Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
So there was this fairly small lemon, you see. It had a pretty thick rind, which left only a small amount of edible lemon inside. In that small portion of deliciousness, this little fruit had managed to condense everything that is meant to be lemon - that powerful zest that is at once overwhelmingly sour and yet so tantalizingly sweet. It was everything that a lemon could hope to be, and it was only a few inches in diameter. I do not - no, cannot - regret eating it, and yet I miss it already.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
The specified thread does not exist.

I'm going to school tomorrow. Great.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I agree. School = End of the world.
On that note, I aced my exams today. wooohooo
No matter what happens today, you can laugh about it tomorrow
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Signed a lease! Moving into my new apartment in a month. Whee!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
You need to get a couch so I can crash on it at...... some indeterminable point
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
And now I have tickets to see Weird Al in Halifax this summer - this is being a fantastic week!

(And I'll be having some sort of couch, so there'll definitely be crashing space available at whatever point gets indetermined.)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Same, except the other side of the country. Halifax is a bit far for me. Also not the couch thing. I mean there are several couches here but-

(also second row eeee)
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Politicians that do bad things do get voted out sometimes.

Suck it, Campbell Newman.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Ren arrived intact and i have had a nice 2 days of fiance, to be followed by (immigration permitting) no more long distance ever. Woo!
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Aww! That's wonderful :3
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Aced another set of exams. Woohoo
No matter what happens today, you can laugh about it tomorrow
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
I officially, kinda have my own laptop now. Kinda. at least no one's monitoring me.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
There was a provincial election here today.

The so-called "Progressive Conservatives" have been in power for a long time. Longer than my lifetime. My older sister was born in the same year they took the reins from the previous in-power-for-way-too-long party.

Well, today the PCs were reduced to a mere twelve seats, third place behind the conservative Wild Rose party.

In first place? The NDP, the most left-wing of the major parties up here, with an outright majority in the legislature. Rachel Notley is our new premier. (Her brother is the cartoonist who draws Bob the Angry Flower.)

There were polls that suggested this could happen, but when you've had one party in power for that long you tend to get skeptical. This was a pleasant surprise.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Hung out with some of the photography club students today; they worked hard to ask me stuff in English and one of the Agriculture teachers saw us mooching around the greenhouses and let us take a look (and a shoot) inside.

I also bought another potted plant (from the agriculture students) which will go toward sprucing up my backyard, because having stuff worth watering outside will encourage me to be a bit more diligent about yanking the ever-encroaching vines out of there.

Also also I've got art class this evening so I can totally, like, practice illustratin' and shit.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
From my understanding, second-solstice conifer abduction is a tradition observed in many parts of the world.

Spruce appears to be the main lumber tree in this part of this country at least, though, so I don't really need to go round propagating them. I got basil instead.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Basil is a pretty great plant to have in the garden. Ours exploded this year and it was in every second dinner :v
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Wow the blast radius must of been pretty big.

RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
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RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
It's my flavorite.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Against Me is playing this friday! Super keen.
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)

...and I think they went well? Like, really quite well. In fact, I'm sort of happy to entertain the idea that I could get a First?! That would be lovely, since people would then shut up about me not having got one last year I might get a cape! I'd love a cape. I've spent most of the exam season sat behind someone with a cape and I've become incredibly envious.

ALSO THIS MEANS I HAVE TIME NOW. if you'll excuse me I'm just going to sleep for a week (except for the bits where I'm awake for long enough to beat my housemates at Civ) and then MAYBE INTERNET THINGS AGAIN?

Now that would be nice...
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
Hooray, congrats Sruix!
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
mine are done too
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Good News Everyone!!! (The joysplosion thread)
While harvesting Dirt from my neighbours compost (with their permission), I found a buried lego man with a lime green hand and no legs.

Also I am going to relax at a beach at a lake in the middle of nowhere!