Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END

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Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
so then there was a gelyl which made fun of stevan freman and it was steven fremans FEER! abd so steven freeman gacve the feer a kikc an dthe fear ws vanquaish. and tehn there was lots and lots of things like things and there was a crokscrew awhcih becam steben fremans friend.
Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
okay so i told somebody if they won or not so this will be over soon :O
Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
The macula wanet up to the steven freeham and said look I really don’t want to do thius but I guess I am going to anyways. Then he stabbed the striven freeman and he died. Oh no he said. Macualr looked down at his fallen chum and sayd “I GUESS TH8IS REALLY WAS A GRAND FAIL!”

Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - LAST ROUND - IN
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
good job guys congrats to mjilner for the win now rosetta started one of these too and you should join it if you havent already because it needs more players!
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
[spor][Image: clap.gif][/spoiler]
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
The Awesome looked at Macula and smiled because his battle was super spectacular and went exactly how he wanted except for when it didn't. Macula was sent back home BUT PERHAPS TO RETURN AGAIN ANOTHER TIME?

(whoops forogt the end flavor)
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END

Nitebat had a dream that he would die in a battle to the death so he knew it was coming and he was ready for it. When he died he sent his soul back in time to Ancient Egypt where it would awaken in a mummified body.

Then he made a carpet shampooer because he realized just how dirty the carpets were in the pyramids.

Also he changed his name to Boh Ssman so nobody would realize he was Nitebat.

THE END???????[/color]
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
[background=black]But then when everyone least expected it, COUNT AESOME THE AWESOME came from the veil and he was not dead he had just been saving the universe again with his super awesome powers of awesome.

Then he saw that the awesome who was really more like THE DUMB had ended the battle but count awesome hadn't won so that didn't make sense. count Awesmoe went to macula's home dimension and stabbed him and set him on fire with his sword which was made of fire and magic. so macula was dead and then count awesome was the real winner of the grand battle

But the dumb was all like "no you didn't win you left in the middle that's cheating"

"Well i am count Awesome The awesome and i am more powerful than you because my power level is OVAR NINE MILLION (lol get it) and then he took his sword and his gun and they trasnformed into a giant robot dragon which count awesome the awesome could control with his mind and it had every power possible except the stupid ones like being allergic to garlic because that's stupid

so then the dumb said "okay okay you win"

But Count awesome the Awsome said "nope you call yourself the awesome but that is who i am so i can't let you live now die"

and then the giant dragon used all of its powers at the same time on "the Awesome" and he died so count awesome was the only one left from the battle

So count awesome decided that he would run his own battle and so he became the next grandmaster (his name was still Count awesome The Awesome though don't worry)

Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END



[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
i have decided that i hate you all
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
you were terrible at being a host

this isnt how you run a battle numbnuts
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END

no look

Count Awesome killed maulca, can't you read
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Anomaly Wrote:you were terrible at being a host

this isnt how you run a battle numbnuts
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
In the midst of nothing, Standford Price stood. A place where time had accelerated into oblivion, into dust. Then the dust delubricating the great wheels of Time's egress, forcing them to slow, to stop, to wear away. Standford Price stood. He thought he should be scared, but the emotion failed him. This was beyond terrifying, so far away from the basis of fear that in his mind, Standford felt nothing but a dull sense of flittering awe. Before him the shattered hourglass, infinitely high above and below, poured in a glittering waterfall the dust of time's remnant in a cloud around his feet - yet never touching, never striking Price's pricey suit. And somewhere in the back of his mind, a somewhere that he knew was no place at all but rather a time, a somewhen, he knew - had known - will have known - that to be fortunate. Volatile time broke about him on the surf of endless duration compressed into the infinitesimal dark and light of paradox, and to paradox they fell, dragging Standford Prince with them. Perhaps to be 'dragged' gave the wrong impression, but language lacks the veracity of the meanings it interprets. It was certain that he had had no choice, but Price was beyond caring.

And down, down - to the bottom of the 'verses, to the last word of the last stanza of the last, last verse. To the shattered remnants of a thousand worlds, each carrying within them the broken fragments of a thousand spacetimes, and in them the split shards of an infinite thousand events all roiled up in the ground detritus in the bottom of a bin...

And Standford Price dove into the shards, neither head nor body first but rather in a moment of instance, one moment void and the other shards. And they pierced his mind, his consciousness - and then he knew more than he ever wished to know, and held power in the way an abstraction could. There, in the heart of a thousand jewels of glittering time and space held frozen for all simultaneity, Standford Price learned his role. Born from a failure, without rules or cohesion, he would be its counterpoint - he would reason with a vengeance, with great swathes of convoluted logic creating his path and goal.

The Reasoner looked up as the dust of time flowed away from him, in the way time touches not the immortal. He contemplated for a moment returning to his own, old life - as most new to immortality are wont to do - and dismissed the notion. There was no going back; The Awesome had destroyed everything - everything -

He shed a few tears; it was reasonable to do so, for emotion's sake. But it was unreasonable to continue for too long. A nanoeternity passed, then idly he dragged his hand through the twisted timelines of the Paradox Shards. He caught one; peering at its shine he caught a glimpse of a planet inside a toroidal black hole, charging its superluminal engines from the wormhole's gravitational energies. He put it away, watching it flicker away in the streams of the neverwere.

"hey what are you doing?!?! the awesome said because he just showd up where standford price the resoner was 'i thought you were in my battle too why are you stil alive i killed everyone but macula''

It would be unreasonable to expect the Awesome to be anything but. Conflict, likewise, would benefit no one. The Reasoner smiled, just blandly enough to be disconcerting, and opened his briefcase. Without another word, he gathered in it a caseful of time, space and idea - and stepped apart and away, off to build a realm for his own.

and tehn stevan freman wa s dead but he was at peace because the aweosome was realy confused.
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
STFU it's over! D:<
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Ixcaliber Wrote:STFU it's over! D:<
yu stuf this wasd terlibel

you dont sdesrve to winanythign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blankaloupe
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Can we get the mods ban these morans? Lock this trhead or somtheing?

Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Ixcaliber Wrote:Can we get the mods ban these morans? Lock this trhead or somtheing?

yous the morns morsan
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
Listen up fuckwits i won this hting and if you don't like it you can fuck off this is my thread now so fuck you all. go and win your own gand battle.s and then yi'll fucking come and post shit in them when you're tyring to enjoy being a wimmer.

in sumamry fuck you all if you pst in here i am contatcing a mod for serious.
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
post Fact Seagull
Re: Re: Re :Re: Re: Re: Re: The Grand Failure - THE END
I already slept with all the mods broski come on call me out do it man let's see who gets banned first come at me bro
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