A Request

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A Request
A Request
Guys, I had a really huge argument with my dad that escalated into a legitimate mental breakdown. Long story short, I lost all my Grand Battle and MSPAFA data [likely irretrievably] and, for the time being, cannot get on IRC.

From you guys, I ask two things. First, I need you guys to bear with the delays and shit this will obviously cause. Second, it would be really heloful if you guys would provide emotional support in this time.

You're a great community and I love all of you greatly.
Re: A Request
That, um.


Am really terrible with emotional shit and don't know why I'm the first one posting in here, but, uh, my... condolences? Is that the right word for this thing? Oh well.

Good luck with shit-that-is-shit-and-not-stuff. If you want to talk about it more in-depth, you can always PM me - I prefer heart-to-heart over IRC PM, but, um... yeeeeeah.
Re: A Request
Meloncholy noooooo! :hug: :huggle: :tighthug: :comfortyhug:

We're with you Guy! Keep that head held high! Minion
Re: A Request
Guy that is awful. Meloncholy

I hope you manage to resolve these problems, and in the meantime i echo NTA in that if I can be of any help just send me a PM or whatever and I will do what I can.

Hope you manage to get things sorted out soon man :<
Re: A Request
Really sorry to hear about that, I hope you can get things sorted out somehow.

Good luck.
Re: A Request
Having gone through all kinds of trouble with my dad as well, I can sort of relate to what you're going through. If you ever need anyone to talk to (but now I'm just parroting the rest) I will be right there for you. I'm sure that what you're going through right now is horrible, but if you want the only advice I can give you, keep in mind that these things don't last forever.

quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur.
Re: A Request
I really appreciate the support, guys. It's incredibly helpful just to know you dudes care. :]
Re: A Request
[Image: DontWorryBro.png]