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07-17-2011, 02:51 AM
>Be the other troll
You do so.
![[Image: 9pz2ae.png]](
You are now Misteri Roboto, and you are currently FLIPPING ALL THE SHITS. No shit has gone unflipped in your quest to TOTALLY FREAK OUT at these happenings.
Your are seven solar sweeps old, and until recently was partaking in a game called sBURG, given as a gift by your likely-insane moirailbeast Gettysburg, who will currently NOT SHUT UP. The fact that sBURG proceeded to BOMBARD YOUR HOME PLANET, ALTERNIA with meteors, combined with Gettysburg's shitty record as a moirail (a relationship that began with him probably-accidentally killing your lusus), makes you suspect Gettysburg may be a SHITTY MOIRAIL.
You do not presently give two (flipped) shits about this, seeing as you are now SOMEWHERE ELSE. You have a suspicion that it is Gettysburg's doing, but he is not answering your pesterings like the SHITTY MOIRAIL he is.
Your hobbies, prior to the incineration of your homeworld, include HACKING YOUR TROLL-GUNDAMED LUSUS, FURTHERING YOUR HATELOVE WITH YOUR KISMESIS SO HE WILL FIX YOUR HACKING ATTEMPTS JUST SO HE CAN SCOFF AT HOW USELESS YOU ARE, BEACHCOMBING, and LISTENING TO GETTYSBURG'S TALES OF HOW THE WORLD WILL END. You are pretty shit at most of your hobbies, but don't like admitting it. Despite your high position on the hemospectrum, you are not an aquatic troll. You secretly RELISH your STRAWBERRY blood colour, seeing as it gives you something to REBEL over. You tried having MUD BROWN blood for a week, but found REBELLING easier when you had A FUCKTON OF MONEY AND SOCIAL STATUS.
You are now in some kind of battle to the death. What do you do?
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 02:52 AM
Name: Aamp, Left and Incorrect
Genders: Mens gender.
Species: Fiting Machine
Biographyscription: Once upon a time there was dragons and they got theyr heads chopped off. Then a mad scientyst puts them on a burlap sack which loves to wanders around. Left has the fire powers. Incorrect has water powers and an electric purl under his chin. He is really dull and boring and goes blah blah blah. Left likes to burns the things.
Abilities: Magic powers.
EDIT: Sorry I misunderstood. Sorry!
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 02:53 AM
So Ys was crying from all of her eyes except one wasn't because of course it's sentient and it didn't want to cry because it wasn't sad and you don't cry when you aren't sad of course that would be stupid. Then the brain in the jar wanted to make poisons come out of the nipples so it made a lot of different poisons come out of the nipples like cyanide.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 02:54 AM
> Wear the ascot. Ride the bear.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 03:01 AM
Then Macula went home.
Aamp, Right and Incorrect showed up.
"Hey Left." Said incorrect. "We are now in a battle to the death. Try not to burn everything because I am super lame."
"But I want to burn things." Said Left. And he burned everything.
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SpoilerGuys this is my new character. He's a dragon thingy. He's pretty much the best character. Macula is at home now.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 03:16 AM
If youra siwtching haflway through I'm taking ove bryce
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 03:26 AM
you cant do that because maculas home is gone remember how the awesome destroyed the entire multiverse
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 03:27 AM
Okay so is it okay if Macula and AIL are like on a tag team?
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 03:30 AM
fine i guess thats okay
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 05:46 AM
and then steven freemans was sleep this whoel time and then he woke up and was all wtf i am too smasrt and RAD for this shit and also why are my pants off[/col
[font="eggs"]and he saw there be a ZOMBIE GOAST made of everyone who dieded! but it was a happy goast and it went into the body a car was and then everybody was the casr!!!!! but steven freeman was
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still sasd becausase he did not dsave the world yet. so he stood up really bigly and and was tall like sun and said EVERYONE BE DUCK! and write on cpmputer.
[color=#008080]Standford Price saw the shenanigans around him, and disapproved. He resolved to step inside the...building in the hope that he could wait this chaos out.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 11:57 AM
Hayayayayay! I sor that u were ful up butt this is like tha best hing in the historry of all balls so cood i like copy tha idea form you and make anotha thread and doo tha same thing two?
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SpoilerUugh, how did I miss out on this? Damn. Well, I'll be watching.
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 11:12 PM
Tobias could do little more than stare in disbelief at the chaos he found himself in. He pinched hisself, hoping to discover that at some point he had fallen asleep and this was nothing more than a bizarre dream, but as much as he willed it that he wake up in his bed in good old Cobrand City he did not. This, whatever this was, was very real.
This world had no consistency. Initially they had been put down upon a massive stone platform in the clouds. Tobias had to presume based on the prescence of clouds that they were indeed on a planet, something he wasn't used to, but there was no discernible hum that would indicate the presence of an antigravity engine. It just somehow seemed to hang there improbably in the sky. There was a house on the platform, though it seemed to have been completely ignored by everyone he had been brought here with, as in fact had he. The platform itself had broken in half upon multiple occassions and conveniently reformed through no discernible mechanism.
At one point Tobias had found himself transplanted into someone's bedroom where was a man with a small grey bowler hat and a moustache looking miserable in a wheel chair, but before anything had come of this change in scenario he was back atop the incredulously floating platform. A similiar incident had occurred later when the platform was inexplicably replaced with a modern tiled bathroom containing a mummy with a robotic arm. Which incidentally was another thing about this incredible conflict; every now and again a new participant would appear and be usered away as though they had never existed. At one point the mummified carpet shampooer had hopped simply wandered off and a burlap sack with the heads of dragons mounted to it had appeared out of nowhere. It had started barking orders at itself and was now wandering around the platform cluelessly while it's heads argued. Actually, Tobias reconsidered, they only had the appearance of arguing. One was actually just saying the word 'blah' repeatedly while the other was, clumsily relating how it liked to burn things.
Tobias sighed. He had had quite enough of this, he would let someone else deal with this mess of contradictions and incomprehenisibility. He withdrew back to his mind mansion where the other personalities had gathered in his rooftop bedroom. The personality that had witnessed all this of course, was Ernie. He was the most sociable personality and the one that was generally put in charge. He had the power of air, which would be useful in this setting, if someone actually involved him in a fight that is...
"What the hell?" Graham asked. Ernie could do little but shrug.
"I was kind of hoping that you would have know." He said. "Working things out is more your area of expertise after all." Graham shook his head.
"There's no rhyme nor reason." He said. "If there was some thread of internal logic I could grasp I would happily do so... but alas not." Barry stepped forwards.
"Look." He said. "We were told that this is a battle to the death and that's exactly what it appears to be. Okay things are coming and going and everything is a bit weird but what the hell. If we we just go with it, and kill these people then we can go back home. Back to where things make sense." There was a moment of quiet between the personalities and then William piped up.
"I suggest we wait and see what happens." He said. "From what I have seen the others are extremely dangerous and are keen to kill one another. We do not need to make ourselves a target just yet. We sit back and wait and see how this thing plays out."
"That is your solution?" Barry snapped. "Inaction? We are in a perilous situation here and you want to stand around and see what happens." A moment of animosity between the conflicting personalities was cut short by Graham's intervention.
"We can maintain a neutrality without the need for inaction." He said. "That hut which has been pointedly ignored by all the other contestants. We should go into there and determine exactly what lies inside."
"And that will help how?" Barry retorted.
"Knowledge is always useful and who knows perhaps it will explain what exactly is going on here." Graham countered. A moment of contemplation, everyone looked to Ernie to make the choice.
"We find out what is in the hut." Ernie said thoughtfully. "And hope to hell it helps make this place make a modicum of sense." Barry scowled.
"Fine." He said with a sigh. "I guess that once you've gone in there and you discover that it is just as erratic as the rest of this place then we can get on with actually fighting."
"Graham, if you want to take the helm?" Ernie asked. Graham shook his head.
"I specialise in logic and manipulation of earth and I have seen neither in this battle so far." He said. "No water either. It's you or Barry and..." he shot Barry a quick glance, "I'm going to go with you." William nodded in agreement.
"Fine..." Ernie said resignedly. He returned to the body of Tobias and set off towards the until now ignored hut.
Macula come back and deiced go afetr the Nitebatman. He unleash an encient curse on Nightbat, which cause his skin to go all black and shadowy and his life was being corrupted. Macula snickered at the Nightbat.
"Ha." he said. "Soon your body would be a vessel for the ancient egyptican god Osris!"
"Oh no." Said Batman.
"Oh yes." Said Macula.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-17-2011, 11:47 PM
Standford Price sat in the...building, reading his Pistol Manual for the first time. He looked up as someone appeared at the doorway, but did not reach for his gun.
and tehn steven freeman moved at WRAP SPEED and said to the aherry porta who is a wxiard and said hi and then harru porta said why your pants of???? and steven freeman siad some girl tried to wordrape me i thinkw hile I was asleep which is totes a crime in SWIDEN!
and then haryu porta said oh noes where is this girl ans then steven freeman shout at sky that she whas deaded by sword i think but is now happy zombie goast in car. jus tthen the happycar frove by and tried to SHOOT steven freeman but missed and hit hary porta instead and haryi porta dieded and steven freeman picked up hairy portas body and said NOOOOO and kissed him and then his DREEM SELF came and said steven freeman thank you for sacing me and then harry portas dream self pciekd up teh goastcara nf threw id fof the platforma dnas it ferll 4ever being all goasty and hape. ;3
then a banana with arms and legs was there nd started singing PRENUT BUTER JELLY TIEM and steven freeman hateds the song so he chase the banana at WRAP PSEED and ther was banana shenanigans. bananigans
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-18-2011, 12:29 AM
[color=justice"]Thinking quickly Nitebat used his freezing breath but he turned it on himself and was frozen in a block of ice. Osiris thought Nitebat couldn't move so he stopped corrupting him because then he'd be stuck in a body that couldn't move. Then when Osiris was gone Nitebat burst into flames and the ice melted and Nitebat could move but he wasn't being corrupted by Osiris.
"Ha!" said Nitebat to Macula. "Now I'm free! And now I'm going to stop you from getting anyone else possessed by Osiris!"
Then he made a magic gun appear in his hand and shot Macula with it. The magic gun, not his hand.[/color]
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-18-2011, 02:42 AM
Macula thought fast he cursed the buyllet and it stsarted to go all shimmery and shadowy like nightman had just a minute agfo and then it was taken over by osiris and it was the osiris bulleyt. It decided to turn around and hsoot Nite Owl in the head. Macula said "well that was easy." and then the Night Lite got up and said "I used my super healing to heal my head." he said. Osiris says 'oh no i forget about the super healing. Then Macula goes and attacks the vigalante with his knifes.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-18-2011, 02:45 AM
guys PYP malky is going away for a few days so we need a replacemeent until then can somebody write for ys until then
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-18-2011, 09:03 PM
Bearbert stabbed Ys in thefrace [strk]atsnd[/stk] adnd tehn Ys aws tdead foreiver
problema sovled gm dude
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:11 AM
stevben freeman was BIG LIKE THE SUN and put hsi pants back on but then the ahry porta dream self came back and he said why dont we try a thing and steven freeman said shut up and kiss me ansd so they totes made out. and then they both chased the bananiganing bana which was being all annoying ansd peanut butert jelly time and was being akll PENAUIR BUTEWR JELY TIEM and so they chased hima nd ate him and used his skin to make more banangians for for everyone and then they walked inside the buildign and then there was a guy in a suit and stevem freeman said IS A SPY! and hary porta almost killeded him but then the guy ran away and almosty fell of the platform!!!!!!!!! but then anotherr guy who was a lot og guys used wind powe rand saveded him and so steven freeman brethed SIGH oF relieve. platform then
thren then ehtne
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:11 AM
fgreen soda appered! it was big ans so hary porta used his dream self powers as the WAZIRD oOF BUBBLES to makes the soda pour over ENTIRE PLATOFRM! and eveyone hasd soda and everyone was happy and stoped figthing.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:11 AM
[color=#000FF][font=eggs]sudenly though STEPHEN FREEMAN who is steven freemans cousin as well but who totally sucks was there and he said things about how soda is bad for youa nd so everyone HATED steven freeman and tried to fight him and and so hary porta and stevenf reeman and the soda had to go hide and STEPHEN FREEMAN made evil lagh. and STEPEHN FREEMAN said that steven freeman is bad riter and cant make good story and no one ever coments on his stuff or liek it. so steven freeman (the author) took out his COMPUTER and haved it to steven freeman inside the comptuer and steven freeman DELETED STEPHEN FREEMAN and everyone was hapyp too.[/fnot][/color]
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:12 AM
[color=eggs]but then he came back and destroeyd the compouter b ut steven freeman is sso RAD that he can make story without ritign. so steven frewman said I WILL ACKT OUT STORY and so steven freman flew uyp to the hugh of the sky and said i will SAVED THE SWORLD! and dropped UGE BOMB[/fcol
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:28 AM
![[Image: FAIL.png]](
this is my post i done it in pictured form i hopes you like i work hard on it.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:42 AM
I think that post is a little too complicated for this game.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 12:03 PM
Peace! ^_^
Is observing my own pattern of behavior of observing my own patterns of behavior a mental fractal or just navel gazing? Please advise.
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Re: The Grand Failure - COMPLETELY FULL OKAY
07-19-2011, 07:03 PM
thread i dead