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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
12-23-2016, 04:34 AM
Ix, you don't seem very interested in, um, a mafia game? What is, um, what sort of meta bullshit is this.
Kay, um, I don't, um. Um. What even is the deal?
I'm not going to make my win condition anyway, so, um, um.
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
12-23-2016, 04:37 AM
That's a hammer.
The actual end of game may take a while to put together. Please hold.
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-05-2017, 11:46 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2017, 11:47 PM by Sruixan.)
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-06-2017, 12:52 AM
"We apologize for the delay, there was an error in the paperwork and we had to... oh. Looks like that's been taken care of! Now, let's see where Ixcaliber's allegiances lay."
(05-10-2016, 12:25 AM)Xindaris Wrote: »-A "roguelike" adventure but after the player-character dies, the next player-character shows up at the exact time the first player-character showed up and can interfere with the first player-character. And the same thing for all future player-characters, all of them are additions to the first timeline. It's possible to prevent a previous player character from dying (as quickly) by altering the timeline this way, and it's possible to recruit the "rescued" former player-character into your party. And of course, this being "roguelike"-inspired, this is necessary to handle some otherwise impossible situations.
Somewhere along the line, Ixcaliber had acquired a strange power to create new party members in a life-threatening situation, but it was difficult to use.
Each night, they could select one player. If that player tried to kill them, then a new party member would emerge and fight off the attacker. That party member would also serve as an extra life for Ix from then on.
Ixcaliber was unconcerned with the fate of the company. They just wanted to get three additional party members so they could explore the dungeon. What dungeon? We don't know, but apparently there was one.
"Hmm. Not a loyal shareholder, but not exactly hostile either. They weren't the troublemaker we were looking for. Which means it must be one of you two!"
The Powerpoint screen suddenly turned around to face the last two remaining shareholders and... oh, wait, Kaynato just stabbed AgentBlue. Guess that's settled, then.
(03-03-2016, 06:50 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »You can speed up time for free, but slowing it down costs you life essence.
AgentBlue had the power to speed up time freely, and had used it so recklessly that the entire universe was sped up. Of course, nobody realized this because everything else was moving at double speed too.
In an attempt to fix this problem, AgentBlue could strain themselves to use the other part of their power: slowing time down. They could slow down one person's action, moving it from night to day.
They had this vague idea that slowing down somebody who died the same night would release time energy or something and that would somehow fix everything if they did it three times. So that was Agent's win condition.
AgentBlue was technically aligned with the town.
Now there was just one shareholder left. But who was Kaynato, really?
(05-29-2016, 05:59 AM)GuardianTempest Wrote: »First there was Waterworks, then there was Steelworks followed by Powerworks. Now comes...
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You are a gauche gamer. You just broke into the headquarters of Bethesda Softworks in hopes of correcting some grievous wrongdoings or at least get some answers why.
A week has passed since the release of Fallout 5 and The Elder Scrolls VI and already the entire gaming community is in an uproar. You tried to be very forgiving with Fallout 4 and TES V, since Bethesda introduced a lot of new features and they seemed like they're going to do it better next time. Unfortunately they didn't, not only did they repeat their mistakes they also introduced new ones that never happened in the previous games.
That hack Todd Howard has to pay for this, he can't just keep getting away saying "It Just Works". Who does he think he is? King Crimson?
Now you must look for him and make him pay for his hubris.
Kaynato was in the late stages of a quest to destroy Todd Howard. Unfortunately, there were a few complications.
The first was that Todd Howard was already dead. Most people would consider this adequate revenge, but Kaynato had far crueler fates in mind than mere death. So there was only one course of action: die, and pursue Howard in the afterlife.
This lead to the second complication: immortality.
The quest to destroy Todd Howard had granted Kaynato several Daedric artifacts, which when used together made their wearer completely indestructible. However, those artifacts had also fused with Kaynato, and they had a will of their own.
For the most part that will was "kill people, we don't care who". Consequently, each night Kaynato had to make a kill.
They were hard to kill, but the Daedric artifacts themselves were not as well-protected. If Kaynato were attacked three times, that would be enough to break the enchantments and kill them, allowing their vendetta against Todd Howard to continue and granting them a victory.
Being flung out into the void would be of no help, of course, so they had to try not to get lynched.
Kaynato was a hostile third-party. They were not aligned with the conspiracy, but had to be dealt with for the town to claim victory. Spoiler alert, that didn't happen.
"Well, it seems Kaynato is the sole shareholder of the Will Smith Corporation, which of course means they have a controlling interest. This company is now in your cruel and unforgiving hands.
Oh, but before you tell us what you're doing with your company, our background checks are in on Paranoia and Wheat.
Paranoia did not actually read the application instructions and just sent in a PM with the above text. Which became his role.
Paranoia had the ability to pop up on someone out of nowhere, becoming the target of their night action. His goal was to ruin someone's day by preventing their win condition with his action, whether it was his normal action or got changed by other abilities.
He was technically aligned with the town. It will surprise no one that he used his action on Schazer and got brutally murdered for his trouble.
As for Wheat...
(06-22-2016, 09:51 PM)Colby Wrote: »You are a fish.
That's it. Thats the plot. You're a fish what more do you want.
Wheat was a fish. That's it.
Okay, so there was a bit more. Wheat joined the conspiracy on a vague offer of revenge, not that they knew what they were getting revenge for. But their only real aspiration was to let everyone know they were a fish.
Anyone Wheat visited or who visited Wheat would be informed that Wheat was a fish. Wheat would win if at any point, half of the living players had been so informed of fishiness.
And guess what? Agent knew, so in that brief moment between the graveslam and Kaynato concluding the game, Wheat won.
Night actions, full winner list, and quicktopic links will come tomorrow.
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-08-2017, 01:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-09-2017, 03:31 AM by Dragon Fogel.)
Before I get on to the summary of actions, a note on a special behind-the-scenes mechanic.
There were three spirits: the Pope, the Dragon, and the Moon. I came up with these due to earthexe's chosen idea, and they helped fill in win conditions for a few roles I didn't know what to do with.
Before getting to Earthexe, I had worked out that OrangeAipom's role involved hunting the spirit of Bill Gates and I'd come up with some mechanics for how to find it. I consolidated Bill Gates with the dragon; the other two happened to be good thematic fits with a52's religious flavor and Sruix's dream flavor.
Then I made it Akumu's goal to give hugs to all three of them.
Anyways, the actual mechanics of spirits were mostly pretty simple. I'd start them in three random players (none of whom were the players whose win conditions involved with them). Then, the spirits would move to whoever their current host targeted.
Of course, a spirit might end up in a dead player. If this happened, they would be inherited by whoever cast the last vote during the day. I guess if there had been a day with no votes, the spirits would have been absent.
If Akumu hugged someone with a spirit, he'd take it instead of whoever it would normally go to.
If the spirit settled in the person who was looking for it, it would stay there.
If earthexe used the correct action on a spirit, it would be exorcised and taken out of the game. This wouldn't affect the win condition of the person looking for it.
The Moon spirit started at Kieros, the Dragon spirit started at Agent, and the Pope spirit started at DS Piron.
Oh, one more thing. Reyweld's alignment was Town at the start of the game. Not that he knew this.
So now let's move on to the actions.
Action Summary:
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-Shredded fills Schazer with hate.
-Reyweld checks Ixcaliber. (Third-party result. Reyweld's aligment does not change.)
-earthexe punches Reyweld in the face. (Result: Town)
-Robust Laser says "fuck" to Kieros. Hears "shit"
-Akumu hugs Kieros, and in doing so hugs the Moon spirit! One down, two to go.
-Agent slows down Wheat's action. (Is informed Wheat is a fish.)
-qwerx3 checks Sruixan's win condition (find the moon).
-OrangeAipom attempts to devour Reyweld. (No results.)
-DS Piron checks if qwerx3 has a sandwich.
-Kieros makes Schazer co-host. (but is redirected to herself)
-a52 preaches to earthexe.
-NTA prays with Akumu.
-Wheat informs Para. (delayed to day phase)
-Para diverts Schazer.
-Sruix dreams about Ix. Ability gained for the day: pick someone and if they make a hammer vote on you, you get an extra life.
-Ix protects against Sruix.
-Schazer checks if Sleepy is dead. (gets turned to a kill; retargeted to Para)
-Kaynato kills Reyweld.
-Granola distracts Wheat with Rick Moranis.
Moon spirit moves from Kieros to Akumu due to hug.
Dragon spirit (Bill Gates) moves from Agent to Wheat.
Pope spirit moves from DS Piron to qwerx3. qwerx3 succeeds in a52's win condition.
When checking actions, I realized that I made a ruling that "Agent slows down someone who targets a dead player" counts as half a point towards the win condition. I then forgot about this for the rest of the game, whoops. Time to keep track of it!
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SpoilerSruixan uses "guess the hammerer" ability on qwerx3, the one player who cannot possibly hammer.
Wheat attempts to inform Para of fishiness, but fails because Para is already dead.
Ongoing status stuff: (doing this after days due to potential for time shenanigans to affect it)
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Kieros' game progress is 129/256.
Agent's wincon count is at .5.
Akumu has hugged the moon spirit.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
"Prayed for the meteor" list:
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-qwerx checks Akumu's win condition (hug three spirits; applicable to qwerx)
-Wheat informs Akumu of fishiness (turned into a hug)
-earthexe kicks Akumu in the teeth
-NTA prays for the meteor with Robust Laser
-a52 preaches to Schazer
-Kieros asks Sruix to co-host
-Akumu hugs Wheat.
-Ix protects against Sruix (again)
-Kaynato kills a52
-Shredded targets Schazer again.
-Robust Laser targets Wheat. Result is delayed due to time shenanigans.
-Schazer checks if Wheat dies. (Initial target is Kaynato. Such a shame!)
-Granola blocks Wheat again, this time with Robert Pattinson.
-Agent delays Wheat again.
-DS Piron checks Schazer. Because of a52 and Shredded' visits, this is a death.
-Sruix dreams about qwerx3. Gains ability to check someone's win condition.
-OrangeAipom attempts to devour Shredded. (Decided at random because I didn't get an actual action)
-Akumu takes dragon spirit from Wheat due to hug
-Pope spirit moves from qwerx to Akumu
-Moon spirit moves from Akumu to Wheat
To clarify: earthexe's actions only apply to players who had the appropriate spirit at the start of the night.
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SpoilerSruix checks NTA's win condition: "wins if a meteor arrives".
Wheat attempts to inform Akumu of fishiness, but instead hugs self.
Due to the fact that Wheat died, Robust Laser hears a "fuck" now.
Ongoing Status Stuff:
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SpoilerMoon spirit moves to Kaynato, who had the last vote.
Kieros' game progress is 193/256.
Agent's wincon count is at 1.5; Wheat's death counts, since it's not actually Wheat playing on D3.
Akumu has hugged the moon and dragon spirits.
Granola's wincon count is at 1.
Robust Laser has 1 "fuck" to give.
Shredded' action counts as a roleblock, so DS Piron got roleblocked once and failed.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Robust Laser
"Prayed for the meteor" list:
-Robust Laser
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Spoiler-Robust Laser fucks with OrangeAipom. Result: damn
-Agent slows time for Granola.
-earthexe punts Granola into the fucking sun. This turns out to be very disruptive.
-Granola sends Doug Jones over to OrangeAipom.
-Shredded steals Granola's love, which fails.
-qwerx3 checks Kieros' win condition; "beat the game". Inapplicable to qwerx.
-OrangeAipom attempts to devour Granola, but fails.
-NTA prays with Sruixan.
-Akumu hugs Granola, but fails.
-Kieros picks Granola to co-host. Does not learn Granola's action, does learn roleblock flavor.
-Ix defends against Sruixan, again.
-Sruixan dreams about Akumu, gains the power to hug someone.
-Kaynato kills RobustLaser. WHOOPS, too bad for you, you killed the one person who can help the most with your win condition.
-Akumu's hug fails, so both dragon and pope spirits stay on him.
-Moon spirit moves from Kaynato to Robust Laser; since Laser dies, this means the spirit is free again.
BONUS: just for fun I decide that Agent's time-slowing means Granola takes the whole day to return from being punted into the sun, hence his disappearance and reappearance.
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SpoilerSruixan hugs Ix.
Granola fails to roleblock OrangeAipom, and returns from the sun.
Ongoing Status Stuff:
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SpoilerMoon spirit moves to NTA, who had the last vote.
Kieros' game progress is 113/128, or 226/256.
Agent's wincon count is at 1.5.
Akumu has hugged the moon and dragon spirits.
Granola's wincon count is at 1.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
"Prayed for the meteor" list:
-Robust Laser (dead)
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-Agent slows down OrangeAipom.
-Kaynato kills OrangeAipom.
-earthexe punts OrangeAipom into the sun. Turns into a kill.
-Granola distracts OrangeAipom, again. Turns into a hug. This prevents the celebrity guest star, and so it doesn't count for Granola's win condition.
-Akumu hugs Granolaman, again.
-qwerx3 checks Ixcaliber's win condition, "complete the dungeon". Inapplicable to qwerx.
-NTA prays with Shredded.
-Kieros co-hosts with OrangeAipom.
-Shredded turns earthexe's action into a kill... so, no mysterious disappearance tonight after all (depending on hugs).
-Sruix dreams about Kieros.
-Ix took me up on an offer to RNG their hug, which landed on Kaynato. This means OrangeAipom gets killed and double-hugged.
-OrangeAipom bites qwerx3, this is delayed to end of day and turned into a hug (twice over).
-NTA passes moon spirit to Shredded.
-Akumu passes dragon and pope spirits to Granolaman.
A note: Originally, I had said that Akumu didn't get hug credit for hugging someone he passed a spirit to.
However, later I ruled that earthexe DID get win condition credit for someone he passed a spirit to. It seems unfair to apply this in one case but not another, so I'm retroactively giving Akumu credit for hugging the Pope. This means he wins!
(When I made this decision, I couldn't remember if Akumu got his last hug off. So I knew it would increase his win chances but I wasn't sure if it would actually give him a win.)
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SpoilerSruixan plays video games with Ix, learning their ability.
OrangeAipom posthumously bites qwerx3.
Ongoing Status Stuff:
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SpoilerKieros' game progress is 61/64, or 244/256.
Agent's wincon count is at 2.5.
Akumu has hugged all three spirits!
Granola's wincon count is at 1.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
"Prayed for the meteor" list:
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
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The world ends once this phase starts. This has no effect on the game other than making Schazer lose.
-NTA prays with earthexe.
-earthexe punts Ix into the sun.
-Kaynato kills qwerx3, but gets hugged and celebrity-blocked.
-qwerx3 hugs Agent. (this is due to OrangeAipom's delayed action from last night)
-Kieros co-hosts with Kaynato.
-Agent slows down Sruixan. This would be weird and I'd normally have to think of something for it, but it's getting turned into a hug.
-Granola distracts Kaynato with Gilbert Gottfried
-Ix protects against Sruixan, again, but gets sun-blocked
-Sruixan dreams about Kaynato, but gets hugged
-Shredded targets Ix, but is hug-possessed and Ix has been punted into the sun.
-Shredded has the moon spirit. Since targeting Ix fails, it stays on her. -Granolaman has the dragon and pope spirits. Those go to Kaynato. Previously I wrote that they don't count as being hugged, but with the ruling change this is irrelevant.
...I just now noticed I messed up and counted Akumu as alive for meteor purposes. Well, that meteor can't un-fall, so whoops.
I mean, um, CLEARLY Akumu's hug-spirit was still around and still counted as praying but not alive, this is a totally legitimate application of gameplay mechanics.
(Sorry NTA, I accidentally gave you a win.)
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SpoilerNTA gets killed by a meteor due to mod error.
No day actions because both Sruix and Agent got blocked last night.
Ongoing Status Stuff:
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Kieros completes the game! And gets several more roleblocks after this. I didn't bother tracking further progress.
Shredded has been hugged once (by Akumu's hug-spirit)
Agent's wincon count is at 2.5.
Granola's wincon count is at 1.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
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Spoiler-Shredded attempts to steal love from Sruix, still hug-possessed though
-Kaynato kills Earthexe
-qwerx3 checks Shredded. Win condition: learn the true meaning of love, applicable to qwerx. (Actually "get hugged three times".
-Agent slows down Kaynato
-Surprise surprise, Ix protects against Sruix
-earthexe punches Kaynato in the face
-Chwoka sends Will Smith to Ixcaliber
-Kieros asks Ix to co-host
-Sruix dreams about Agent, however thanks to hugs I don't have to think about how this works
So here are the consequences of all this mess:
-Shredded hugs Sruix who hugs Agent who hugs Kaynato who hugs earthexe, who hugs Kaynato back
-Ix gets roleblocked
-Nobody dies
-I'm counting this as another hug for Shredded' win condition
-Sruix will be the Hug Origin tomorrow night
-Before I made that ruling change, Akumu got a half-win as Kaynato had the pope spirit and got hugged.
Spirits: Moon moves from Shredded to Sruixan. Sruixan wins!
Pope and dragon go from Kaynato to earthexe.
This is when I make the ruling on how earthexe's abilities work when he has spirits.
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SpoilerNo day actions happen, as both Agent and Sruixan were blocked again.
Ongoing status stuff:
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Shredded has been hugged twice (both times by Akumu's hug-spirit)
Agent's wincon count is at 2.5.
Chwoka's wincon count is at 1.
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
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-Chwoka sends Will Gates (later confirmed to be Bill Gates) to Earthexe
-qwerx3 checks Agent's win condition. (use night action on three targets on the night that they die; inapplicable to qwerx)
-Kieros co-hosts with Agent.
-earthexe punts Kaynato into the sun.
-Shredded steals Sruixan's love. This means Sruix's action will be a hug to death.
-Sruix tries to dream about Chwoka, but death-hugs instead.
-Agent slows down Kaynato.
-I gave Ix a poke because they were late with their action but honestly it was probably unneeded, if you're paying attention to these you already know what it is.
-Kaynato kills Chwoka. So he's dying twice.
Death-hug does not spread hugs. Instead, Chwoka's action goes through as normal and he dies.
In this case, because Chwoka happened to pick someone with mechanical relevance, and targeted a player to whom they're relevant, I invoke the "I allow things that are hilarious" clause and the roleblock flavor is that Bill Gates in his dragon form shows up, and earthexe spends the night trying to kick him in the teeth instead of punting Kaynato into the sun, before finally succeeding.
-Dragon spirit has been exorcised by earthexe.
-Pope spirit remains with earthexe due to roleblock.
-Moon spirit remains with Sruixan.
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SpoilerSruix death-hugged last night, so doesn't get an action.
Kaynato stabs Chwoka's corpse... hey, wait a minute. That's another half-point for Agent!
AGENT HAS WON and I didn't realize it until now because I forgot the ruling I made at the start of the game. Congratulations!
Ongoing status stuff:
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Shredded has been hugged twice (both times by Akumu's hug-spirit)
Agent's wincon count is at 3 - success!
Chwoka's wincon count is at 1 - failed!
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Chwoka (dead)
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
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-Ix is the first to submit this time, I'm not even going to say it.
-qwerx checks Kaynato's win condition. (get killed; not lynched)
-earthexe punches Agent in the face. (result: town) This transfers the Pope spirit and counts as a punch, so that's another point towards the win condition.
-Kaynato kills earthexe
-Kieros plays video games with Shredded
-Agent slows down Shredded
-Shredded steals love from Agent (happens during the day and turns Agent's action tomorrow night into a kill)
-Sruix visits Ix, action gets turned into a hug, hug spirit passed on to Ix (which means it will be passed back to Sruix tomorrow night, of course)
All spirits have either settled or been exorcised.
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SpoilerSruix was too busy hugging to have any dreams.
Shredded steals Agent's love.
Ongoing status stuff:
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Shredded has been hugged twice (both times by Akumu's hug-spirit)
"Knows Wheat is a fish" list:
-Chwoka (dead)
-Wheat (dead)
-Schazer (dead)
-Akumu (dead)
-Robust Laser (dead)
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-Kaynato kills Kieros.
-Kieros redundantly checks Ix.
-Sruix dreams about Kaynato.
-Agent kills Shredded.
-Shredded steals love from Ix.
-And Ix is doing the usual, which means Sruix dies.
However, Sruix did have that dream about Kaynato...
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SpoilerFor flavor purposes only, I allow Sruix to use Kaynato's ability to graveslam once the game ends. Naturally, it gets used on Ix.
Whew! That was a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes, and some of it was pretty ridiculous. So! Let's tally up our winners and losers.
The Serial Killer faction wins. (even though its only member loses)
AgentBlue wins due to a ruling I forgot about pulling them over the finish line. Hooray, somehow time is back to normal!
Sruixan wins due to the moon finding its way to him.
Not The Author wins because I can't count.
Wheat wins because one out of two people knew they were a fish.
Kieros wins due to finishing that old classic game, Godel Escher Bach.
Akumu wins due to a last-minute rule change to bring his action in line with a different ruling.
Wait... what's this?
Wheat in deadchat Wrote:If i win, i will give my win to ixcaliber. I will "spawn" upsteam to lay the "eggs" of victory in ixcaliber's "inventory".
So apparently, Ixcaliber has won instead of Wheat! Congratulations, apparently!
The Town and Conspiracy factions have both lost.
Reyweld has lost because a faction he couldn't join won. Tough luck there!
Schazer has lost and the demons destroyed the world. Whoops.
a52 has lost due to never getting the Pope's spirit.
OrangeAipom has lost due to failing to devour Bill Gates.
DS Piron has lost due to being roleblocked only once.
Paranoia only managed to get himself killed, which didn't spoil anyone else's win condition.
Sleepy/Granola/Chwoka only managed to give one guest star a chance to shine.
Shredded only got two-thirds of the way to understanding love.
earthexe kicked a dragon in the teeth and punched the Pope in the face, but never punted the moon into the sun.
Wheat forfeited a win to Ixcaliber.
Robust Laser only heard one "fuck".
Kaynato didn't even come close to dying.
That's everyone, right?
Oh, wait, no. What about qwerx3?
Hmm, had to fail seven win conditions. Let's take a closer look:
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-didn't get nightkilled (Kaynato)
-never became Bill Gates (OrangeAipom)
-never found the moon (Sruixan)
-did not hug all spirits (Akumu; half-win condition doesn't count for qwerx purposes)
-was only hugged once, and so did not learn the true meaning of love (Shredded)
-was roleblocked once, so did not avoid all roleblocks or get roleblocked too many times (DS Piron)
-did not cause anybody else to fail their win condition with their night action. (Para)
-was not on the winning team (Reyweld)
I had Schazer and NTA's win condition events counting for this and qwerx would get credit if they didn't happen, but that's iffier. Turned out not to matter.
That's eight win conditions failed! So qwerx3 has also won! Congratulations!
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-09-2017, 02:39 AM
can't believe I literally won by the grace of god
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-09-2017, 03:58 AM
The way things were going for you, I wouldn't be surprised if you won anyways
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RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
01-09-2017, 05:04 AM
i just wanted to mess around with dumb time mechanics...
thanks wheat you are a winner in my eyes and also for real and