"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares

"Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Must everything be dating sims with you?

But yeah, it would.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Well. I uh, was dreaming about getting to this place that looked like a weird mall at the end of the world by crawling through layers of tunnels, each styled like some horror game. One was a meat tunnel where goblins lived, another was super dusty and dry, one I'm sure was alive cause I kept hearing a really loud heartbeat. I was with other people but I don't remember who they were. Someone kept pushing me to go back, though, but I was pretty done with that meat tunnel.

Seriously. What the hell lead me to that outcome?
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
A zombie apocalypse.

Except instead of zombies, it was
<- THAT FUCKER RIGHT THERE (If you're looking at this in the future and I've changed my avatar, it's Len Kagamine)

Also, he could travel through electronic media and would duplicate himself, which was discovered when some news station showed footage of an attack, then a Len came through the little screen in the desk and attacked the anchor. Who then went through all the TV screens of people watching it and yeah you see where this is going.

I guess the only thing I have to say to this is...

RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream where at one part, I was sitting in my elementary school park with an acquaintance of mine when suddenly I fell off whatever I was sitting on. From there, the dream began spinning and rotating and I started talking about how dizzy I was.

I feel dizzy just thinking about it.

I may need to go lie down.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I was looking for Pokémon in an office building because I was commissioned by some dude and I guess I was a professional Pokémon hunter?? Anyway there was a giant clefairy climbing the side of the building and it tried to throw me off the roof
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I was with my family, in Pittsburgh, and we somehow ruined the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. Which were in New Zealand, for some reason.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I dreamt my alarm went off and it woke me up. I'm super pissed about it because I was convinced it was 7am when it was 1am and got really confused.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I'm still annoyed about it. My brain likes to think of entirely stupid ways to wake me up for no reason
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream where I was interviewing with this Australian guy for a job at a tropical pet shop, and the shop's crocodile came up to me and turned out to be friendly and want petting. So while I was answering questions, I was rubbing the croc's nose and scratching between its eyes, and then at one point it rolled over and wanted belly scratches on its belly-scutes. Like it was a big scaly dog.
The rough texture of its scales was really distinct in the dream, which was more tactile than I think my dreams usually are.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
All right fuckos, it's time for 'Agen dreams up a thing that would be a great setting again'

So basically in this dream, the world was post-apocalyptic but well on the way to recovery. The apocalypse happened when someone managed to blow up the afterlife so now most of the Earth is overrun by vengeful ghosts with nowhere to go.

The dream took place at this 'make your kids tough and have them understand the realities of the world outside of the safe cities' summer camp that was pretty much closer to being a boot camp, which was full of like, learning how to take orders and take action when fighting ghosts and whatnot. Super military, but dressed up in this 'haha kids love special activities' shit.

Now at one point I punched the fuck out of another kid and then he punched back and there was a fight, so we were both sent to punishment detail. Which turned out to be this giant spire of black lodestone in the middle of a crater, which the camp was built around. Turns out that not only is this lodestone the thing creating the ghost-free zone around the camp, the administrators have begun to sacrifice the lives of children to chip pieces off and sell it to travellers to keep the ghosts away. The tall spire used to be an entire, like sphere of meteorite and just over the years it's been chipped away so much that the city ruins just outside the camp were actually overrun by the shrinking zone of safety.

Unfortunately it's at that point that I woke up, and I actually kind of wonder where that would have gone :c
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had bought something from a bookstore, and the thing was called "Shakespeare's Tomb". It was a 35-faced shape, which you could open up to get at the goodies inside.

Which was a video, a script, and two pieces of sheet music, all for conducting a funeral for Wile E. Coyote.

No, I don't get it either.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I kept getting on trains and also there was this room where events kept repeating over and over and I was trying to remain hidden for some reason. I also think I was someone else in my dream but I usually don't dream of being myself anyway so it wasn't too weird. What was weird was that I don't even remember who I was supposed to be.

None of that makes coherent sense, it was just pretty vivid. Why all the trains, though? Like seriously I must've gotten on at least five and I really don't think I had a destination in mind
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I had a dream that a friend from grade 8, Teresa, and I had taken a highschool course that required us to physically go to another building far away to get to the class. Some teacher gave me really detailed and complicated instructions on how to get there, and Teresa had already left without me.

I ended up skipping that class.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
According to my dream, when a dog is in a maze, they always follow the left-hand rule.

Also featured: my cousin calls 911 for no good reason, my uncle suddenly has a 4-year-old who's face is exactly the same, my grandma promises me a tray of dessert because my other grandma's dead dog (who is now alive) peed while I was watching TV, and a whole subplot where I marry a spy (who I have a feeling was Black Widow?) and someone poisons us and I have wings and we fight dune worms.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Dreams that stick in memory after I wake are rare, but last night I managed one

Unfortunately all I remember from it is that I coherently explained why FFXV looks fuckin' sick

I still hafta figure out how to actually do that while conscious
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
In a parking lot, I see a huge pile of explosives nearby. And it's beeping. Alright, it's time to run away from that. Then spend the next several minutes trying to figure out how to exit the city to no avail. Meanwhile, as a perspective change, there's this other person who didn't have a car so they hid inside the local nuclear reactor containment chamber.

Anyway, once I manage to finally escape, it turns out that the pile of explosives didn't blow up.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
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RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
i had a dream last night where i was the child director of a famous muppet meme, but then some big shot rich dude who was producing the sequel put their kid into it and his kid was terrible, kidnapping my little sister and otherwise being a pest around the house.

I think it's an allegory for hollywood and how the big shots meddle with the works of the less fortunate, draining them of any artistic merit they can.

Or maybe I was just having a weird dream episode again.
Fact SeagullMcCoffee
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Wedding reception interrupted by spidernado. The air was thick with spiders.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I've been having a few dreams abouts death races on motor boats for some reason this week. usually the people who run them are nice despite forcing me into it.
Fact SeagullMcCoffee
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Last night was a real mess for me, but I have vague recollections of a dream where the government was cloning people to cover up their deaths.

I think it started with me musing what save points would be in real life and kind of drifted into a conspiracy.
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
I just now had a dream where the members of hawkspace got ahold of a private website containing a lot of stuff that i posted online, then they compiled it in a thread and were like "haha, look what gatr made" and most of the following posts were cool and funny but they didnt know that my ss number was one of those things, and i got nearly sent to jail because of shenanigans

yeah idk either
[Image: 6xGo4ab.png][Image: sig.gif]
RE: "Seriously brain, what the hell?" A Thread For Weird Dreams and Nightmares
Really weird and meandering dream last night, I'm trying to write out what I remember.

So for some reason, I'm going to a New Years' party. It's some kind of public event and apparently it involves leaving gifts for completely random people?

And for reasons that I'm sure made sense in the dream, I get a big cardboard box, cut holes in it so I can wear it, then fold it so it looks like a smaller box and the holes aren't visible. Then I buy some Pac-Man game (I don't remember the title, only that it was some weird modern one) and put it in there.

And then I'm like, "wait, where is this party" and I think it's on my home block but I don't really know where.

I go down one side of the block and the party isn't there, so I go down another side and halfway down there, there's a store. And I think "hey, I'll get a bottle of orange pop and put it in the box".

So I do that. Then I absentmindedly drink a bunch of the bottle? And when I realize this, I go "oh well" and head on to find the party.

And I do, it's at some mansion at a bend in the road on the opposite side of the block (that doesn't really exist, neither does the store I stopped at now that I think about it) but at this point I realize "wait, I forgot my box".

So I run back to the store, and there are some other boxes lying around but none are mine. I figure it got stolen and sort of panic, but calm down a bit because it was just going to go to a random person anyhow.

At this point, I asked some bystanders in the store for help, and then I'm a little fuzzy about what happened next. I think for some reason I called Snow from FF13 for help (why would I even do that, there are so many way more competent fictional characters I could ask) and ran around the store for a bit, and after a while I came across the bystanders and they said something like "we vanquished the bees!" and I'm like "but did you find my box" and they go "no, but we got a quest for you".

At about this point, I decide to give up and go home. I vaguely remember telling my mom that I'm not going to the party after all. Then I see it's 11:52 PM (despite the fact that it's still light out and has been for the entirety of the dream) and I go "oh shoot, I should write before it hits midnight", so I run upstairs to my room (except it's not my actual room).

And there are dead bees on the bed. Except I think they were actually wasps, I just had bees on my mind. I tell Mom but she's all "well I'm not cleaning that up right now." So I grab a tray to write on so I don't have to be in the room with the dead "bees", and partway through I realize there's a snake on the tray and I've been writing around it without consciously noticing.

Then I wonder "is it dead too", and it starts moving and that's when I wake up.