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Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 05:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 02:23 AM by amosmyn.)
Stanley Mafia
(Loosely inspired by The Stanley Parable)
You are Stanley. You are not Stanley. This is a game of mafia. This is not a game of mafia. You have choice. You do not have a choice.
1. Actions in bold. Do not bold if you are not performing an action.
2. Day phase is 7 days, night phase is 5 days.
3. You will play as Stanley. You are all Stanley. As there are 12-14 of you, you may have to fight over methods of making yourself look unique. You may have to make decisions. You can still refer to eachother as your respective usernames, but unless you are unique you will be considered to be Stanley by the game.
Uniqueness will be described during the game.
4. Rules regarding lynching, scum nightkills, etc will be defined later. You can assume that there will be no lynch voting day one. Seriously. The nightkill will also have its quirks.
5. As always, be courteous, civil, and respect standard mafia ettiquette such as not posting when it is no longer day.
6. This game is not a clusterfuck. This game could turn into a clusterfuck. Expect balanced roles but with unique quirks. Vanillas are likely.
Looking for 12-14 players. Signups are open, but keep in mind that this game is still in development for the sake of balance. (I might make it a hunt...) Its pretty unusual...
Feel free to PM if youd like to review the setup.
1. Stanley (Dragonpaul)
2. Stanley (SleepingOrange)
3. Stanley (icanhasdonut)
4. Stanley (Schazer)
5. Stanley (AgentBlue)
6. Stanley (TrueGreen)
7. Stanley (MrGuy)
8. Stanley (Dragon Fogel)
9. Stanley (cyber95)
10. Stanley (soundlyParanoid)
11. Stanley (Mirdini)
12. Stanley (Garuru)
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (0/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 05:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 05:28 PM by Coldblooded.)
When Stanley saw a new thread on the Eagle Time Forums, he decided to try his luck and sign up for the game.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (0/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 05:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-18-2014, 05:34 PM by Dalmationer.)
Kid's pretty sure she's in the right thread. Ain't no sign sayin' she ain't, so she just waltzes on in without sayin nothin'.
Never was one for makin' an undue fuss.
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Spoiler I'm not actually in i just wanted to make that joke. I have no idea how to play mafia and have stuff on my plate already.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (0/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 08:46 PM
I will join this, I think, but not in a clever way.
didn't forget her password for 2 years
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (2/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 09:54 PM
Stanley S. Stanleyson here to play.(the s stands for Stanley
and no i am not in too many mafias that doesn't exist)
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (2/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 10:41 PM
Stanley figures, upon chancing upon this congregation of Stanleys, to keep a cool head on their shoulders. To not get all existential or anxious or anything.
That many Stanleys in a small space just isn't right. Someone's going to have to keep an eye on them.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (2/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-18-2014, 11:44 PM
Stanley sat in the empty meeting room, trying to decide what to do next. He decided he would try and find his boss, perhaps he would find some answers there.
Stanley knew there was no time to lose, yet he did not move from the meeting room. In fact, he began fiddling with the projector in front of him.
Stanley was being remarkably recalcitrant and unheeding of his priorities, and instead of searching for his missing coworkers, he was surfing the internet.
Look, Stanley, this is for your own good. Could you please get off the forums and get on with more important matters?
Oh, what have you done now? Don't tell me you've entered into some form of long-term commitment to an internet game?
Stanley, listen to me. I'm reaching out to you here. Stanley?
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 12:08 AM
I would like to take a moment to celebrate how exciting this game may be. Head over to the OP and listen to the music for the next ten hours.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 04:25 AM
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 05:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 07:41 AM by MaxieSatan.)
Face front, true believers! Smilin' Stanley, last seen failing to actually read a tumblr post*, is back and ready for action! NUFF SAID!
* See "This Is Gonna Be The Thread Where We Talk About Stuff" #2319-#2331 - your pal Scumhuntin' Stanley Lieber
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 07:00 AM
I don't know the source material, but that's never stopped me before. Toss me in here.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 09:21 AM
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 04:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-19-2014, 04:09 PM by Mirdini.)
Mirdini didn't know what the deal was with all these Stanleys. What were they all doing here? Was there some sort of social function they were attending?
If so, it certainly wasn't for him. After all, he was Mirdini, not Stanley. Yet something about the gaggle of Stanleys called to him. He had to go. Go to them. Join them.
Join them
Stanley entered the room, hoping he wasn't too late. This was a Stanley occasion, after all!
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (6/12 Stanleys Enlisted)
02-19-2014, 05:44 PM
Stanley, burdened with a relatively-short lifetime of regrets, stumbles in the door, bottle in hand. He continues to writhe about on the ground, mumbling something. You lean in closer, and you hear "too many mistakes too many mistakes need to stop need to give up" repeated over and over again. He then begins sobbing, his tears and snot dripping into his unkempt beard. It is truly a pathetic sight. Eventually you speak up, telling him, why doesn't he just stop already. Suddenly, his eyes snap open, and he slowly gets up, staring at you all the while. His mumblings become incoherent, and he lurches towards you, yet he never takes his eyes off of you. You begin to feel that you should maybe leave now, but it is too late. His filthy, dirt-caked, hands grip your face, and he leans in close. He whispers, "because I'm a piece of shit."
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (11/12+ Stanleys Enlisted)
02-23-2014, 11:33 AM
y'all are POSERS.
it's time
for the one
the only
STANLEY PALIZZO to throw his hat into the ring.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (11/12+ Stanleys Enlisted)
02-25-2014, 02:22 AM
Oh cool 12 Stanleys, guess that means the game will happen.
There might be space for two more Stanleys, so Pseudo-replacements please line up here.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-25-2014, 02:28 AM
Sure, psuedo-replacement me.
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-25-2014, 02:31 AM
i'll sign up as Max
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-25-2014, 05:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2014, 05:49 PM by cerebralconfinement.)
Oh, thank God, Stanley, you've arrived. Now, if you'll just step this way, we can...hold on. We're full up. This wasn't supposed to happen; that spot was meant specifically for Stanley. See, right there, it clearly says, "Reserved for Stanley." This wasn't in the script. *papers rustling* Oh. I guess it was in the script, right here in a footnote. Sorry about that. It would seem we have twelve - no, thirteen other Stanleys? And - and someone named Max? What? I'm sure I didn't write that into the script; that would be terribly confusing. And besides, this is called Stanley Mafia, not Max Mafia. Can you imagine a game called Max Mafia? That would be an utter failure; I can tell just from the name.
Well, I suppose there's nothing to be done about it now. Just wait right there, Stanley, I'll go have a poke around and see if there's some way we can't still fit you into this.
*receding footsteps*
*faintly* Damn small print...
*footsteps fade to silence*
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SpoilerSigning up as a pseudo-replacement, so long as you don't mind a player that doesn't take this very seriously.
I edited to make the flavor better, if anyone's wondering.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-25-2014, 05:43 PM
Stanley sat at her usual chair, in her usual corner, surfing her usual forum using her usual internet browser.
After reading the latest salacious gossip and watercooler news from her coworkers in general chatter, Stanley clicked over to the GAMES forum. There, she saw a game about Stanley, and knew that she had to click on it.
Ignoring destiny [and the voice of the narrator], Stanley instead indulged in some self-satisfied Godhood game voyeurism, despite having nothing to do with the current iteration of events. She then perused the Adventures section, both on this forum and others, but did not contribute anything today. Slacking Stanley!
Tab after tab was opened, as Stanley traveled deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of cyberspace.
Somehow, through the twisty corridors of undestined pathways, Stanley found herself just where she needed to be, again.
Right here. In this thread.
No matter how she tries to avoid it, Stanley always finds the plot again.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-26-2014, 02:50 AM
Stanley, I have a question:
Would you prefer a clusterfuck or a proper attempt at a proper game?
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-26-2014, 03:08 AM
i pick the door on the right
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-26-2014, 03:12 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2014, 03:13 AM by cerebralconfinement.)
Stanley deliberates for a few minutes. After all, a choice like this is important; he isn't going to just pick an option without properly thinking it through. That would be incredibly irresponsible of him, and very inconsiderate to everyone else his decision would affect.
Oh, no, I suppose he is going to proceed without a single thought for others. Never mind.
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SpoilerClusterfuck all the way.
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-26-2014, 03:21 AM
Stanley has passed out! Seems he's holding something in his hand. You pry open his finger with great difficulty - dude has a grip like a cyborg gorilla. It's a piece of paper, folded in half repeatedly. You open it up, and it says "Fuckcluster."
Now what the hell could that mean?
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RE: Stanley Mafia: (12/14Max Stanleys Enlisted)
02-26-2014, 03:24 AM
Basically every game that's been run here in a long time has been a ridicufuck of some kind. It'd be nice to have a straighter game for once. That's mostly why I signed up.