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11-28-2014, 07:05 AM
Para wanted to have a game Japan Sunday Morning/Europe All The Stupid Hours/America Saturday Night; I'm posting here so we can see who might be available/interested.
Playsets we've done so far include Brookmarket Zoo, the Anime Convention, News Station Six, and the partway-aborted Summer Camp one with the horror film gimmick. So we'll be doing something other than those; this'd be a good place for people to post their preferences.
I'd rather sit down and play a full game through rather than risk losing steam and never finishing Act 2, so put down your interest if you've got... five hours? Let's be realistic and say five hours to kill.
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11-28-2014, 12:17 PM
When would this be? today?
(Note that as an Europeperson I likely wouldn't be able to come likely anyway)
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11-28-2014, 06:44 PM
We also did a session of Dragon Slayers.
I'll probably be up for joining in, but I'm willing to step aside for people who haven't played before.
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11-28-2014, 08:01 PM
I'd be interested but I don't know what Fiasco is sooooo
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11-28-2014, 11:07 PM
I'll be out mid day tomorrow, but I should be back home in time (around 7, 8 pm cst, so around 1:00 or 2:00 am gmt) for the American evening timefrime.
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11-28-2014, 11:29 PM
Im on my phone so I can't add links, but fiasco is an improv/roleplaying game where you start by figuring out how your characters are related and what drives/is important to the relationship. It's only after that that you figure out who your characters are.
Having acquired characters, you take turns playing "scenes" and things go badly or worse for the characters, and shit just generally escalates horribly. The end result is like a Coen brothers film where a bunch of loosely-affiliated, usually-ignorant usually self-serving assholes get what they deserve (except for the one nimrod who inexplicably managed to get away intact with the cash).
Someone else can hopefully post some links. We like to play on skype so being able to call for several hours is a factor into participation.
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11-28-2014, 11:45 PM
oh boy something in my actual timezone-area
it sounds like fun; when precisely do you want me to wake up :3
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11-29-2014, 12:27 AM
I might be able to take part, though I have a few other things I have to take over so it's not exactly a sure thing. I'd definitely need a more solid timeframe for when the game would start.
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11-29-2014, 01:57 AM
I'm down for this and will try to make it.
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11-29-2014, 03:34 AM
well I can do it I suppose
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11-29-2014, 01:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2014, 01:58 PM by Dalmationer.)
yeah ok
idk how GMT-JST works so we'll see wahat kinda times but im up for it.
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11-29-2014, 10:31 PM
I am interested!
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11-30-2014, 12:21 AM
It should be Soon.
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11-30-2014, 03:40 AM
We're hastily attempting to organize a session right now. So far, we have me, Para, and Sai ready to go; anyone else who's available should probably get in contact with one of us on Skype, or PM someone with Skype contact info if you don't have any of us.
Sorry for the rushed announcement, but fortunately there isn't a lot of preparation needed to run a game. It's pretty much just a matter of finding people with time and having someone who can explain the rules, which aren't that complicated. So we should be able to run future sessions pretty easily.
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11-30-2014, 03:45 AM
Fuck, sorry dudes
My cold got worse last night and I think im gonna sit this one out and get some rest.
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11-30-2014, 09:04 PM
Yeah I'm sorry too, I ended up being far more busy than I thought I was going to be and didn't end up being free until much later.
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11-30-2014, 09:35 PM
I can still do it if you need someone, my skype is psychout40
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11-30-2014, 11:37 PM
Oh, right, we managed to find enough people in the end. Agent was working on a summary of the session, I think?
For a super-brief summary: We ran the Hotel Manna playset and very little of the game had anything to do with the hotel. Instead we started by attempting to resolve an inheritance dispute involving a badger and it escalated into a spirit quest to return to the dead, and then it just got crazier from there.
As I said, though, we'll try to get another session whenever people are available. It doesn't actually take much preparation, but it would be good if people were more familiar with the rules than we were - I'd only played twice and hadn't been heavily focused on the rules in my previous games.
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12-01-2014, 12:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2014, 12:09 AM by Dalmationer.)
i'd be one hundred percent up for one cos i never made the first one but hopefully not at obscene oclock, cos i got school and study and stuff yo. it's exam times.
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12-01-2014, 02:18 AM
people that did things add things before you forget about them here
bonus points if you do it like a mystery novel
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12-07-2014, 01:46 AM
Game tonight, with your hosts Fogel, Para, Dini, Kaynato the new fish, aaaand yours truly!
Tune in here, we'll be using HK TPK as lovingly handpicked by Kaynato.
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12-07-2014, 02:25 AM
I'd be interested in playing next game-- my schedule's cleared up a bit and my other tabletop things haven't had much going on.
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12-08-2014, 03:15 AM
HK TPK ended up as a procedurally-generated police procedural. We got through Act 1 (Tilts: A stupid plan is executed to perfection + A frantic chase) before adjourning for sleep.
The cast:
Dragon Fogel as Dai Yeung. He's only a week or less from graduation! Currently chauffeuring honored graduation speech-giver Franklin Partridge to the graduation ceremony as per Lieutenant Un-Lau's orders.
Mirdini as Edison Kwok, a soon-to-be graduate of the police academy. He's got Triad ties and is honor-bound with Yuet to get his vengeance on other Triad sects.
Kaynato as Yuet Un-Lau, a lieutenant/sergeant/higher-ranked dude. A dutiful if bumbling cop having to deal with a department full of cross-purposed chucklefucks.
Paranoia as Franklin Partridge, infamous throughout Hong Kong for constantly getting away with being the Worst Cop Ever. Half the force can't wait for him to be shipped off back to England - as in, they will do drastic things before then to deal with the fucker.
Schazer as Francis Partridge, Franklin's younger brother. Disgusted with his "decorated" brother and the bad name he gives to the British occupancy, although he's kind of a shitheel too. Would rather stay in Hong Kong, where he grew up, than get sent to England.
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12-08-2014, 07:46 AM
I have to not forget that this is a cool thing that I want to do with you guys someday.
Maybe if I post in this topic, that will help me remember.
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12-08-2014, 01:40 PM
Id be up for next week if possible? i killed school.