Impromptu Adventure Game

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Impromptu Adventure Game
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Shoulder charge your bedroom door. She can't just keep you locked up in here against your will. This is America!

Well possibly. I'm not entirely sure where this adventure is taking place but it could conceivably be taking place in America anyway.
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Okay, time for a different approach. Curl up on the floor and cry loudly. Make sure that your Mom can hear you.
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
curl up on the floor and cry loudly about america and how you should be in america
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Look around your room, is there anything else soft available to cushion your fall if you have to jump out the window?
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
if you have a lighter you can burn them. ashes are soft
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Well, if this is Canada, you should apologize.
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Ugh fine let's put some pants on


RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
It's winter in Canada, just jump right out the window and aim for the nearest snowbank.
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Nothing broken? You sure?
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
Hooray, we're successfully escaped into the frigid outdoors!

Quick, run away from the house before your mom figures out what happened.
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
> Skip
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
> Dig
RE: Impromptu Adventure Game
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