Monstrous - FSEAC

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Monstrous - FSEAC
Monstrous - FSEAC
[Image: advenchur1.png]

The burly warrior. The powerful mage. The righteous cleric. The canny rogue. It's a combination as old as time, and for good reason: they support each other's weaknesses, complement each other's strengths, and have an answer for just about any problem they can solve. Together, they can travel the worlds, seeking fortune, glory, and a shot at saving it all.

[Image: advenchur2.png]

But why should they have all the fun?

[Image: advenchur3.gif]


Re: Monstrous
Disgrunted ghost disgruntled ghost
Re: Monstrous
There's no way you're not picking that disgruntled ghost
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
Re: Monstrous
Oh man that long-arm goblin is too adorable, pick him
Re: Monstrous
Jello Cube. Definitely the Jello Cube.

SCRATCH THAT the Black Widow is definitely the leader of the party.
Re: Monstrous
Disgruntled Ghost. I mean, come on, disgruntlement has to have the spotlight!
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
>The ghost, not that anybody listens to you.

Edit: This adventure will now be updated by Jacquerel.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
The spider!
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
> Gelatinous Cube!
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
> Skeleton Jelleton Cube!
Re: Monstrous
Schazer Wrote:Disgrunted ghost disgruntled ghost
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Dagger Cube!
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Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
> Spider of course.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
I'm gonna go for Green Worried Spellcaster there.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
>Goblin goblin goblin goblin goblin
[Image: j5xngn.jpg]
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Disgruntled ghost. How is that even a question?
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
~He was a
Disgruntled Ghost
And he was
Pissed of the most
So may I
Propose a toast
To the Disgruntled Ghost~

and then the rest of the song is just a guitar solo because I don't know how to write good lyrics
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
[Image: F5veB.gif]
Yes I am fucking disgruntled, I wonder why that could be?
Could it maybe be because I'm dead? And because instead of going to whatever comes next, I was rudely summoned to some decrepit wizard's shack in the middle of nowhere and told I had to "prove myself" by babysitting a bunch of weirdoes in a badly maintained dungeon?
He also said something about heroes and saving the world but honestly I'd tuned him out by then, and all that incense was making it hard to think in the first place. You'd think a dead guy wouldn't be able to smell incense but he just plastered so much of the stuff around it could probably turn you into a ghost.
You're late by the way, the old bastard said that the "spirits of knowledge" would have been here a good half hour ago, and trust me I am only assuming you're them because I want to get out of here as fast as possible, if you weren't already so behind schedule I'd have assumed you were some completely different gaggle of disembodied voices.
I hope those other freaks weren't important by the way, they got bored and wandered off quite some time ago, but I'm still here so can you please tell me what it is I am meant to be doing so I can do it and have my afterlife in peace? Is that too much to ask?
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Wear that skull as a fashionable helmet.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
>Clearly you're supposed to find whatever's hidden in the depths of this dungeon. This should be easy if you phase through walls and stuff.

Unless they've got enchanted walls ghosts can't go through or something silly like that and you have to find those other guys to help you advance, but really, who would go to that kind of trouble?
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Haunt that wizard bastard.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
> Explore until you find the stairs down.
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Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Woffles Wrote:> Explore until you find the stairs down.

Bugger that, just sink through the floor.
Re: Monstrous - FSEAC
Schazer Wrote:
Woffles Wrote:> Explore until you find the stairs down.

Bugger that, just sink through the floor.

Nah, if we keep doing that we'll end up shortstacked on experience by the end.
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