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06-27-2014, 04:04 PM
Quote:[17:49] NotTheAuthor schaz go to sleep
[17:49] Schazzzz haha good one
[17:49] PickYerPoison i'm laughing pretty hard so maybe yeah
[17:49] Mirdini sleep to go
[17:49] Schazzzz sleep in a box
[17:49] Schazzzz for ur convenicnie
[17:49] NotTheAuthor fast sleep
[17:49] Schazzzz fast, a sleep
[17:49] NotTheAuthor gotta go sleep
[17:50] PickYerPoison sonic the narcoleptic hedgehog
[17:50] Schazzzz fuck uouhyou e ts
[17:50] PickYerPoison he's the fastest thing aliiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[17:50] NotTheAuthor hes the fastest thing asleep
[17:51] Schazzzz ttheres iek tow legitimatelyt funny people rn
[17:51] PickYerPoison yes
[17:51] Mirdini sleeprunning
[17:51] Schazzzz i din't count because shornitoot
[17:51] Schazzzz shornitoot, not the actor
[17:51] PickYerPoison is there an actor named shornitoot
[17:51] NotTheAuthor "Because Shornitoot"
[17:51] NotTheAuthor that's a new one
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06-27-2014, 05:30 PM
There is no way all of this and shornitoot were solely the result of sleep depravity.
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06-28-2014, 02:06 AM
Other selections from last night:
Quote:[02:20] <DragonFogel> (also, Schazer's at Malky levels of sleep-deprivation, beware)
[02:20] <SolarAway> schazer no,
[02:20] <Schazzzz> schazera yse
[02:21] <Schazzzz> fuckin quality
[02:21] <Mirdini> ia ia schazer yse
[02:21] <SolarAway> that doesnt seem
[02:21] <Mirdini> quality blogg
[02:21] <Schazzzz> quail
[02:21] <Schazzzz> tea
[02:21] <Schazzzz> blog
[02:21] <Schazzzz> doy ou want in on this
[02:21] * Schazzzz poses seductively
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06-28-2014, 02:43 AM
I'm debating what to do with that announcement thread now
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07-14-2014, 12:50 AM
Quote:09:47 Schazer I don't know if I want to post this in "Post cute animals" so y'all can look at it here instead
09:47 Schazer
09:47 Safknzh there was a street fair apparently? anyway I'm back
09:47 Safknzh what'd I miss
09:47 *** Safknzh is now known as Sanzh
09:47 Granola thatsapenis.gif
09:47 Plaid that looks like a fucked up eel
09:47 Schazer an 81cm caecilian
09:47 Schazer caecilians are a group of legless amphibians
09:48 Sanzh jesus
09:48 Sanzh that's thirty-two inches of unsettling leathery dick
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07-14-2014, 04:41 AM
Sounds like Sunday to me wakka wakka
didn't forget her password for 2 years
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07-23-2014, 07:45 PM
Quote:[15:21] <PickYerPoison> what should i call the line of planes i'm creating for atmospheric flight in ksp
[15:24] <phonats> "Air to Ground Missiles"
[15:25] <Anomaly> "Catastrophic Lithobraking"
[15:25] <PickYerPoison> :c
[15:28] <GenetiXientist> "Aircraft that does not advance our understanding of the cosmos and is thus wasting valuable resources we could be using in better ways V1"
[15:29] <phonats> "Parachute with Wings"
[15:32] <Anomaly> "Microsoft Flight Simulator"
[15:34] <PickYerPoison> Sparrow it is
[15:36] <Anomaly> good enough
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07-25-2014, 03:00 AM
Quote:[19:59:26] * Timu12 (Mibbit@ has joined #eagletime
[19:59:44] <Timu12> there's something in the fridge and i can't tell if it's a bag of pizza of a bag of chicken legs
[19:59:47] <Timu12> but it's probably the latter
[19:59:49] <Timu12> goodnight
[19:59:54] * Timu12 is now known as Guest72507
[19:59:57] * Guest72507 (Mibbit@ Quit (Client Quit)
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08-14-2014, 09:48 AM
Quote:<Sanzh> hee
<Sanzh> I almost want to say the theme for this week in battles is pseudo-french assholes but you've already broken that with BM
<Schazer> ahahahahaha
<Schazer> how do we know Sen isn't secretly french
<Schazer> french space fruit
<Schazer> we have asshole aristocracy isn't that close enough
<Sanzh> that doesn't quite have the je ne sais quoi
<Schazer> i don't know what that is
<Sanzh> it's I don't know w-- /wait/ >:I
<Schazer> ahahahahahahaha
Schazer bazooka
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08-23-2014, 04:28 AM
Quote:<DragonFogel> It's amazing how stable connections are tonight, isn't it?
* Anomaly ( Quit (*.net *.split)
* soundlyParanoid ( Quit (*.net *.split)
* Cassie (~Cassie@ Quit (*.net *.split)
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08-27-2014, 03:31 AM
Quote:<Timu12> i wish jacquerel would put out more
<Schazardous> what
<Timu12> i keep refreshing tumblr but nothing new comes up...
<whim> timu jacques is in a commited relationship
<Timu12> what
<Timu12> did i make some sort of boob slang or something
Boobslangs: the sexiest, sneakiest, deadliest snakes???
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09-26-2014, 12:40 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2014, 12:54 AM by ICan'tGiveCredit.)
Quote:20:16 elpie I'm gonna see if I can get anyone on omegle to convert to Islam if I promise them my nudes
20:17 CreditsMadAblution are you going to pretend to be a /male/ muslim while making such a proposition
20:17 elpie I'm just sending "Hey 24f convert to Islam and I'll send u nudes"
20:18 CreditsMadAblution that's very misleading. What if they look it up and find the Quad City Slammers instead
20:18 CreditsMadAblution you just made yourself a few basketball fans
20:18 CreditsMadAblution which is way worse
20:19 elpie I don't think I've gotten a nonbot yet
20:19 elpie Is the problem
20:19 CreditsMadAblution Slamaddah: I Slam every morning, evening and night, in the name o' Kobe.
20:20 CreditsMadAblution
20:20 CreditsMadAblution swegg
20:21 CreditsMadAblution Allah's Grand Slam toniiittttteeee :33333333333
20:22 elpie Can we agree that Omegle is the most spectacularly failed experiment in Internet history
20:22 Gnauga celebrate
20:22 Gnauga Slammadan
20:22 elpie Like, they tried to facilitate human connection and people immediately used it for sex
20:22 elpie And then they added a separate sex section and people still used the non-sex section for sex cause there were more likely to be girls on it
20:22 elpie And now it's 95% bots
20:23 Gnauga name one human innovation
20:23 Gnauga that was not somehow used for sex
20:23 CreditsMadAblution shoots a hoop full o' holy while smiling and raising a thumbs up to Elpie
20:23 elpie It's actually impossible to find a human to connect you even a 14-year-old kid trying to see your tits on Skype
20:23 elpie I know gnauga
20:23 Gnauga :]
20:23 elpie But most of those remain possible to use for their original purpose
20:24 CreditsMadAblution I'm not sure toasters are used for sex, guys
20:24 elpie Oh credit
20:24 elpie So naive
20:24 Gnauga the naivete
20:24 Gnauga so cute
20:25 CreditsMadAblution how /does one find a way/. why
20:25 elpie I mean burning kink is pretty common?
20:25 CreditsMadAblution facepalms
20:26 elpie I'm mostly just going by like
20:26 *** CreditsMadAblution is now known as CreditTheSexObject
20:26 *** Mraof quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
20:26 elpie The normal range of BDSM activities + stuff I see on Tumblr
20:26 Gnauga credit as a sex object
20:26 Gnauga as in, copyright
20:26 CreditTheSexObject Look what you've done. Now I have to start the first wave of Toasterism
20:27 elpie Protect the toasters from salacious Internetters
20:27 Gnauga rights of ownership over intellectual property
20:27 Gnauga : the kink
20:27 CreditTheSexObject Toast Solicitation shall be Denied at all times
20:27 elpie Gnauga that's extremely basic
20:27 elpie That's just slave contracts
20:28 Gnauga so basic i'm baking soda
20:28 *** elpie quit (Quit: elpie)
20:28 *** Mraof joined #eagletime
20:28 CreditTheSexObject There's a much wider range of Toaster Abuse that the public must be aware of
20:29 CreditTheSexObject Online scammers will always promise sexual favours before presenting you with a toaster
20:29 CreditTheSexObject So Stay Safe!
20:29 Gnauga :^)
#swingers #thosenicetoastymornings
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10-25-2014, 04:25 AM
Quote:[21:15:16] <vidi4c> windows next or some shit
[21:15:30] <Timu12> probably better to mix up windows 95 and 98 since they are close together in time so they are more similar, than to confuse it with 9 which is recent and much more different?
[21:15:31] <vidi4c> idk i dont like the number naming convention thingie
[21:15:42] <Chwoka> Windows IX
[21:16:15] <Whimbrel> the best windows ever
[21:16:19] <Whimbrel> is windows IX
[21:16:42] <Elpie> Windows numbering is one of many things in life that superhero comics prepared me for
[21:16:42] <Chwoka> wIXdows
[21:17:02] <Chwoka> wixBLOW$
[21:17:04] <Loather> windows XD
[21:17:12] <vidi4c> WINdows
[21:17:15] <Loather> windows haha
[21:17:22] <Chwoka> windows lol
[21:17:25] <vidi4c> windows ME 2
[21:17:30] <Loather> windows Love Our Lord
[21:17:46] <vidi4c> windows gtfo
[21:17:51] <Chwoka> when the lord closes a door he opens a windows 98
[21:17:55] <Loather> windows prayer
[21:17:56] <vidi4c> direct x box
[21:18:05] <Chwoka> (full name of the os)
[21:18:09] <Chwoka> winDOZE
[21:18:17] <Loather> windows the was one set of footsteps because i was carrying you
[21:18:22] <Loather> *there
[21:19:11] <Chwoka> windows 8:36
[21:19:16] <vidi4c> windows melee
[21:19:17] <Whimbrel> windows 2013
[21:19:19] <vidi4c> windows brawl
[21:19:21] <Loather> windows 3:16
[21:19:26] <vidi4c> WINDOWS FOR 3DS AND WII U
[21:19:44] <Loather> windows
[21:19:47] <Loather> windows 2
[21:19:49] <Loather> the windows
[21:19:54] <Chwoka> windows balboa
[21:20:10] <vidi4c> lol
[21:20:24] <vidi4c> windowgust 3000
[21:20:32] <Chwoka> windows 4: the return of micheal myers
[21:20:34] <Loather> windows balboa constrictor
[21:20:48] <vidi4c> windows: this is it
[21:20:48] <Loather> window
[21:21:08] <vidi4c> this is kinda getting old lol
[21:21:18] <Loather> shades (the dark + gritty windows reboot)
[21:21:28] <Chwoka> windows 7.1 2
[21:22:02] <Chwoka> windows y2k 2: 2k15
[21:22:08] <Chwoka> windows y2k 2: 2k15 2: 22k15
[21:22:15] <Chwoka> #windows
[21:22:30] <Chwoka> and of course
[21:22:35] <vidi4c> EW
[21:22:39] <Chwoka> wiNO
[21:22:52] <Timu12> windex
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11-04-2014, 05:10 AM
Quote:13:26 Schazardous sollie remind me
13:26 Schazardous who in GBS2 was slamming the oven and who was playing the trombone
13:26 Schazardous all I remember is that Xあああdrez wasn'T home
13:26 Schazardous *Xadrez
13:26 Solaris jen slams the oven arkal plays the trombone and xadrez isnt home
13:26 Schazardous brilliant
13:27 Schazardous what about GBS3
13:27 Schazardous like there are multiple configurations there but
13:27 Elpie There are so many configurations there God
13:27 Solaris scofflaw scofflaw scofflaw
13:27 Elpie Scofflaw blue on trombone, scofflaw red on oven, scofflaw green isn't home
13:27 Schazardous pfffbt
13:27 Schazardous ok how about when Miles isn't home
13:28 DragonFogel Somehow this lead me to thinking "what if we had a round that was a sitcom".
13:28 Elpie I'm pretty sure chaos reigns and the oven is playing the trombone
13:28 Schazardous hot
13:28 Elpie Fogel Goldhenge is probably as close as we'll get
13:28 Schazardous when Jetsam isn't home, Scofflaw's playing the Trombone and Anzhi is beating someone's face in with the oven door
13:29 Elpie But...
13:29 Elpie Jetsam...
13:29 DragonFogel What if we set a round in Broderburg-world?
13:29 Elpie Always isn't home
13:29 Solaris i need to write this post in deathgame after my head stops bad so that i can start writing jojo part 4 cross deadly premonition fanficiton
13:29 Schazardous ooooooooooooooooooooh snap
13:29 Solaris FUCK
13:29 Schazardous I'm crying
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12-04-2014, 12:41 AM
Quote:09:35 Elpie Snapchats are pretty pointed
09:35 Schazardous Elps send me nudes
09:36 Elpie I don't have a good camera
09:36 Schazardous Elps send me nudes of dubious photographic quality
09:36 Elpie I could text you an extremely blurry nude off my cell maybe
09:36 Schazardous send me ascii nudes
09:36 Elpie LP8=D
09:36 Elpie Oh sorry that was meant to be private
09:37 Elpie Everyone but Chaz ignore that and don't tell the media
09:37 Schazardous omg Sanzh sanzh guess what
09:37 Sai You've aroused my interest in the conversation.
09:37 Sanzh hm?
09:37 Paranoia sai, no one needed to know that.
09:37 Schazardous Elps sent me dickpics
09:37 Schazardous look
09:37 Sai He sent everyone dickpics
09:37 Sanzh ha ha nice
09:37 Schazardous 09:36 <Elpie> LP8=D
09:37 Elpie Dammit
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12-04-2014, 03:41 AM
You're literally missing the best part of that event.
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12-04-2014, 03:43 AM
Quote:* Gnauga (gn@ has joined #eagletime
<Sanzh> today's top story: ASCII dick-pics
* Gnauga has quit (Client Quit)
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12-04-2014, 05:33 AM
Quote:[21:30] <Elpie > Sbnkalny what are your hard limits
[21:30] <sbnkalny> I suppose harder rogue like wouldn't you rather tentacle sbnkalny
[21:30] <sbnkalny> Gui sbnkalny
[21:30] <Schazardous> incredible
[21:30] <Anomaly> tentacle sbnkalny, you say
[21:30] <sbnkalny> Vaginal tentacle
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12-04-2014, 05:35 AM
I asked Mraof to invite Sbnkalny to #eagletime
Quote:14:28 PickYerPoison sbnkalny what is your fetish
14:28 sbnkalny And it's on several factors, sbnkalny
14:28 Loather pyp
14:29 sbnkalny There are two sbnkalny's
14:29 DragonFogel sbnkalny what's the most important thing in the universe?
14:29 sbnkalny There's nothing worse than bringing a notepad with you but forgetting the most important thing for 1000+ bucks
14:29 Elpie Sbnkalny's fetishes are well-documented
14:29 sbnkalny Fetishes are wonderful
14:29 Credit sbnkalny is love, and is therefore also Shrek
14:29 PickYerPoison wait was that asked laready
14:29 sbnkalny I'm not allowed to fall in love, and show him who really doesn't have animated eyes
14:29 PickYerPoison haha
14:29 Credit that's how sbnkalny works right
14:29 sbnkalny Also sbnkalny works
14:29 Credit
14:29 Loather pyp sbnkalny has a tumblr and
14:29 sbnkalny You were really good for a lab which was kind of guy who, with the hidden ability, but i guess
14:29 Elpie Fetishes are wonderful
14:29 Elpie Also
Quote:14:30 Elpie Sbnkalny what are your hard limits
14:30 sbnkalny I suppose harder rogue like wouldn't you rather tentacle sbnkalny
14:30 Credit sbnkalny is a clown life saver
14:30 sbnkalny Gui sbnkalny
14:30 Schazardous incredible
14:30 Anomaly tentacle sbnkalny, you say
14:30 sbnkalny Vaginal tentacle
14:30 Schazardous omfg
14:30 Anomaly you didn't need to clarify
14:30 Credit smacks his own forehead
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12-04-2014, 07:17 AM
While we're on the subject of sbnkalny, I'm going to engage in a little self-indulgence.
Quote:<Credit> sbnkalny is a lung-murderer. Weapon of choice? Laughter
<sbnkalny> Neko is a noob. The biggest companion weapon of all, i didn't even exist
<DragonFogel> sbnkalny, we can all be thankful that those dark days when you didn't exist are over.
<sbnkalny> Given the only bronies that exist are because of majora's mask
<Schazardous> Elps would your ladyfriend let you have a polyamorous thing with sbnkalny
<sbnkalny> Same thing with a modest nature, gengar can get started
<Elpie> Uuuuuuuuh that depends I think
<DragonFogel> sbnkalny, if Majora's Mask is behind bronies, who's responsible for Homestuck fans?
<sbnkalny> It was an [s] updatte for homestuck
<Elpie> Sbnkalny are you a domme or a sub
<sbnkalny> Elpie are pantheon of justice
<Elpie> That answered nothing
<Credit> Elpie needs to decide then
<Sanzh> homestuck is responsible for homestuck
<Credit> it's democracy
<Sanzh> makes sense
<Sanzh> sbnkalny do you top or bottom
<sbnkalny> I expect them to give you top thrift shop right now but i like bite clunk.
<DragonFogel> Well, that was pretty much the plot of Zoostuck.
<MrGuy> Sbnkalny, on the ground or standin' tall
<sbnkalny> Well sbnkalny,
<MrGuy> Sbnkalny wants to be thrown down a well, confirmed
<sbnkalny> He squirmed against the unforgiving relief-marks in the statue he was tied to "family names"
<DragonFogel> sbnkalny what's your opinion on Zoostuck?
<sbnkalny> That is how i pronounce sbnkalny
<MrGuy> That's an interesting pronunciation.
<Elpie> Sbnkalny (n) ZOO . STUCK
Quote:<sbnkalny> Who the fuck is a sbnkalny
<DragonFogel> sbnkalny, a sbnkalny is a zoostuck.
<sbnkalny> DragonFogel is joining in compliment time
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12-11-2014, 06:54 AM
Quote:[22:51:32] * Schazer applies pneumatic hammer to forehead
[22:51:33] <Schazer> riveting
[22:51:40] <Schazer> wait no I meant my temple
[22:51:41] <Schazer> goddamni
[22:52:07] <Sai_> I know that my body is my temple. What's yours?
[22:52:34] <Schazer> a sacrificial altar
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12-11-2014, 07:03 AM
Quote:[22:54:50] <Chwoka> there you go, saizer
[22:55:01] <Chwoka> is this what you wanted because it's what you got
[22:55:15] <Schazer> I aim to be permanently quotable
[22:55:26] <Schazer> my life goals: be surrounded not by paparazzi, but by stenographers
[22:55:37] <Sai_> Saizer sounds like Kaiser
[22:55:46] <Schazer> Saizer the day
[22:55:57] <Sai_> Saizer? I 'ardly know er
[22:56:02] <Sai_> 'a 'a 'a
[22:56:07] <Schazer> Moron Saizer what
[22:56:17] <Sai_> More on saizer? Please!
[22:56:57] <Chwoka> don't worry, i'll saizer up, make sure she ain't dangerous
[22:57:05] * Schazer flexes for Chwoka
[22:57:20] <Sai_> Gotta get in saizer head, but don't risk your incisors doing it!
[22:57:40] <Schazer> Sai are you inciting some shit with this pun bridge
[22:57:55] <Schazer> pun bridge to nowhere
[22:58:29] <Sai_> I was going nowhere with it. It was a simple lack of foresait
[22:58:50] <Schazer> I heave a sigh
[22:58:53] <Schazer> a monumental sigh
[22:59:01] <Sai_> Para would be proud.
[22:59:02] <Schazer> the saizer've a fucking ocean
[22:59:40] <DragonFogel> Well, I don't think much of this.
[22:59:54] <DragonFogel> In fact, I say fie to it.
[22:59:59] <DragonFogel> You might call it a sai fie.
[23:00:01] <Sai_> Well that's quite the large sigh. Did you have to use a resaizer to get it that big?
[23:01:22] <Schazer> nope I'm all out
[23:01:43] <Sai_> It took me way too long to come up with that last one
[23:02:16] <DragonFogel> You're all out, huh.
[23:02:21] <Paranoia> deepest sigh.
[23:02:30] <DragonFogel> The saizer all used up.
and more puns
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12-11-2014, 07:08 AM
it keeps happuning
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12-14-2014, 08:03 PM
Quote:[13:58] * DragonFogel ( has joined #eagletime
[13:58] <DragonFogel> Guess who's having connection problems again!
[13:58] * DragonFogel ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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12-28-2014, 10:49 AM
Quote:[11:45] -->| sbnkalny ( has joined #eagletime
[11:48] PickYerPoison hi sbnkalny
[11:48] sbnkalny Sbnkalny, import hi
[11:48] PickYerPoison uh oh, sbnkalny is learning how to program herself
[11:48] sbnkalny Uh oh, better speed up!
[11:48] PickYerPoison UH OH