Secret Santa 2016

Secret Santa 2016
Secret Santa 2016
Yes, it's that time of year again! Time to put your name down on a list to give something to a fellow Eagle Timer and receive something in return.

As with last year, this will be co-run by me and Plaid. Each of us will handle half of the list, including the other host. People will be randomly assigned to give gifts to other people, and this will be handled without anyone knowing who might give them their gifts. That's why it's a secret.

We expect most gifts to be Things You Made that can be sent over the internet - art, music, writing, or something more ambitious if you think you can get it done. However, if you want to send something through the mail, you can feel free to have the hosts ask if the recipient is comfortable giving out their address and then we'll pass it along to you. Likewise, you can feel free to contact us to ask your recipient for ideas without revealing who you are.

If you put together a gift, or show significant progress, and you don't receive a gift by February 1, you may make a writing request for me to fill as compensation.

If you have participated in this before but didn't manage to finish your gift, well, you can still feel free to take part in this one. In past years I've asked for a "show me something as a sign of effort" before letting people back in, but this year I've decided to just forgive you all because it's not that big of a deal.

Signups will end on Dec. 10 (my timezone, no specific hour but I'll make a last-minute signup post on that day). Gifts will start going out on Dec. 25, and after that they'll get sent out as we receive them.

1. Dragon Fogel
2. Plaid
3. Schazer
4. Whimbrel
5. Kieros
6. Infrared
7. bigro
8. UnshornRam (Flaaffy)
9. AgentBlue
10. Sanzh
RE: Secret Santa 2016
yeah, alright

I am super-down for receiving stuff through the post if my gifter wants to do that kind of thing but digital stuff is totes cool too.

I like Pokemon, birds, bugs, my OCs, grand battle posts, and corgis, on the off-chance my gifter doesn't know me that well.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Sign me up!

I'll probably want to send something through the mail to my giftee.

My favorite genres are Cute and/or Horror. Animals are good. Video game things are good. Things you're really passionate about are cool!
~◕ w◕~
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Sure. I'd love to partake in this. Although there's like a 98% chance whoever I get is gonna get music, because that's pretty much all I can do

I'm a big fan of cute things too (Although my cute may be a bit broad. Like big, giant abominations of science and nature. SUPER CUTE). Also a big fan of Pokémon. But I'd be happy with pretty much any gift I would receive; I just want to help give out stuff.
🐦🐙🐙[Image: nifOFwR.png]🐙🐙
RE: Secret Santa 2016
I'm also up for compensating people with art if your santa can't make it. I know how it is :')

For my santa: I like cats, poison type pokemon, and art/music/what have you of my characters? If you are going to send a physical gift that extends to baking supplies (cookie cutters???) and fun decorative paper, and will post photos of me using the thing.

idk i'm pretty happy with anything
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
My secret santa this year will be me finishing last year's secret santa, i can't believe i procrastinated on something for a whole year. I even said "i won't show my gift either until i finish mine" so nobody saw what someone did for me, i feel terrible. I had the time to do several other things! No use in berating myself though, i will make up for it.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
I want to Santa. The secretkringle. The hidden clause.
I'm Flaaffy in the IRC. I like pokemon and hats?
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Okay fine, I guess I will throw Mr. Hat into Mr. Ring.

I like art of my characters, and/or air mail.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Just a friendly reminder: signups will be closing tomorrow! So get in while you still can!
RE: Secret Santa 2016
yeah sure
things I like, in no particular order: art/writing of my characters, physical mail, pokemon (especially eeveelutions), dogs, arthropods, birds, cephalopods of all varieties, science, science fiction/space, weird fantasy shit, and history.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
FINAL WARNING: As of this post, you have about seven hours to sign up.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Okay, I guess that's it for participants!

I'll split the list at random and send half the names to Plaid, I suppose. Expect to receive the name of your recipient soon!
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Mine are all sent out! Since i got my giftee too i assume that means everyone should have received their assignment by now. GO FORTH AND CHRISTMAS
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
I didn't mention the sort of things I like, and I've been prompted to post about that for my Santa's benefit.

Well, I'm always up for art (or writing if that's your preference) about my characters.

My signature has links to adventures I've written and Grand Battles I've been in, but if you're not up for looking through those for a character who catches your eye, here are some quick suggestions.

I always enjoy pictures of Konka Rar and here's a good reference. Normally I imagine him with a hood up, but whatever works best for you is fine.
Or, Nopor Puss is a simple character to grasp if you want to write something. It shouldn't take a long glance at the adventure to get a general sense of how he behaves.

Of course, I'd be happy with anything else related to my work if you think it's interesting to illustrate/write for/compose a song for/whatever suits you. I'm definitely not picky on the medium I get.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Merry Christmas friendos! I hope you have a nice day with family/friends/your fine selves. Don't forget to send along your santa gift!
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Ok so firstly: huge thanks to my secret Santa! As mentioned in another thread I got 8x10 grams of wool roving for needle felting. I'm not sure what I'll make with it yet but will post pictures when I do!

Secondly: I am a huge butt and haven't assembled my present yet so this is my attempting to hold myself accountable via Shame⚠️
RE: Secret Santa 2016
I also have not managed to do Secret Santa stuff yet, I planned to write something but haven't been able to come up with an idea.

I did give my giftee something non-anonymously, at least. I just don't really think of that as a Secret Santa thing.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
OK so time to stop this eternal procrastination: Thank you very very much to whoever did this last year, i adored it and wanted to print it and hang it on my wall because it is so gosh darn cute but i never even got around to say THANK YOU. So again, thank you for this cute-ass Debbie.

I just got my present this year and i can't stop listening to it, it's so catchy and i'm imagining all kinds of adorable little animations going along with it! Too bad i will never get around to animate something for it. Thanks again.

LMAO I actually didn't intend to sign up this year when i commented before, i said i was just giving my previous secret santa a present cuz i never did, then you signed me up and i was like oh god i didn't mean to sign up i'm gonna tell them later and when i remembered it was already christmas, haha i guess i fucked up! But don't worry though i'm already half finished with my present for this year's ss.

Also not SS related but thank you very much for the steam game you bought me Fogel, you're a lovely angel.
[Image: iqVkAVO.gif]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Yeah big shout out to Fogel for being the Steam Santa we needed but didn't deserve. I'm gonna have a ton of fun sending adventurers to their psychological doom.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Lol I missed something again I guess
No matter what happens today, you can laugh about it tomorrow
RE: Secret Santa 2016
I haven't been on Steam in quite a while, so I only just noticed I'd received a copy of a cool game there. Sorry for being so tardy in thanking you, Fogel, but I really appreciate it!
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Hello, just a notice! There's a week to go before February and it seems a lot of us (including your helpful organizers) haven't finished providing gifts yet.

So this is a friendly reminder to get your gifts done (or mailed) if you haven't already. It applies to me, too.

If you're mailing something, you can also send a picture of what you're sending, or just a note for us to pass along to your gift recipient.

Thanks to everyone for taking part in this, and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get my own thing together. I've started on it, though.
RE: Secret Santa 2016
Mine is started too. Whoops. :v

Anyway don't be afraid to let us know if you're no longer able to be a santa! We will fill in the gaps. :>
[Image: WEdy1pW.png] [Image: cyTsdj6.png]
[Image: 30058_799389.png]
RE: Secret Santa 2016
My extremely secret santa gift arrived :D