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[Image: a01d.gif]

The moonlight of the forest made digging difficult, but after hours of work the Digger drops the final shovelful of sod onto the plot.

[Image: ovn.gif]

The Deed done, he walks away, never looking back. And for a few moments the forest is silent save for the sound of wind through the trees and the scent of overturned earth.

[Image: jfc.gif]

[Image: jfc.gif]

[Image: d9n.gif]

[Image: jee.gif]

[Image: s37.gif]

A Ghost has appeared! It's spectral cloth new and pristine white, it looks about the forest! But first it- you- need to figure out something! Where are you. And who are you?
RE: Wisp
You're Ghost. You're in the woods. To you, that's really all there is to it!
RE: Wisp
Kill the deed-doer.
RE: Wisp
Give a tree a hug.
RE: Wisp
Infect the tree.
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Wisp
Your name is Glenn! You find yourself in the Forest of the DEAD!!!
RE: Wisp
This forest seems... familiar. Didn't you come here to play all the time growing up?
RE: Wisp
your name's wisp, you're on mars in the year 4000
RE: Wisp
Deep in the forest, Flattergaunt rises from its grave to spook the living!
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Wisp
Schazer Wrote:Kill the deed-doer.

[Image: s37.gif]

Do what to the who now? You don't really remember anything before like. eight seconds ago. Which was when you popped.

Quote:Infect the tree.

You dont know how- or if- you can do that.

Quote:Give a tree a hug.

[Image: u7s.gif]

You love this tree.

Quote:This forest seems... familiar. Didn't you come here to play all the time growing up?

[Image: qht.gif]

Youre not quite sure about that. Its kind of dark and hard to see anything right now but you do feel like this place is vaguely familiar. If only you could remember well- anything.

Quote:your name's wisp, you're on mars in the year 4000

[Image: t69.gif]

while you're not that sure about the whole mars and what year it is thing, Wisp seems like a good personal designation while you try to figure out what this thing fading in and out of sight on the ground is.

There's a whole row of these things leading further into the forest. its like some object made an imprint on the ground but using what you have no clue. out of the corner of your void-eye you also see something unfamiliar that isnt a plant or a rock, but you're kind of distracted by this thingy.

RE: Wisp

Alternatively: Elucidate.
RE: Wisp
See if you can pick up the not-plant/rock. Whether you succeed or not, follow the row of things. Not like you have anything else to do, right?
RE: Wisp
See if you can pick up anything.
RE: Wisp
taste the thingy!
RE: Wisp
> Lick the delicious ground
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: Wisp
Attempt to activate ghost powers.
RE: Wisp
Run around halfway in the ground and pretend to be a particularly adorable rock.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Wisp
Put rocks into the thingy to make it a rock!
RE: Wisp
assimilate the paper clip
[Image: egg005.png?raw=1][Image: egg005.png?raw=1]