Magic Door - Let's Adventure!

Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> Ask around town for clues as to where the travel something went
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Good to know that this city isn't deserted. That means the general store most likely had a person working in there.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
To the General Store, you decide! You might as well, being as there's maybe two dozen people total in this podunk town, and upon entering, you realize two things.

One, they don't have hardly anything to sell!
Two, you don't have any money to buy things with!

Well, window shopping is free, after all, so you ooze and peruse a bit through the limited wares. There seems to be a few things that catch your non-existant eye...and the shopkeeper is so happy that there's actually someone in the shop, he's willing to trade with you! He notes that you, uh, don't really have any way to use your Bow, so he'll swap something for it.

Not a bad deal, honestly!

You see a bag of odd seeds.
There's also a monster summoning whistle.
Or, you could just get 50 Gold for it.

He says he'll throw in some blueberries for free, regardless. Nice.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>BLUEBERRIES! Finally. And yeah, swap out this useless bow, how are you supposed to use it as a glob of slime?
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Monster summoning whistle sounds like fun to me.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
> I mean, the monster-summoning whistle is an obvious object of intrigue, but those seeds could grow us literally anything. Let's get those - Holding out for a bramble-weave club!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Odd seeds! What might they grow into? Something useful, I hope.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
You decide to swap out your Bow for a Bag of Magic Beans. This has never been a poor trade in the history of anything, ever.

You leave the Bow behind, and leave the store with beans and blueberries.

You immediately eat the blueberries, because you can't not eat food in your inventory, being a slime.

Congratulations! You are now a Blue Slime! Literally nothing but your color and your cherry-scented goo have changed. You are now awash with the smooth scent of fresh blueberries. Glorious.

You decide to inspect the beans for a moment, and you see you've got some spiky ones, some square ones, and one shell-shaped one. Good to know!

Well, this town blows, besides your sweet trade, so...

Maybe go take a look outside of town?
Maybe fiddle with your beans?
Maybe so something else entirely?

Your INVENTORY can now be seen in the FIRST POST.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Throw one of the beans. Maybe they do something if you throw them.
>Also, find another island.
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Balance the beanbag on top of your head like it's a proper storage solution and pick something else up! Just whatever catches your eye first, no worries about if it belongs to someone.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Find yourself another island, but before that do a sick slimy dodge roll out the door of the shop so the shopkeeper can tell stories about how rad you were to future customers. The seeds can wait, the best time to try to use something you don't know anything about is when you're in serious danger, as all great adventurers know.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Maybe if you wander around enough you can lure the travel beast to you with your scent!
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
You bounce roll dodge out of the store like a total cool dude! You land in the middle of the empty street, and no one sees you stick the landing. Terrible. You decide to keep the beans outside of you, using the arrows as a makeshift basket for them, attached to the top of your gooey form.

It looks like the nearest other island...oh, there's another drifting by the one you're on! You can tell there's some sort of cave, possibly, but you're not sure if you can make that jump. You're also smelling like a two-type fruit salad at the moment, but that's less important.

It's time to bounce, literally! After a few good bounces, you start for the other island, and hurl yourself through the air. You splat onto the side of the passing island, but luckily, you manage to stick in place and ooze your way up to the island, which is now floating up and away from town. Welp.

You take a quick look around this much smaller island...

There's a small cave in the middle.
You can smell bananas.

And...uh oh.

You're being inspected from a distance by a long, white snake with a pair of leathery wings just behind its head, and another at the tip of its tail. It doesn't look aggressive, but you've never seen one of these before.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Greet cloud snek, maybe it's some kind of local deity or something. If it reacts violently, retreat into the cave.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Make yourself smaller to communicate submission?
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Ooze away from the big lizard. Maybe throw one of the beans to see what happens..?
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Greet it with the wiggling dance of your people.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Attempt communication.
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
You decide to communicate with the snake creature! Unfortunately, you only speak Slime, Common, and Cornerstone Sign Language, so you're not great at communication with a monster that seems to be speaking Weird Snakenese. After a few minutes of staring each other down and odd wiggles, you lob a gooey spiky bean at the thing in an attempt to...see what happens.

The snake avoid the bean easily, and the gel-soaked bean lands harmlessly on the ground. It would also seem that whatever goo you're made of is very nutritious to seeds, as the bean immediately sprouts into a shrub-sized beanstalk. Ah, they must be magic beans, of course. Duh!

The snake seems content with this, and immediately coils itself all up inside that beanstalk, roosting with as pleased expression as a snake possibly can. Looks like it dropped a shiny for you!

The snake, which you have now identified as a Wingsnake from your encounter with it, is amicable towards you, and happy to be left to roost.
You pick up a little Topaz from the Wingsnake. How nice of it!
But that cave, though.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Let's go a' cave'n'ing.
[Image: 9oAO3Nx.gif][Image: PxleLogo_Da.gif?dl=1][Image: Njx8eUo.png][Image: FuJRCK7.png][Image: A43ybmM.png][Image: PxleSig_%5BLOST%5D.png?dl=1][Image: JoFm6nh.gif]
Adun Toridas, Space Ninja...
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>You know if you can bounce sohigh and lob things, tat mean you've ot some serius tensil strength, maybe you can try training spitting the arrows you have in yu with deadly speed and precision for futur combat.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
So what I'm hearing is that eating a bean is a good idea
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
>Spelunky time!
box's new adventure:
[Image: vVzI9Xm.png]
[updates when i can!]
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
Alright! It's time to CAVE!

You make your way into the cave, and you almost considering digesting a bean - technically, everything in you has been 'eaten', but you're using your arrows to carry them safely outside of your impressive digestive fluids...speaking of, the shafts of the arrows seem to be breaking down as well, and you're leaving a trail of splinters as you go. Soon, you'll just be left with a bunch of arrowheads. Hrm.

The cave is...bigger than it seems, and you're starting to realize this island might be hollow, thus the ability to stay afloat so loftily. A hollow island means one thing, though, and that's...oh. There's no bats at all! Or giant spiders!

Feeling a bit like your Adventurer's Guide lied to you, you scout around the cave a bit. There's a chunk of banana scented crystal, and...oooohhh. A big, purple EGG. You love eggs. Everything about them, the crunchy outside, the wonderful inside, you could devour eggs forever.

That egg looks so GOOD.
It might belong to someone, and that crystal fits your fruity scent theme.
But that EGG, though. Look at that friggin' EGG.
You've still got some beans you could goof off with, too.
Seriously, I'm telling you. That egg is as big as you. You'd be sitting nice for WEEKS.
RE: Magic Door - Let's Adventure!
beans, banana crystal, egg. Sounds like a (probably) healthy meal right there. Go for it.
Quiet. Good for an unusual opinion. Doesn't talk much.