
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
> "So what happened to the other 'Blanks'?"
RE: tossaway
"Where are YOU from, anyway?"
RE: tossaway
So begins your quest for knives and gravel
RE: tossaway
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RE: tossaway
[Image: eayadNX.png]

The city in the purple area is called Puncture, then?

"Yeah, Puncture is the "purple city", or Capital of the Pain Petal, if ya wanna get all formal. All the different colored chunks on the map are called Petals, by the way."


"Yeah, on account of our world looks like a big flower. It didn't used to, but it does now, so we roll with it. Don't ask me what happened, nobody knows why it changed."

Oh... so the other cities and petals, then?

"Right... we'll getchu a map and a bag when we're in town, but if ya wanna get a headstart on yer geography class here... from the red country and clockwise, it's: Discard, Capital of Rot, Sizzle, Capital of Heat, Treat, Capital of Pleasure, Bonsai, Capital of Growth, Negative, Capital of Chill, and then Puncture."

Sounds like a lot of variety packed into a small selection.

"Yea... it's cool."

So, which of those are you from, Jay?

"I'm from Sizzle. Pretty much all the Whiptoads come from there, it's like our homeland or somethin."

Huh... what about the other "Blanks"? What happened to them after you found them, do you know?

"Nah, don't know, except for the first one I found. I bumped into them once or twice on my travels, looked like they made some friends and decided to take up the scavengin' and treasure-huntin' life. It's cool, but that means they might be one'a my business competitors now, hehe."

Is that where the money's at around here?

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe how many people don't try to hunt treasure... well, scavenging's pretty common, but the best way to earn beads is to bring back somethin' nobody's got anymore. I wouldn't recommend you try it though, and not just cause it'd make you a business competitor of mine, no. Treasure's runnin' low, you gotta dive into monster nests to find anything good these days."

"We're almost at town, anything else you're curious about?"
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
What did this place look like beforehand?

Are there factions that divide the Petals?
RE: tossaway
Can i become a magician?
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
Why is this the Pain Petal?
RE: tossaway
How easy is it for folks to reach one city from another? Is it just something done by treasure hunters & scavengers, or are there mapped and more-traveled routes?
RE: tossaway
mini update while i ask a quick question: is our character a pacifist, or a rowdy roughhouser. so far i have one vote for the latter but i don't wanna go on just that. also go ahead and ask more questions, too.

(03-15-2016, 11:47 PM)Schazer Wrote: »What did this place look like beforehand?

Are there factions that divide the Petals?

[Image: Hwk87Dk.png]

"Pffft, it was round, apparently! I ain't saying this based on personal knowledge, I just know it from old stories and artifacts."

"Factions...? Hrrmmmm... like, guvverments and junk? We have a guvverment for each town, thassa 'bout it. They ain't divided, though, like ya ain't gonna get in trouble with Treat if they find out you came from Puncture... debatable if it works the same way other way 'round, though, but that's just cause 'a the way Puncture is."
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
A bit of both! if talkin' don't work punching might
~◕ w◕~
RE: tossaway
RE: tossaway
become a healer
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
Rowdy Roughhouser TUFF STUFF
RE: tossaway
ROWDY PACIFIST (a bit of both)
RE: tossaway
We are ostensibly made of stuff and fluff, also maybe beans.

We also don't really have anything we care about enough to rowdy rough house about yet.

Pacifist, for now.
RE: tossaway
alright cool thanks, the result of the voting is that this update shouldn't have taken this long but i'm lazy

[Image: 0Zpuxct.png]

"Travellin' ain't hard, little man. Trains are cheap, but not free. Ya just gotta take one to where ya wanna go. If yer a total cheapskate, I guess ya could try crossing the borders on foot, but that means going through the wilds. Hey, some people do it and make it work, but I don't endorse it."

[Image: 9yA5fOi.png]

Shortly after crossing the tracks, you find a couple buildings, with a city visible behind them.

"Well, guess we're here. That's the station and a little shop, there. Looks like they're both open. You think you can handle the city on yer own? Cause, I'm thinking of catching a train outta this dump. Maybe to Bonsai, haven't decided yet."
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: tossaway
You should go to the shop. bye bye friend!
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]
RE: tossaway
DON'T LEAVE YET Aaaaaaaaaaaah
~◕ w◕~
RE: tossaway
Can we hitch a ride with you by covertly hiding in your bag? i've seen this done so many times
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: tossaway
Does this guy run on static? Because you're feeling clingy.
RE: tossaway
RE: tossaway
(03-30-2016, 12:48 AM)Loather Wrote: »IT IS TIME TO PURCHASE SNACKS


RE: tossaway
You probably should ask what they use for money, because you're not sure you've got any on you.