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09-27-2013, 05:20 AM
If this keeps up, we'll be overrun by punguins before you know it.
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09-28-2013, 08:23 AM
Quote:<soundlyParanoid> schazer
<Schazer> Para
<soundlyParanoid> i've generated penises for four of us in here.
<soundlyParanoid> that includes you
<soundlyParanoid> (check out the fucking dick tumor on pyps)
<PickYerPoison> holy shit
<PickYerPoison> oh but loather is the restless immoral eagle
<Schazer> jfc pyp yours looks like a protoceratops without legs
<PickYerPoison> hahahaha
<Sanzh> oh no
<PickYerPoison> yeah idk what happened there but you could probably beat someone to death with that
<PickYerPoison> pfffffhahaha oh m y god you're right
<Sanzh> jesus pyp's dick is terrifying
<isoraqathedh> Laother, where is your TUmblr?
<Sanzh> it's a bad dragon dildo
<Loather> my freakish stunted dick is now eagletimes official mascot, dont deny it
<PickYerPoison> oh /god/
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09-30-2013, 06:06 AM
Cyber needed band names.
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SpoilerQuote:cyber95: I need band names
[10:50pm] PickYerPoison: agen :3!
[10:50pm] • PickYerPoison jumps in agen's lap, purr purr
[10:51pm] Granola: real band names, fake band names or fictional band names?
[10:52pm] PickYerPoison: italic squirrels
[10:52pm] • Agenpetra tired scritch scritch
[10:53pm] Whimbrel left the chat room.
[10:53pm] cyber95: fake band names
[10:53pm] PickYerPoison: i'm eating pasta for dinner while i watch some comptf2
[10:53pm] cyber95: i need to name a fictional band
[10:53pm] PickYerPoison: a nice 10 pm dinner
[10:54pm] Pinary: What sort of band?
[10:54pm] cyber95: a college rock band
[10:54pm] bigro: (12:23:46) cyber95: i need to name a fictional band
[10:54pm] bigro: thomas the gank engine
[10:54pm] PickYerPoison: prison train runaways
[10:55pm] Granola: I Can't Hold All These Cubes
[10:55pm] Pinary: Unknown Artists
[10:59pm] Godbot: I am very fond of Unknown Artists
[10:59pm] Granola: they did some of my favorite songs
[10:59pm] PickYerPoison: that's going to drive a lot of media library fans nuts
[10:59pm] Granola: like Track 02
[10:59pm] Godbot: and Track 02(1)
[10:59pm] PickYerPoison: Untitled Song
[10:59pm] Pinary: All of Unknown Album was pretty great
[10:59pm] Godbot: aw I can't make a disc one joke
[10:59pm] PickYerPoison: song5.mp3
[11:00pm] Godbot: barenaked ladies already did that
[11:00pm] Pinary: I'm not big on what they did in That One Song, though
[11:00pm] PickYerPoison: i hate the song that has the title that's just a bunch of alt-spaces
[11:00pm] Godbot: on Their Next Album?
[11:01pm] PickYerPoison: no, on Their Last Album
[11:01pm] Godbot: I dunno, PYPs, I didn't like that one
[11:01pm] Godbot: I tried playing it once and it was just a dial tone
[11:01pm] PickYerPoison: yeah most of it was pretty mediocre
[11:01pm] PickYerPoison: oh no that's supposed to happen
[11:02pm] Godbot: what that's bullshit
[11:02pm] PickYerPoison: and it goes on for ten minutes
[11:02pm] Granola: it's experimental
[11:02pm] Godbot: I tried to hang up my computer
[11:02pm] Pinary: Not as bullshit as , though
[11:03pm] PickYerPoison: i'm pretty sure song.midi actually doesn't play
[11:04pm] Godbot: it's just wav.mp3 backwards
[11:04pm] Granola: that one only works if you load it into a pre-2002 synthesizer
[11:04pm] PickYerPoison: wait holy shit i just looked them up and it turns out everything but their first album was made by their junior year computer science project
[11:05pm] PickYerPoison: this explains a /lot/
[11:05pm] schazer: .tiff.mp3 sounds like white noise
[11:05pm] cyber95: what's that one song that's just a bunch of staticy noise, but if you view it through a spectrogram it displays piano sheet music for "Hey Hey We're The Monkees"
[11:05pm] PickYerPoison: i think the title was just a bunch of gibberish
[11:06pm] PickYerPoison: but it's probably a cryptogram
[11:06pm] Bromeliad joined the chat room.
[11:06pm] schazer: cyberci think that was .tiff.mp3
[11:06pm] Pinary: Nothing tops Sort By:Alphabetical for me, though. Their best album, bar none.
[11:07pm] PickYerPoison: what annoyed me was that the album songs were in order of track length instead
[11:07pm] schazer: actually the trick
[11:07pm] Pinary: Did you never go back and listen to them in alphabetical order, Pipe?
[11:07pm] schazer: was the songs were pre-rates
[11:07pm] schazer: rated
[11:08pm] Godbot: ...why'd they rate them all 1.5
[11:08pm] Godbot: who does that
[11:08pm] PickYerPoison: they were all less than a minute and had no flow, of course i didn't :( i can't see why i would want to go look at them again
[11:08pm] Granola: I stole that album I think, but all the songs just hissed at me like a feral cat
[11:08pm] schazer: take the track names in alphabetical order to get 2-1.5, 5-3, etc
[11:08pm] Godbot: yeah granola they're supposed to bark at you
[11:09pm] Godbot: god, they're such bullshit
[11:09pm] Godbot: if only we knew who they were we could do something about this
[11:09pm] schazer: that gave you a link to disc two
[11:09pm] cyber95: but i like Drummer
[11:09pm] cyber95: but not Bassist. Bassist is a douchebag
[11:09pm] Granola: mmhmm
[11:10pm] schazer: all lead singers are douchebags at heart, cyber
[11:10pm] PickYerPoison: what about bass assist? he seemed okay
[11:11pm] schazer: yeah, because he was a robot
[11:12pm] DragonFogel: I came back and looked at this after writing and I thought you were talking about an actual thing.
[11:12pm] PickYerPoison: we're not?
[11:13pm] schazer: nobody's sure if Backing Vocals (the song, not the percussionist) was mixed entirely from sounds made by one person or like
[11:13pm] schazer: fifty overheating computers
[11:13pm] PickYerPoison: i think the latter but that's because i'm /positive/ i heard something catching fire and a soft "oh /shit/" at about the 2:47 mark
[11:14pm] Godbot: yeah that's a tricky one
[11:14pm] Godbot: you have to buy it on vinyl and read the sheet music off of the disc with a microscope
[11:14pm] Godbot: they suggest you hum it to yourself but it's much better on pre-2002 synthesizer
[11:15pm] schazer: ok battery gon die so someone please log
[11:15pm] Godbot: yes'm
[11:15pm] Pinary: Will do, talk to you later!
[11:15pm] Granola: ttfn
[11:15pm] schazer: chur chur
[11:15pm] PickYerPoison: bye!
cyber95: Oh yeah I hear that they've almost finished putting together a program that can play 'Ogg Vorbis'
[11:16pm] schazer: i want Prologue played at my funeral though
Pinary: Heh, good luck to them
[11:16pm] PickYerPoison: isn't that the one that's just a crashing train recording played backwards
[11:16pm] Pinary: Last time someone tried that, we ended up with Vista
[11:17pm] Godbot: no, no, the song is in the comments of vista
[11:17pm] cyber95: That's what they originally thought but no there's a whole other layer underneath and it's been like a ten year project to make something that can actually interpret it
[11:17pm] Godbot: it's a common misconception, I know
[11:17pm] Godbot: windows vista was more of an easter egg
[11:18pm] Pinary: Well, I guess it took on a bit of a life of its own or something
[11:18pm] schazer: has anybody actually heard the whole of "AaaAAAAaaaAARG"
[11:18pm] Pinary: Always bringing home dead bugs and leaving them on the counter
[11:18pm] cyber95: I only got like, sixty hours into it
[11:18pm] schazer: the geocache album
[11:18pm] Godbot: I had to uninstall itunes, I couldn't get it to stop playing
[11:18pm] cyber95: i have no clue how they made ti impossible to fast forward that album
[11:18pm] Pinary: I had some friends plan a road trip around it once, and they got about a week in before they stopped calling home
[11:19pm] Akumu: Okay I only have three panels left now
[11:19pm] Pinary: I hope they're okay out there
[11:19pm] Granola: I went to see them at a concert once, but all they did was hand out pictures of their old albums
[11:19pm] schazer: yeah i know the first half got compiled online but they reckon the nineteenth trqck's fourth quarter is awol
[11:19pm] schazer: or they never made it
[11:20pm] cyber95: See, I went to a concert and they just ushered everybody onto the stage, and the band just sat in the stands, looking disappointed.
[11:20pm] Pinary: Well, there are matching coordinates
[11:20pm] schazer: or it's still in progress and the countdown on their website is referencing when it's up on a cache site
[11:21pm] Pinary: I wish the countdown would at least have some sort of pattern to it
[11:21pm] Pinary: It makes it hard to pin down as it is now
[11:21pm] Godbot: I think that's actually their hits counter
[11:21pm] Godbot: you have to load the website backwards
[11:21pm] cyber95: Yeah well, maybe it won't be as bad to get as that last album that they only made available as a terabyte download from a BBS
[11:21pm] schazer: yeah it's not really a countdown if it's counting ways other than down
schazer: did you download yours from or
[11:23pm] DragonFogel: Cyber, that sounds better than the concert where you buy tickets and then stay home and don't listen to any of their songs until it's over.
[11:23pm] cyber95: I skipped that one. Tickets were too expensive
[11:24pm] cyber95: Also they weren't playing in my town??
[11:24pm] Godbot: well I mean yeah
[11:24pm] Godbot: that's why you were supposed to sneak in
[11:24pm] cyber95: i mean they weren't not playing in my town
[11:25pm] Godbot: I had to climb into my house through a second-story window but it was totally worth it
[11:25pm] Timujina joined the chat room.
[11:25pm] schazer: a true fan
[11:25pm] Godbot: I made a bootleg recording of it but my camera melted
[11:26pm] PickYerPoison: what i want to know is how they managed to make a negative filesize soundtrack
[11:26pm] schazer: your "camera" "melted"
[11:26pm] Godbot: look I was there okay
[11:26pm] Pinary: Damn those comp scis
[11:27pm] Godbot: PYPs that's
[11:27pm] Godbot: that's just a jump drive
[11:27pm] PickYerPoison: i'm not actually sure if you're trying to make a joke there or didn't get my joke or don't know what a jump drive is
[11:28pm] Godbot: I meant like that was why it had a negative filesize
[11:28pm] Godbot: it's just blank media labeled as a song
[11:28pm] Pinary: They used the same tech as that RAM-downloading site
[11:28pm] Godbot: in retrospect I probably should've gone for a blank CD
[11:28pm] PickYerPoison: haha okay i getcha now
[11:28pm] cyber95: I downloaded the negative size soundtrack a lot
[11:28pm] schazer: what about Tracks 1 to 5 though
[11:29pm] PickYerPoison:
[11:29pm] PickYerPoison: i loved this album
[11:29pm] cyber95: My computer now glows an eerie color that I didn't know existed
[11:29pm] schazer: by which i mean that shitty ep with only three songs on it
[11:29pm] cyber95: but man i have so much hard drive space now
[11:29pm] Pinary: I kind of liked 1-5, really
[11:29pm] Pinary: Nice and simple, comparatively
[11:30pm] Godbot: I never got to listen to it
[11:30pm] Godbot: I ruined the CD trying to dust it for clues on how to play it
[11:30pm] schazer: the abrupt ending to Track Thr didn't annoy you?
[11:30pm] PickYerPoison: it deleted itself off my hard drive before i had a chance to listen to it and when i went to redownload it the online store said i'd never purchased it
[11:31pm] PickYerPoison: *on the online store
[11:31pm] schazer left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:31pm] PickYerPoison: wait no that wasn't a typo
[11:31pm] PickYerPoison: nevermind
[11:31pm] DragonFogel: Does anyone have thoughts on If You Download This You'll Go On A Government Watchlist?
[11:31pm] Godbot: I'm not at liberty to discuss that track
[11:31pm] PickYerPoison: none that i'm allowed to say
[11:31pm] cyber95: Oh by the way, I highly recommend skipping out on their next single. It starts out as a classic rock inspired song but slowly turns into hellish static that drives you insane.
[11:31pm] Pinary: I've got a script downloading it over and over
Pinary: You wouldn't believe how many vans are outside
[11:31pm] cyber95: And it's just not a very good song. Not really their style
[11:31pm] PickYerPoison: pinary is numbers 1-38 on the FBI's most wanted because fo that
[11:32pm] Pinary: Fun fact: The vans all claim to be "watch repair specialists"
[11:32pm] Pinary: I guess that's just the FBI's little in-joke
Pinary: I guess that's just the FBI's little in-joke
[11:32pm] PickYerPoison: they just want to clean your clock
[11:32pm] cyber95: dude
[11:32pm] cyber95: give them the watches that their album 8:00 came on
Godbot: dude
[11:33pm] Godbot: you're not supposed to spoil the ending to album 8:00
[11:33pm] Godbot: come on, man
[11:33pm] Godbot: what kind of fan are you
Pinary: Yeah, I'm done here. I'm not about to stand for that.
[11:33pm] cyber95: oh come on
[11:33pm] cyber95: who here doesn't know the ending of 8:00
[11:34pm] Timujina: i don't even know what that is
[11:34pm] PickYerPoison: i'm sorry to interupt this but a hill titan just invaded my fortress and is literally puking poison on everyone
[11:34pm] Godbot: actually, fun fact
[11:34pm] Granola: I /was/ at 7:57 but I guess I'll stop now
[11:34pm] cyber95: yeah and you all call yourself fans
[11:34pm] Godbot: unknown artists deliberately kept themselves from finding out, cyber
[11:34pm] Godbot: or at least, that's just what I've heard
[11:35pm] cyber95: I mean fuck, at 7:00 it's literally just a list of movie spoilers
[11:35pm] Godbot: they said it'd "spoil the magic"
[11:35pm] cyber95: it's the whole point
[11:35pm] Godbot: then they scratched a chalkboard for seven minutes
[11:35pm] cyber95: you can't take what they say at face value
[11:35pm] cyber95: haven't you learned from their single The Truth?
[11:35pm] Godbot: I couldn't handle that one
[11:35pm] PickYerPoison: they just screamed about global warming for hours
[11:36pm] PickYerPoison: it was pretty inconvenient
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10-08-2013, 04:28 AM
Quote:[23:23] <MrGuy> Hey. Speaking of writing.
[23:23] <MrGuy> I'm in a productive mood and I just finished my homework and then some.
[23:23] <MrGuy> Which can only mean one thing!
[23:23] <@schazer> o:
[23:23] * MrGuy is now known as Laundry|MrGuy
[23:24] <@schazer> >:I
[23:24] <Laundry|MrGuy> Nah, I'm just fuckin' with ya
[23:24] * Laundry|MrGuy is now known as Writing|MrGuy
I thought it would be funny.
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10-24-2013, 04:07 AM
[23:04] <thriggle> >w
[23:04] <AmazingAdventure> You head West. You find yourself in a marble tunnel. You see one damp UNDERGARMENT here. Exits: EAST, NORTH,
[23:04] <thriggle> >l undergarment
[23:04] <AmazingAdventure> An inscription on this undergarment informs you that it is guaranteed to be damp. Someone has scrawled 'ovaries' on it in permanent marker.
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11-05-2013, 08:14 AM
maybe this belongs in no context but who gives a rats Wrote:[17:12] Pinary awards Schazer an intercourse award
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11-05-2013, 08:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 08:59 PM by Romythered.)
Quote:<Rivenforge> Oh, here
<RedAce> and its 1:30 PM I need to take a shower
<Rivenforge> The kinect story
<RedAce> ...1:40 PM
<Godbot> oh, good
<Godbot> I was waiting for personalized ads to be a thing
<Godbot> cyberpunk's fucking overplayed
<Godbot> do we have to make it real?
* Fake (~danielkea@ has joined #eagletime
<Godbot> can we not do this?
<Godbot> we managed to avoid steampunk just fine
<PickYerPoison> aw, i like steampunk
<PickYerPoison> also google gives you personalized ads
<Godbot> my issue with steampunk is that like
<PickYerPoison> they've been doing that for a long, long time
<Godbot> steampunk requires a specific setting and time period to work
<PickYerPoison> it incorporates background searches from gmail and google search history
<PickYerPoison> among other things, i assume
<Godbot> so steampunk stories tend to be really samey
<Godbot> they're all british victorian-era people with british victorian-era problems
<PickYerPoison> hee
<Godbot> and I'm talking about personalized ads that talk to you in the supermarket
<PickYerPoison> ah
<Godbot> all minority report-style
<Godbot> "hello, graham netherton"
<Godbot> "please pick that pack of oreos back up and put it into your cart"
<Godbot> "or we will be required to call the nabisco secret police"
<PickYerPoison> "oreo squad, we've got a brand disloyalty situation"
<Godbot> "send this man to a reconditioning camp"
<Godbot> "we need to change his brand image"
<PickYerPoison> there's a chamber that just pelts you with oreos
* Fake has quit (Quit: Fake)
<Godbot> a distorted voice over the loudspeaker bellows "DELICIOUS"
<Godbot> then they tranquilize you
* Fake (~danielkea@ has joined #eagletime
<PickYerPoison> all of the rooms have an eerily familiar monochromatic color scheme
<Godbot> white walls, black floors and ceilings
* Fake has quit (Client Quit)
<PickYerPoison> what if they just abducted you into a portal testing program
<PickYerPoison> except your portals are black and white and everything is just oreo-themed
<Godbot> the voice on the loudspeaker promises that if you complete the testing they'll give you milk
<PickYerPoison> oreo cake
<PickYerPoison> "companion cookie"
<Godbot> everyone completes all of the tests in under 10 minutes out of sheer desperation
<PickYerPoison> the incinerator is just a mouth
<Godbot> "creme" is 50% test subjects
<Godbot> the rest is food coloring and fat
<PickYerPoison> "the handheld oreo device is now worth more than the combined organs of [SUBJECT HOMETOWN HERE]"
<Godbot> (the cookies are made out of anti-milk)
<PickYerPoison> hard filling bridges
<Godbot> most people don't make it out of the first room
<Godbot> they pull apart the oreo gun and try to lick the circuitry
<RedAce> ...
<PickYerPoison> despite repeated failed tests management refuses to make it look less delicious
<RedAce> I feel like there was some kind of deadly chain reaction leading to these horrrific images you're painting
<Godbot> there was
<PickYerPoison> or use something other than sugar in the circuitry
<PickYerPoison> there was
<Godbot> it's the nabisco police state
<PickYerPoison> things just kinda escalated
<RedAce> so we're quoting this right
<Godbot> I'm cool with that
<RedAce> because this needs to be not forgotten
<PickYerPoison> no arguments here
<RedAce> so that when the nabisco police state begins the resistance is ready
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11-06-2013, 04:03 AM
Quote:[13:51] * Girth ( has joined #eagletime
[13:53] * FelixSparks ignores Girth.
[13:53] * Girth kicks FelixSparks in the torso
[13:54] <FelixSparks> Should have seen that coming.
[13:54] <Schazer> applause
[13:54] <Schazer> applesauce
[13:54] <thriggle> yum
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11-07-2013, 09:03 AM
Pick of the quote crop
Quote:17:42 Schazer how do you pronounce chagrin anyway
17:42 Schazer it's not shuh-grin, is it
17:42 Slorange Shuh-grin
17:42 Sanzh shag-ring?
17:43 Sanzh huh it might be shuh-grin, actually
17:43 Schazer Sanzh i THINK you'll find that's Australian vernacular for an orgy
17:43 Schazer damn keyboard
17:43 Schazer anyway holy fuck I actually knew how to pronounce a word right for once
17:44 Sanzh I'd rather not find myself in a shagring then
17:45 Ellyfish a shag ring?
17:45 Ellyfish How does it loop back on itself?
17:45 Sanzh carefully
17:45 Slorange Just go watch a bukkake video
17:45 Slorange It will all make sense
17:46 Slorange The other answer, which involves a chain of gay men, we already discussed in disturbing detail in this very channel
17:46 Ellyfish bukkake is one of the ones I don't get
17:46 Schazer humans are incredible
17:46 bigro doesn't it require like 2000 men
17:46 Slorange The answer we concluded with was "What the hell is wrong with each of us and us collectively"
17:46 Ellyfish Well I've been absent for too long, fill me in?
17:46 bigro 'fill me in'
17:47 Ellyfish fill me in
17:47 bigro exactly that
Quote:17:46 Schazer next question (totes facetious): how do you pronounce bukkake
17:46 Schazer or rahter
17:47 Schazer how can you pronounce bukkake
17:47 Schazer I'm giving it a second glance and I think I can see "buck cake"
17:47 Sanzh boo-ka-kay is how I assumed it's pronounced
17:47 Ellyfish boo-cock-kay
17:47 Schazer yeah, if you're Australian
17:47 bigro boob-cock-kay
17:47 Sanzh :<
17:47 Slorange It's
17:48 Schazer as the resident Closest Thing We Have To Japanese
17:48 Slorange It's Japanese
17:48 Slorange This is your HERITAGE Schazer
17:48 Schazer I like Boob Cocky though
17:48 bigro I see beau kar kee
17:48 Schazer anyway I can at least give the right answer, if not the most interesting one
17:48 Sanzh I don't think my accent does australian
17:48 Schazer it's book-kucky
17:48 Ellyfish byuck-ache-shee
17:48 Schazer if anything
17:48 Schazer but with the k in book almost being silent
17:48 bigro Beua car key
17:49 bigro beau*
17:49 Sanzh beau kicky
17:49 Slorange Book-kucky is that crap that builds up on the spines of library books from libraries that let kids in
17:49 Schazer I'm crying
17:49 bigro beau caaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a-a-aaar ki
17:50 Schazer meanwhile: I'm searching the thread for Tor's pet names for Scofflaw
17:50 Schazer I should just marry this dumb alien already
17:50 Ellyfish buck-cake
Quote:Sanzh it's probably in double-orgy territory by now is my point
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11-07-2013, 09:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2013, 09:35 AM by Nopad.)
Wiktionary says: /buˈkɑː.ki/, /buˈkæ.ki/, /buˈkɑː.ke/, which are roughly boo-KAW-kee, boo-KAH-kee (like the a in "knack") and boo-KAW-keh.
Chagrin is /ʃəˈɡɹɪn/ (shuh-GRIN) in the US, and apparently /ˈʃæɡ.ɹɪn/ (SHAG-rin) in the UK. Go figure.
Even the lies? Especially the lies!
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11-08-2013, 01:57 AM
I pronounce it in my horribad French and if anyone calls me on it for bad pronunciation or pretension I just go
![[Image: qlaZkza.jpg]](
sea had swallowed all. A lazy curtain of dust was wafting out to sea
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11-08-2013, 02:18 AM
Quote:[19:38] <MrGuy> gosh darn
[19:38] <MrGuy> things feel lame
[19:39] <Timujina> western black rhino is extinct
[19:42] <MrGuy> ...oh.
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11-14-2013, 12:24 PM
Quote:01:22 Loather cram bananas down their big gaping mouths
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11-15-2013, 03:32 PM
Quote:* Plaid has joined #eagletime
<Schazer> yo yo
<Plaid> sup
<Plaid> apart from making chopstick wrestler bird abominations
<Schazer> you could not tear your eyes off those gams do not lie to me madam
<Plaid> you caught me
<Schazer> gams set and match
<Plaid> good lord
* Plaid Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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11-15-2013, 06:30 PM
In my defense that quit was my internet going mental and disconnecting me from irc 3 times before it would stay. You can't keep me away from those legs
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11-15-2013, 11:40 PM
I know, but spontaneous (unrelated) quitting from my incredible wit is how I get through the day.
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11-26-2013, 04:51 AM
Quote:<Plaid> sticky poop shield, activate!
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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11-26-2013, 05:18 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-26-2013, 05:18 AM by ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆.)
out of that whole discussion you omit
Quote:[20:25:29] <Loather> "Where the Bee fucks, there fuck I"
come on come on
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11-26-2013, 06:45 AM
Quote:[14:28] <Schazer> I think bee sex can be practical and fun
[14:28] <Schazer> and that is a real sentence that I just said
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12-11-2013, 09:07 AM
Quote:17:50 MrGuy ugh, I should go to bed, but nothing is less appealing rn
17:50 MrGuy also holy shit the parking lot is extremely icy for some reason?
17:50 Solaris whats going on
17:50 Solaris why are you in the parking lot
17:50 MrGuy s'like a fucking skating rink
17:50 MrGuy sol I can see it from my window you dweeb
17:52 DragonFogel Guy, quit spying on the parking lot.
17:52 Solaris ice is invisible though
17:53 MrGuy Sol, I'm not sure you understand prec-ice-ly how ice works.
17:53 Schazer I'm putting this impending punstorm on ice
17:54 MrGuy I don't think that's necessary, Schazer
17:54 Schazer like hail it isn't
17:54 MrGuy It wasn't likely to gain much traction to begin with
17:54 Schazer you're skating on thin ice here buddy
17:55 MrGuy I guess I'd better snow down before you crack, then.
17:55 DragonFogel Guy, quit being such a flake.
17:56 Schazer Ok can we agree this is just a really polarising discussion
17:57 MrGuy It wouldn't be an issue if you guys would just go with the floe.
17:58 MrGuy (sol do you wish to contribute)
17:58 Schazer I don't rememberg you being in a position to make demands
17:58 DragonFogel When it comes to snow pun contests, there are no winters, only losers.
17:58 Schazer I will just
17:59 Schazer avalanche sigh to myself over here at your antics
18:00 Schazer anyway I should get my butt home
18:00 Schazer my b-icicle is not going to get any easier to ride as it gets colder
18:01 MrGuy Try not to crash on the rocks.
18:01 Solaris im trying to think of a response that accurately expresses my inability to ad anything but i guess ive got brain freeze
18:01 Schazer I'll make the frost of a bad situation
18:02 Schazer but really there's no alpine you depraved fuckers
18:02 MrGuy I'm sure the discussion will evaporate once I go to bed, but I imagine that's cold comfort
18:03 Solaris guy go to bed this is your fault
18:03 Schazer or is he the one to take the chilblaim
18:03 MrGuy Schazer these are getting more obtuse by the second
18:03 Schazer or is he both???????
18:03 MrGuy You just have to be such a special snowflake with your puns, don't you
18:04 Schazer (◡‿◡✿)
18:04 DragonFogel Guy, just accept defeat with glace.
18:04 Schazer you were askiing for it
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12-26-2013, 08:16 AM
Quote:17:12 Pharmacy man I love worldbuilding
17:13 Schazer same
17:13 Schazer I normally struggle at it though but you seem to just pull it out of me
17:13 Schazer like spider silk but less gross
17:14 Pharmacy well with enough questions a world comes out of an orifice
17:14 Pharmacy I am terrible
17:15 Schazer hahahahaha
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12-27-2013, 02:37 PM
I laughed way too hard at that.
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01-07-2014, 12:10 AM
Quote:[23:55] Schazer: I have my words and their ways
[23:56] Schazer: and I have my way with words
[23:56] Schazer: or however you're supposed to say that so it doesn't sound like I'm deflowering a language
[23:58] Chwoka: Schazer why don't you want to sound like you are deflowering a language
[23:58] Schazer: I have a way with words =! I have my way with words
[23:59] Chwoka: no i get that having it your way is something you only do with sex acts or at burger king or both
[00:00] RedAce: you mean subway
[00:01] Schazer: no that's eat flesh
[00:01] RedAce: eh
[00:01] Schazer: you have it your way at burger king
[00:01] RedAce: I don't remember their slogan being "eat our flesh"
[00:02] Schazer: fresh, flesh, semipresh, whatevs
[00:02] Jacquerel: McDonalds slogan is "I'm loving it" which sounds far less forceful
[00:03] Schazer: what if you are having it your way/having your way with it and McDonalds just shouts out "I'm loving it"
[00:03] Schazer: is that romantic or voyeuristic or a threesome
[00:04] Schazer: "how much pickle would you like in your sandwich, sir or madame"
[00:05] Jacquerel: the aim in these kinds of places is to deliver quickly so I'm not sure both parties would be loving it in equal amounts
[00:05] Schazer: the spray and pray strategy
[00:07] Schazer hacks up a lung
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01-07-2014, 08:42 PM
Quote:<Garuru> isnt valhalla like viking heaven
<Garuru> i dont want to go there
<Paranoia> you get to fight big burly men in skimpy clothes for your afterlife
<Garuru> on second thought
<Paranoia> (also waifish pretty boys if thats your thing.)
<RedAce> valhalla is viking heaven
<Chwoka> are the waifish pretty boys easier to take down
<Garuru> they ARE vikings after all, so probably not
<RedAce> also you get to have feasts every day
<RedAce> like
<Paranoia> from a certain point of view, they go down a lot easier.
<RedAce> big ass feasts
* RedAce groans
<RedAce> para no
<RedAce> no
<Garuru> we werent the ones who brought up the word ass
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01-09-2014, 05:49 AM
Quote:[21:46] <Schazer> Solaris you have aged like a fine meme
[21:46] <Solaris> i
[21:46] <Schazer> isn't that what we tell you on your birthday
[21:46] <Solaris> i