WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened

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WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA N5: nothing happened
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Well I guess I could have rephrased that as 'which of these townreads is townier to you' but really? I mean this wouldn't be the first time I've had someone point at me and scream 'dichotomy dichotomy' but I guess I expected more (and cult is unlikely this time)?

But Namboto>koneco>Solaris>Para>seedy>me=Boogey>Ix>Cat >Agent with cuttlefish 3rdParty yeah got the message.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Boogeyman5870.

Palamedes Wrote:Really? Really? I would kill the guy who was obviously more then willing to just sit on his ass and sheep everything that was said over the two people who were actually willing to make comments and a stand?
Yeah, if you Wine'd yourself out worrying about docs, blocks, etc.

Palamedes Wrote:Obvious third party is a good person to kill, or lynch if a better candidate does not come up. Doesn't change the fact you decided to ignore everyone and everything except vaguely questioning the current lynch while weakly pushing a shitty person to lynch if you supposedly had other decent suspicions.
You mean like when you think someone thinks the primary lynch is a mislynch. And his other scumreads claimed Cop or were subsequently cleared by said Cop? Is that the kind of situation when trying to go after a third party is a good move? Because that was kinda how things went, and I believe I said so at the time. My suspicions on you weren't fully formed until I saw the flip, and the subsequent night kills. When that happened you left the "Has been kinda acting weird and is on a weird spot on a potential mislynch" zone right into "scummy" zone.

Palamedes Wrote:Oh you know because I've only been pushing Catboss as town forever.

So do you care to actually do something or say anything beyond just going after the guy who actually got a frigging lynch through (while the rest of you sat twiddling and going 'oh no not a no lynch')? Do you have any other suspicions beyond a guy you feel is a convenient lynch?

QE: PiratePara, amazing.
Reads change, and it doesn't mean you wouldn't have taken a shot if you had the chance. I wasn't really expecting you to leap all over it, but it would have been nice. It was just a little shot in the dark since the opportunity presented itself.

And yes, I do have other suspicions. I am still suspicious of Ix even though I feel bad about going after him. Cat is suspicious to a degree. The others I have I do not wish to mention for the moment because they're in motion, and I wish to see where they're going. Come back later in the day if you want more.

And yes, PiratePara is amazing.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Boogeyman5870 Wrote:Yeah, if you Wine'd yourself out worrying about docs, blocks, etc.
Trust me that is not a concern of mine.

As for the rest of this post I just want to say.

All of your targets/suspicions so far have been people who do nothing all day, were obviously third party, or otherwise really easy to push a lynch on (sorry Ix, cuttlefish, and now Cat), then on top of it you only talk about one of them at a time (unless pressed), put no pressure on them, then spend most of your time sitting on them and being pretty neutral on everything else (not even really pushing your targets off of the people you supposedly don't want killed or talking about the people on them).

Which actually would kind of make sense with a you/some other obvious targets/don't give a shit people scumteam. Especially now that everyone and their grandmother is practically townfirmed and you can't just all hide now? Probably Cat and Agent since you haven't mentioned them at all (until Cat just now). Plus some outside man actually doing things (Unless godSolaris but yeah probably not a thing?)
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

Going after me is a bad idea Pala but you can feel free to try to convince me to lynch you by trying to convince people to lynch me

I didn't like Agent yesterday and I don't today
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

I don't feel like killing you anytime before Agent and Boogeyman right now it's just an idea I was throwing out.

It is also a bad idea to go after me but hey someone is trying anyways.

Oh hey while you're here are there other people you don't like?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Boogeyman5870.

Palamedes Wrote:Trust me that is not a concern of mine.

As for the rest of this post I just want to say.

All of your targets/suspicions so far have been people who do nothing all day, were obviously third party, or otherwise really easy to push a lynch on (sorry Ix, cuttlefish, and now Cat), then on top of it you only talk about one of them at a time (unless pressed), put no pressure on them, then spend most of your time sitting on them and being pretty neutral on everything else (not even really pushing your targets off of the people you supposedly don't want killed or talking about the people on them).

Which actually would kind of make sense with a you/some other obvious targets/don't give a shit people scumteam. Especially now that everyone and their grandmother is practically townfirmed and you can't just all hide now? Probably Cat and Agent since you haven't mentioned them at all (until Cat just now). Plus some outside man actually doing things (Unless godSolaris but yeah probably not a thing?)
You're right this is totally sitting on an easy lynch. And I did mention my feelings on Agent back before day end. I felt good about him then and I feel good about him now. I mentioned Cat back then too in my read wall (while I was apparently giving no opinion on anything, except how I felt about all the players in the game?), and I didn't mention anything in the meantime because Cat didn't do anything in the meantime. You can't give me crap about giving weak opinions, and then also only giving opinions when pressured. If they were good opinions I would offer them up before I was pressured. I would do something like get into a post fight with a potential scum. Also have you considered that the reasons they are easy lynches is because they're scummy? Inherently the lynch is only easy if there's ample reason to do it.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

Palamedes Wrote:I don't feel like killing you anytime before Agent and Boogeyman right now it's just an idea I was throwing out.

It is also a bad idea to go after me but hey someone is trying anyways.

Oh hey while you're here are there other people you don't like?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Well yeah but.

Ix: Not playing the game seriously at all, not defending self and won't do it if you go after him, not indicative of anything (Solaris is doing the same but is town).
cuttlefish: Is third party and not mafia and we all knew that

Yeah they're easy targets but not super scum? Easy lynches are people who you can easily lynch not necessarily because they're scum and you know that.

Hey Cat I said anyone else not repeat yourself [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img]
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Mirdini.

curiousCat Wrote:You
one of these days I'll policy lynch you I swear
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

Mirdini Wrote:one of these days I'll policy lynch you I swear
not in this game ever really
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by crepuscularDissembler.

I thought I had the gamestate a little better figured than this
but I believe it is no longer NOT time to lynch: Boogey
Agent is still on the chopping block but I don't feel as chancetakey

I wish I didn't forget to check the fora until right before bed
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Yeah I can go for Boogeyman (obviously).

I still want to hear from Agent though because his final stand* is probably going to tip me one way or the other between him or Boogey being more suspicious and worthy of killing**.

Hey seedy any stances on people besides the townfirms/Boogey and Agent? Who would you bet are the other two scum?

*might not be final
**via lynch

Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.


I don't understand anything anymore, and it seems like every time I try to get my thoughts sorted out I get stomped on for not doing anything (for obvious reasons if I don't post, but also if I put up something that isn't quite fully thought out yet and therefore isn't concrete enough for your high standards). Someone's playing a long con and I'm tired of it. Also since my time zone is completely butts compared to the majority of players here, I also lose points since I'm usually sleeping at day end and can't use any data from up to eight hours beforehand. Oh, and it's Chinese New Year; some of us have family to look at in the face on occasion, which coincidentally coincides with right about all the waking hours and no I don't have a magic smartphone to internet with whine whine moan moan butt.

But you're right; legitimate excuses are still excuses. So if you'd let me compile some thoughts properly like I was trying to hours ago - bloody hell you guys are probably all snoozing.

Sorry. tl;dr, irl stuff gets in the way a lot going to think some more

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Now I'm not confident enough of these to assign colors but *slaps self* ASSIGN COLORS YES UNGENTLEPEOPLE

Pala - Pala, Pala, Pala. You used to be so brilliant! So reasoned! But as of late you've begun to become more and more...desperate? It isn't in the manner of desparate not to lose, but in the manner of desperate to win. So close, your voice says. Just a few more of these meddlers out of the way. But that's my gut feeling - evidence is scanty, you've been a good, good player and you've played your cards well. If I were to point to anything that gives me this feeling it's the increasingly aggressive tactics that led to Pilot's death - rather, jumping onto Pilot and then pushing it. Hard.

Palamedes Wrote:Okay yeah sure there's lying partytimes too and Pilot hasn't posted at alllll you hiding bro?

Vote: Pilot
Palamedes Wrote:Yeah honestly this is supposed to be a silly game. The ALLCAPS TITLE and OP have made that kind of clear. Just play however the heck you want to.

By that I mean lynch Pilot or cuttlefish or Agent [img]images/smilies/apple.gif[/img]


Palamedes Wrote:It's been gone over a little?

1) He could easily be lying - his busdrivings point to the batshittiest scum targets ever? Especially on N1.
2) He claims to defend town who is already going to get mislynched, gets extra town points for it
3) He vanishes immediately after and does nothing at all
4) It's him or Catboss as scum and I'm not feeling Catboss.

There are others but I am dead tired of being sprsrs in this game, I can go more in depth though. Four and three are the major ones to me.
Oh, but now so serious again? Perhaps after your 'silliness' killed Pilot dead? I could play this off as exactly as it sounds like: "oh no ix made me all feels now i should be silly now so that game is funner" - but I can't really bring myself to buy it myself. Not only does it border on metagaming, if you're scum there's just too much ulterior motive.

Those reasons might help defend you, though. But shall I explain my reasoning and get accused of not committing? I've learned my lesson.

Palamedes Wrote:Yes yes more!

Vote more!

I don't know how much time we have left before dayend or how much to softlynch but we have four now and four more would be awesome.

I'm running on fumes, coffee, so little sleep, exhaustion and bile so how about you explain yourself, Pala? Tell me why you think I'm scum other than 'I won't commit'?

Para - Arrrr, Cap'n. Apologies, Cap'n. I be a green sailor, still workin' on my sea-legs in the grand game of rootin' out turncoats and traitorous quartermasters who'd rather sink these vessels with all aboard than give the rest of us an ounce of mercy. On which, Cap'n, what do ye think of our current numbers - so low, and yet no end in sight? Perhaps we be dealin' with both the forces of Davey Jones and tha' o' the British Navy and their dirty privateerin' rats lookin' to bring us down? And what do ye think of Pala, then? Pointin' the finger every which way like a man possessed? And konec did be sayin' yesterday that they be be blockin' you, but obviously that didn't happen if ye went voyeurin', as ye say. No signs? Ah, Cap'n, I'll go ask them instead.

konec - C-circuses scare me. B-but...other than that...I don't think you're scum...that's my gut feeling on this...unbacked, of course...

But...the evidence is a little screwy...

konec0 Wrote:You'd have to be scum then, because I'm not.
But he wasn't...

But if you knew h-he was town....then you wouldn't dare make this kind of statement...s-so you don't know...

konec0 Wrote:...
DESPITE this, I'm still pretty sure Pilot is town. Because doing that little spiel and attempting to implicate me wouldn't be a very good idea if he's lynched and flips scum.

However, dead!Pilot fulfills my optional wincon, which is to see my escaped attraction dead before I am.

SO. No hard feelings, mate.

But...but d-doesn't Malky announce when bonus goals are achieved...

konec0 Wrote:re: blocking Para, I will do a fullclaim tmrw morning which should hopefully explain it.
Also, would strongly consider pressuring Para tomorrow.

That's all~
Did...did that happen...?

Mirdi - Waffley now, Mirdini? I worry about you.

Mirdini Wrote:I still ship beru/pilot scumteam OTP

actually Vote: TehPilot

like why is he town again? do we have ANY evidence that he actually drove who he said he drove?
Mirdini Wrote:Pala I don't think two scumteams is a thing anymore - beru AND pilot flipping town kinda shot my view on that to pieces (though I was certainly thinking it yesterday)

but since it isn't MYLO (at least according to konec0 would like confirmation from modliness) that means we have less than 5 of THE MAFIA running around which I guess could mean either of these things?

1. this is thirdpartyhunt

2. mafia are 20% or less of the playerlist?????

either way wonky shenanigans seem the order of the day.
Your iron determination, followed by the death of both your suspects, who both flipped town, followed by the rapidfire backpedaling. I wish I could say I wasn't suspicious, because it'd be damn inconvenient if you weren't town, but as it stands? Hsssss.

Palamedes Wrote:Also hey Mirdini Para was actually pretty simplistic wrt Agent I am the one who has been on his case for a while (well me and seedy) does this change anything?
Mirdini Wrote:scum!agent would be ludicrously easy to bus so no
Soooo, you're implying Pala and/or seedy are scum?

seedy - Dearest Seedy,

I do feel a little better about you than I do of Pala, for your skepticism strikes me as less wildly directed. But a bomb is a bomb, whether a shrapnel breadbasket or a guided Vergeltungswaffen. I do believe such behavior is genuinely brought about after more reasoning than that of your fellow pressurer, who as I might reiterate seems to be lambasting everything in reach. I do hope, perhaps, with care, to disabuse the notion of my guilt, for I hold no such thing - I promise you! What is one to do in times of such terror, when the Blitz of suspicion brings down the very roof of one's home?

In turn, might I ask you on your own opinions - we may fight the Italians, but what of the Germans? Do you believe they present as one unified force, or as factions, already turned upon one another? Just two nights ago, two members of the Russians died. (or would they be the Swiss?) How do you think their party fares now? Might I inquire as to your thoughts as who among us are of Russian (or Swiss) descent?

I fear I cannot quote you much, nor well, as your speech has been sparing - unlike mine. Ah! But now the clock strikes one, and I must retire. A morning shift at the factory awaits, endless lines of munitions to be crated. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours in faith,

Namboto - I could see several scenarios where Nam is lying about being a cop, but they just don't hold up. Although I really am getting tired now so I think I'll just quote things

Namboto Wrote:Well, what I can do, as of this moment, is townfirm two people. Both of them have had votes on them, both are still under suspicion, and neither have done anything to really warrant it (although one hasn't done a whole lot but yeah). One even came close to being lynched.

I am, of course, talking about Beruru and Solaris
Of which Beru flipped town so it's highly probably that Solly is town as well.

Solaris - As above. While I'm not still absolutely happy with the madness and the quirkness, I'll accept that it...is kind of fun. Sometimes. To write. Not so much when it comes to reading. Maybe. As long as the interpretatos come out all right, I suppose. Which you have helped to set right sometimes.


I've got to stop taking this so seriously. I'm going to actually crack and go insane on the board soon.

Also my brain

has stopped working.

Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Oh hey well like

care to throw out a vote?

Also wrt me I'll state it again (like I did some time D3 or at the end of Day 2) that I've stopped seriously caring about how this game goes. It's a mess and I don't even know and the only reason I'm not just eating this icecream is because I have the sinking feeling that town needs me now more then ever and killing myself would be a dick move.

I can try to get more serious and analytical and whatever but right now I've made over 15% of the total player posts (in a 20 player game) and I'm tiiiireed.

Oh right and while I'm here what do you actually think of Boogeyman? He is kind of a major thing that is popping up and you are failing to mention him.

Also it's getting tiring as hell that people keep going 'oh no you pushed a lynch so hard' when we spent all of Day three dicking around and everyone was going 'oh no a no lynch approaches'. I mean everyone just agreed with me and went for it/voiced some small suspicion near dayend but didn't do shit about it.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Oh hey you wanted critisisms on you.

Well they've been mentioned before by many people but like. You've done your level best to give the most neutral reads and opinions possible (which scum like to do because it doesn't implicate them with their scumbuddies or town lynches). This suspicion in made worse by the fact that you seem to love trying to avoid voting and I don't believe you've ever been on a major wagon or lynch (I could be wrong but to be honest right now I can't be assed to check). I guess being neutral counts as a form of not commiting (well probably more like vise-versa, whatever)but it is actually a pretty big deal! Hope this clears things up a little.

Also a new suspicion is that you are throwing pressure only on the people voting you right now. In fact, the only people you've even mentioned beyond them are two townclears and what is basically a townclear. I'd accuse you of trying to throw some suspicion on the townblocker but I don't know if that whole spiel on konec0 there was a big joke or not.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Yes We Still Do Votals Sometimes

Agent1022 (3) - Palamedes, Paranoia, Mirdini
konec0 (1) - Solaris
Palamedes (1) - Boogeyman5870
Boogeyman5870 (1) - Seedy

Abstaining: Agent1022, Ixcalibur, cuttlefishCuller, konec0, Namboto, curiousCat

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. There is no soft lynch. Day ends February 15th at 5 PM EST.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

*yawn, stretch*

I would have done a full list, but 1am hit me on the head. Working on that.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

Vote: boogey
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

Agent1022 Wrote:But if you knew h-he was town....then you wouldn't dare make this kind of statement...s-so you don't know...
yeah town players don't know other players' alignments unless you're like a cop or etc. etc.
that's always been a thing yes
thanks for telling us again

Agent1022 Wrote:But...but d-doesn't Malky announce when bonus goals are achieved...
Apparently not all the time, since I have confirmation in my QT that I did indeed achieve my optional win.

Agent1022 Wrote:Did...did that happen...?
Fullclaiming is a thing I can do if people want it.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by konec0.

curiousCat Wrote:Vote: boogey
what happened to wanting pala dead tho
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Catboss she said she wanted Boogey dead more.

Also what happened to voting in general (both you and Agent)
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Boogeyman5870.

Agent1022 Wrote:;~;

Those reasons might help defend you, though. But shall I explain my reasoning and get accused of not committing? I've learned my lesson.
Crap like this is why people are suspicious of you. Don't back off of saying stuff just because you're afraid people will get mad at you. Also when you post a bunch of reads that involve accusing a bunch of people, you should probably throw a vote in as well.

Anyway. CD, Cat. Are either one of you going to actually try and bring a case or are you just hoping that the unshakable faith that everyone has in both of you being town is going to be enough to get this done?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by curiousCat.

The second one. Mostly the second one.
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

I love how Boogey is criticizing only Agent and not voting him (or pushing on me who he is voting for), and like Agent is only throwing things at people who are voting for him only.

Man now this is going to be like yesterday where we sit around forever and rush a lynch at the last minute isn't it?
Re: WHO ARE THE REAL MONSTERS?!?!?!??!? MAFIA D4: good night, sweet prince
Originally posted on MSPA by Boogeyman5870.

Palamedes Wrote:I love how Boogey is criticizing only Agent and not voting him (or pushing on me who he is voting for), and like Agent is only throwing things at people who are voting for him only.

Man now this is going to be like yesterday where we sit around forever and rush a lynch at the last minute isn't it?
I still think Agent is town as I stated near end of day yesterday. I think he just needs to stop doing that crap, so he stops giving players like you an excuse to go after him. Just because I don't like some aspects of his behavior doesn't mean I have to think he's scum. As for you I've said everything I need to say for the moment. Here in D4 I've spent more time making arguments for you being scummy than anyone else has done anything. If you've noticed not a whole lot else has happened in the meantime. CD and Cat made votes on me with nothing for me to defend against, and you're just poking Agent again.