Medium Difficulty (reboot)

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Medium Difficulty (reboot)
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Also why doesn't anyone else have an avatar?
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Maybe transparency is an issue. Or you are the only human in a world of robots.

Have you seen any of them in person?
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
That's a nice shiny blue link. Click it.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
>Look for the nearest cell tower out of the window and check for meteor damage.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Go up.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Look out the door blinds.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Try to pick the lock.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Loot body for belongings. Plug plug into outlet. Look up. Attempt to pick door.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
>Move vending machine in front of the other door and unintentionally die horribly
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Yell loudly upwards. Righten machine. Examine machine.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
>Go through door behind vending machine. Since it no longer has a caution sign, no need to be cautious.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Jump up and down on the machine.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Walk past the "walls", just because there are lines dileniating perspective dont mean that there are necessarily walls there.
Hi there! I'd really appreciate it if you took some time to read my adventure Madeline Beaufort and the Moon Thief! Thanks!
[Image: 8zbr3I4.png]
Dope ass dragon created by the incomparable Earthexe
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Attempt to open door.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
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RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Get extinguisher. Open hose. Take hanger. Go left.
RE: Medium Difficulty (reboot)
Why is there a coat hanger on a pipe? That seems like it would be against some regulation or another.