ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up

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ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 10: Murder Production Substantially Up
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Night 7: We Apologize For the Delay
All night actions are in, day will start when I'm up for it tomorrow.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Everyone's used to this by now. Wake up, see if anyone else is dead.

Turns out Chwoka is.

(01-15-2016, 06:55 PM)BB Wrote: »Figure out why all these celebrity guest stars are actually they key to saving the universe

Sleepy/Granolaman/Chwoka had a closet inexplicably full of celebrities, who were somehow of great importance to the fate of the universe. And somehow the closet came with them along to this corporate meeting room place.

A conversation with the celebrities revealed they wanted a chance to shine. So, SGC came up with a plan - have the celebrities distract people with their guest appearances! And if the distracted person happened to meet an unfortunate end... well, that would just mean the celebrity could make a guest appearance and take their place for a day! The actual body would turn up at the end of the day for role reveal.

Sleepy/Granola/Chwoka would have won if three such guest appearances happened.

So with the usual business of checking the bodies taken care of, you get down to the day's voting. Even though everyone's pretty sure of how it's going to work out at this point.


With eight alive, it takes five to lynch. There is no more soft lynch.

It is not technically MYLO or LYLO. (For those unfamiliar with the terms: That's "mislynch and lose" and "lynch or lose", respectively.) However, it is a time of high risk.

Deadline is midnight Mountain time on Thursday, assuming I remember to actually end the day at that point.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Vote: Kaynato

As much help as it is knowing the mafia killer, at a MYLO/LYLO situation, we need to at least lynch someone mafia related. And with the roleblocker gone, the cheap strategy to stop mafia kills is out, so no reason to keep them alive.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
If you say so.

Vote: Kaynato
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Wait, shoot, I can't do that.

Kieros can you unvote first? Thanks. (role stuff)
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Okay, I can Unvote

It's not like there's any time crunch at the moment to get a lynch in.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Vote: Kaynato

Thank you, you can vote him again
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
There Are Votes, And There Are Votes, And I'm Too Lazy To Title This Better

Kaynato - 1 (qwerx3)
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Someone else is the killer. Lynch me or do not lynch me, I will deny being mafia. A certain someone seems to be pushing an agenda through, on the other case. But...
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
I'm, um... unpopular opinion, but I'm, um, inclined to believe Kaynato here. Kaynato couldn't, um... couldn't, um, possibly have done the kill tonight.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
ebwop: last night
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Is the reason why that's not possible you? Because that would make for a very interesting case at the end of the day.

I mean, I checked you last night, and your role is quite... interesting to say the least. And if it is the case that it's you... well... we'd be in a bit of a pickle.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
I'm actually inclined to believe that AgentBlue probably is not the killer.

However it's in their best interest to keep Kaynato alive.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
And that's why we lynch Kaynato.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Inclined to believe Agen isn't the killer but wants me alive, so you lynch me?

Or that it's the killer's interest to keep me alive?

You are sounding suspicious.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Kieros has some investigative ability.

I also have some investigative ability. I also checked AgentBlue last night.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
It is in their best interests to have *some* killer role in the open, to allow them to further their WC.

I do not think Fogel would make Agen a killer role, because that would be a little ridiculous.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
If you are so certain that Agen is a mafia role that should be prohibited from achieving WC, why not lynch them instead?

In either case your own direction and agenda has not been made clear in the slightest bit, and I am inclined to distrust you at this point.

I, personally, say that I am not mafia.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Hm, that's true. Kieros seems to be a little scummy. I predict that they are that role who wants to match everyone up (aka my role in Fridge Frenzy). Juggernaut? I think that's what Wheat might've said in Discord back then.

That seems to corroborate with what info I have on Kieros as well.

I have a very weak stake in things. I am personally a bit uncertain as to what my WC entails. I don't even necessarily want other people to fail their WC's.

However people dying is bad for business and you're causing them to die :(
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Once again, I was not the killer this night. I do not, in fact, truly want people to die, and have been prevented from letting that happen for the past three nights. Whoever was doing that...?

There is someone else with a killing role, at the least.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Not the killer this night. But I know you have a killing role, and from the little flavor I got with it, your role doesn't seem like a vig.

Also fun fact, my individual win condition is literally impossible to attain. Go me for submitting that role which set it up so nicely
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
[Image: 040.png]

[Image: 041.png]

[Image: 042.png]
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Ok, time to spill some things.

My investigative ability investigates win conditions.

As of now, I have 6 living peoples' win conditions, including mine. I do not have Kaynato's or earthexe's winconditions yet.

My night actions thus far:
N1: Sruixan
N2: Akumu
N3: Kieros
N4: Ixcaliber
N5: [hug]
N6: Shredded
N7: AgentBlue

Of particular note is that AgentBlue's wincondition involves targeting people who die on the same night. Thus we can conclude that they want killer roles in order to reach their WC. At the same time, it would be utterly broken if their action killed people as well.

So, do we have >=three investigative abilities each targetting different aspects of the roles?
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Clearly, Sruixan was tonight's killer.
RE: ZooStuck 4: ZooStuck Mafia - Day 8: With A Special Guest Appearance By No One
Here's what I have, given people's actions:

N1: [Turned into a hug]
N2: Can also corroborate Sruix's... somewhat investigative powers.
N3: Granola, but... uh... something went wrong and I didn't get anything.
N4: OrangeAipom was killed!
N5: Kaynato is a killing role, but was stopped by both huggified action and roleblocked
N6: [Redacted] YEAH LET'S KEEP THEM ALIVE OKAY? Also, was roleblocked
N7: AgentBlue delays actions
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙