Snail Mail Derailment

Snail Mail Derailment
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
What do you mean by not having a lot of luck? Anything in particular they're having trouble with? Taste? Malfunctions?
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Tis the snail mail season

I received a sunny-colored box from our resident Austrian allegedly-not-a-prince, Mirdini!

[Image: 97b3c492644d6c9a1f7e96ab446c802f.png]

[Image: 2VOZfdu.jpg]

Stickers! He also hooked me up with Caravan Palace's Panic, Gold Fish's self-titled and Get Busy Living, and Black Keys' Turn Blue - stuff that's equally obnoxious to acquire whether I'm living in New Zealand of Japan. I finally have more than two CDs to listen to on car trips!

[Image: 222b2b7b23f4f6cb9aca41e220f31fcb.png]

I was sent obscene amounts of delicious chocolate. The bars are free-trade nougat blocks, in (from top to bottom) Grey Poppy and Walnut Cream with Cinnamon, Wild Berries and Vanilla, Coconut Milk Couverture with Raspberry Coconut filling, and Dark Chocolate with marizan and pumpkin-seed nougat. I've had only a tentative nibble of the Poppy and Walnut cream but holy shit it's divine. I'm kind of scared to eat the others. The octagonal box is pralines, the cake-looking stuff is "Lebkuchen" and I have no idea what it is but it looks fucking incredible.
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
mostly getting ahold of reliable information regarding them. And also fluid.
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
You guys i'm gonna save up some money so i can send some stuff to you, i'm really jealous of your mail-ventures.


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[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
[Image: tumblr_ndt0xrmhMg1r4s1k9o1_250.jpg] [Image: tumblr_ndt0xrmhMg1r4s1k9o2_250.jpg] [Image: tumblr_ndt0xrmhMg1r4s1k9o3_250.jpg]

My Pacific Rim Cherno Alpha action figure finally got here! I let him punch Knifehead as compensation for the long wait.
[Image: zjQ0y.gif][Image: vcGGy.gif]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
A mystery package had an 'attempted' delivery yesterday while i was asleep, at 8am (when my other flatmates were awake. grr) so i toldf them to redeliver it and proceeded to not sleep till it arrived. Fuck you couriers, i have no time for your bullshit

Anyway it turned out to be a box packed full of japanese goodies from our very own Schazer. I had to use a scalpel to open it because so much duct tape oh god

Anyway. Contents:

[Image: IMAG3745.jpg]

A nice selection of swwets. Mostly a shit load of cookies and tiny square chocolates(???), two tubes of coffee beat (they're like chocolate coffee beans? except there is no bean inside. they're amazing <3333), a mystery lollipop that looks kind of like a foot, and a decidedly unjapanese looking cinnamon and grey poppy cream chocolate bar which i suspect will be gone within 10 seconds of being opened

[Image: IMAG3746.jpg]

A variety of markmaking tools, including a handcarved venemoth stamp :0

[Image: IMAG3747.jpg]

And an almighty sticker bomb, most of which i had to rescue from under one of the box's inner flaps. So many poison types <3 (oh and a gengar plush thingy).

last of all, a letter telling me to eat all the candy. Can't argue with that i suppose :v

(thank you schaz you are wonderful)
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
That chocolate bar did a round trip from Austria, to Japan, and then to New Zealand - it probably tastes positively international by this juncture.
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
So long as that's not a euphemism for dried out and gross then we are all good

(this actually happens to chocolate. I don't know how long they leave kinder chocolate in storage before it hits the shelves here but goddamn, it takes foul compared to stuff shipped straight from europe and even rationed over a month >:l)
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Chocolate bar update: I've only eaten a quarter of it and i can die happy

holy shit
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Two packages arrived a bit earlier this week, and despite the Post Office's best efforts to keep them permanently in transit I got my mitts on 'em. The first being something I'd ordered from the US of A.

The second, however, was straight from Japan, courtesy of resident mailfiend Schazer. Excellent.

As for the contents:

[Image: 2014-10-31%2016.03.30.jpg]

Süßigkeiten! The first tranche consists of some intriguing strawberry jelly dealies, a pair of similarly-shaped 'austrian' coffee chocolates (one of which has been mysteriously eaten) of dubious authenticity, a box of caramels I haven't had the chance to sample yet and awww yeah sakuma drops so goooooood.

[Image: 2014-10-31%2016.04.13.jpg]

Now on to the big contenders: a tube of coffee beat (yes so good wow), some melon sweets (will report back when sampled) and OH MY GOD SWEET POTATO CANDY

as you can see from the edge there I couldn't really help myself and the galbo minis are the first total casualty. Looking forward to devouring the calbee sweet potato candies in a similarly unreasonable amount of time.

[Image: 2014-10-31%2016.04.49.jpg]

As for not-candy, seasonally-appropriate stickers I'm going to spook my professors with alongside three new miniature friends <3 (as well as a letter with similar eat the sweets exhortations).

All'n'all a wonderful octoberween haul, thanks Schaz :>
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Sweet potato update: the other thing was chips not candy

they are really really good chips wow
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Fogel's Secret Santa thread reminded me that the holiday season has come around, and so I will be mailing out hand written cards over the next few weeks. If anyone would like to receive one, PM me your address.

No guarantees on legibility.
[Image: WFQLHMB.gif]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Actually actually I might do this too? Japan doesn't do Christmas cards but they do send out New Years postcards/Nengajo. These are usually decorated with pictures of the appropriate animal for the upcoming Chinese New Year, so except a whole lot of baaaaaad puns.

So yeah if you want a New Years postcard send me your postal deets! You'll get a cute bit of cardstock with a shitawful bit of wordplay on the back (maybe a picture if you're lucky?????)
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Pimpin' my personal exploits like a nerd

I'm writing up cards now! If you want one (and I know everyone on this forum basically, so if you think "hrm do I know Schazer well enough to ask for one" the answer is an unquivocal "yes") flick me your address by this time tomorrow. I'll be heading out to the post office to send these bad boys off.
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Happy new year!

I was promised sheep puns, but it looks like SOMEone pulled the wool over my eyes.

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RE: Snail Mail Derailment
I got home from auckland to find a mysterious box on my bed, sent from Japan.

[Image: IMAG0570_1.jpg]

Inside was some wonderful loot: A rad bag, an entire pokemon team + extra gengar and toxicroak, a cute scarf, some coffee beat ( <3 ) and a letter.

[Image: IMAG0572_1.jpg]

Thank you Schaz you are wonderful
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Whoop got another package, this time from Agen! We agreed to trade some of the new chocolate out down in our part of the world; namely their vegemite cadbury for my green tea whittakers. It kind of expanded a bit :v

[Image: IMAG0810.jpg]

(the notes say Paper!, ...More Paper! and Paper seemed like a safe bet)

SO MUCH PAPER. I was actually considering buying that pink glitter print paper for myself last week? So that worked out very well :v i love

[Image: IMAG0812%20%281%29.jpg]

A variety of art supplies and knick knacks! I'm probably going to get some small plants to put in the wee decorative buckets :> The textas are definitely getting used, also. Glitter crayons are irresistible.

[Image: IMAG0816.jpg]

A cute wee drawing which is going straight up on the wall by my desk so i can see it while i work :>

[Image: IMAG0817.jpg]

And the crown jewel. I have yet to try it but i am excited and afraid
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
According to Eli it tastes like "What is going on in my mouth right now"
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
And so, there came a Day when a Package, Strange in Shape, Zealand-like in Presence, New and Fresh from the Hands of the Plaid Individual, came unto the Agen deep in the Heartland of Queen's Land.

[Image: SAM_0911.JPG]

Within it were treasures beyond imagining. Behold:

[Image: SAM_0916.JPG]

The Scarf of +5 Warmth! I've never actually come across this kind of scarf before, where you have to do some folding before you can wear it like I'm used to! But it is very warm :3

[Image: SAM_0917.JPG]

A neat Mushroom Pen! At first I thought it a mundane object, but then, with a touch...

[Image: SAM_0918.JPG]


Truly, the pen is mightier than the sword.

[Image: SAM_0915.JPG]

The Chocolate Kiwi of Sustenance! A gigantic gingerbread cookie dipped in chocolate, this kiwi will keep me fed for a whole half hour, that is if I can bring myself to look it in the derpy eye and nom it [Image: %3B%E2%88%86%3B.gif]

[Image: SAM_0919.JPG]

Aha, the Exfoliant of Beestuff. Using this item regularly will increase skin health by +1 every use, with an effect that stacks over a 12-hour period.

[Image: SAM_0914.JPG]

The Holy Icon of the Agen! This is an exceptionally rare item, to the point where there is only one in the universe. Placing this in any home will increase Environment score by 20, as well as constantly apply Happiness and Awesome buffs on all residents!

[Image: SAM_0920.JPG]

And finally we have the Promised Whittaker's. In both Tea of Green and Pure Darkness variants, these chocolate treats completely fill hunger and add a Happiness buff :3

Thank you Plaid for sending all this awesome stuff, sorry for my shitty photos >_< All in all I was very pleased with this exchange and would like to do more of this shit, so hit me up people :P
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
Holy crap that papercraft 10/10.
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RE: Snail Mail Derailment
[Image: 2015-09-26%2017.13.04.jpg]

RE: Snail Mail Derailment
[Image: 2015-09-26%2017.15.22.jpg]

A Cool Book from the Schaz!!! Thank u!!!! I'd actually forgotten you were gonna send this.
I'm gonna send this on to someone else when I've read it, so hit me up if you're up for a cool book on taxonomy.

[Image: 2015-09-26%2017.25.44.jpg]

RE: Snail Mail Derailment
I got???? Wool roving in the mail????????

It was an Amazon prime delivery so there is no information about the sender

I'm happy because there is a nice shade of blue in there but also really confused?????????
RE: Snail Mail Derailment
I can confirm that wool is a Secret Santa present, and your Santa is very pleased to know you're enjoying it.