Institute (TWS)

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Institute (TWS)
Institute (TWS)
Before you stands your future. No, the future. A young lifetime’s worth of dedication, a half dozen apprenticeships, and an ample number of convenient connections have brought you here. You tug at the rein of your loyal stallion gently, going over once more that each item of necessity has been accounted for. A pair of guards in steel armor stand at the ornate doors of the mighty castle. You approach the academy.

And so it begins. Your journey of…


It might be a good idea to remember the name of the academy before—

“State your name, affiliation, and grounds to enter.”


Re: Institute (TWS)
Your name is Edward, you are affiliated with the Southern Kingdom, and you are here to study.
Re: Institute (TWS)
Aubrey Montague, affiliated with the court of Regent Farland of Somerfall. They are expecting you.

And this?

Re: Institute (TWS)
>Your name is Baxter, from the city of Wildecourt. You are here to study at the Completely Legitimate Academy That Certainly Does Not Teach the Shadowy Arts of Thievery and Assassination.

(Hey, stealing and killing can be educational.)
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
Re: Institute (TWS)
"Yeah I'm Jude Roadsmith. From the Roadsmith family? I want to make roads."
Re: Institute (TWS)
> "Johnathan Swift. I'm here for Economics."
Re: Institute (TWS)
Your name is Vinaya Romanov, you are affiliated with the Kingdom of Rusya, and you are here to rifle the best minds in the world for knowledge useful in espionage learn stuff.
Re: Institute (TWS)
Your name is Beatrice Vearlae, from the Kingdom of the Night and you're the new substitute teacher.
Re: Institute (TWS)
Zazzafrazz Mildrain, of the Empire of Bik. You are here to exchange EASTERN KNOWLEDGE with WESTERN KNOWLEDGE.
Re: Institute (TWS)
You're Pol. You're from just down the road, half a block past the greengrocers and then left at the tall and ancient oak tree that closely resembles a humorous vegetable. You're the new janitor! The stallion is your mum's.

And this? This is the academy of Fine and Subtle Arts. Fine as a fair champagne that has, of course, been untampered with. Subtle as the smell of almonds in a pecan pie. Yum. Pie.