+iny ©at people

+iny ©at people
RE: +iny ©at people
At this point, should we be doing anything that has the potential to screw us over? Most of our collective bad decisions make a lot of sense in hindsight, but 'knife that can kill only Frog-crimes' didn't really seem connected to the rules warning we had before. What if panacea-type ends up blowing up in our face? Very truly, what can go wrong with that? Is there another rule we forgot about?

We've gotten warnings on stuff before, will we stop getting those?
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[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
I don't think Panacea-type has the probability of blowing up in our face. How does healing blow up in our face?
[Image: DGBpqSL.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-30-2017, 09:43 AM)Jokes Wrote: »chicken soup sounds good. we don't need more reasons to for wax to be annoyed.

Yeah seconding chicken soup too, as it's not a bad idea for a tcp
(tho Frog Legs food type)

(12-30-2017, 10:19 AM)kilozombie Wrote: »We've gotten warnings on stuff before, will we stop getting those?
Yeah... parts of the collective have a tendency to make jokes, but then there are the parts of the collective that like to troll literally every opportunity there is.
I think we'd do better if we didn't pull any 'lol u mad' stuff from here on out.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-30-2017, 10:35 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »I don't think Panacea-type has the probability of blowing up in our face. How does healing blow up in our face?

Food type tcps, if my memory serves, are all healers.

Heres the reasons to choose chicken soup:

Probably good for healing
Will look neat because it’s made of soup (important)
Might make Wax marginally more appeased because we were told that making a food type tcp is a good idea for new players ages ago and then didn’t and he was annoyed at us for never following any of the advice we have received

Here’s the reasons not to pick panacea:

Might be good at healing, might do something we did not predict
May have more difficulty using its ability than a food type (so far abstract powers have seemed to put great stress on their user)
Probably would look less good than a cat made of soup
Would probably make Wax more mad because we were told that it’s bad to have more than two abstract tcps and we already have three
Why we trying to replicate an effect we already know how to trivially produce by a roundabout route?
RE: +iny ©at people
> All in on chicken soup cause we basically already know what they'll do.
[Image: rwjHVeX.png][Image: 69CsXS0.png][Image: ejuvK4p.png][Image: VBRHq44.png][Image: 2RQ0SBA.png][Image: wtUXrmA.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
also let's create: a matching shirt for tubes already, the poor kid, and also some very fancy special clothes for the new cat, like an all-white three-piece suit with top hat and cane, or a big poofy sequined ballroom dress with a fanny pack
RE: +iny ©at people
seconding chicken soup tcp!
[Image: Cmh4iZA.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-30-2017, 10:19 AM)kilozombie Wrote: »'knife that can kill only Frog-crimes' didn't really seem connected to the rules warning we had before.

The note was specifically referring to the zone of tranquility, but also mentioned 'other ideas' that were concerning. It does not take a great deal of reasoning to connect the frog-knife to that grouping, considering it is an object designed to kill a god.
RE: +iny ©at people
Chicken soup? NO! That's throwing away an opportunity.
We need something that seems innocuous, but is subtly subversive.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-29-2017, 12:16 AM)learning-timebuster Wrote: »Spawn: Poison dart frog.

For a supposed frog deity, our TCP team isn't particularly froggy.

gonna go ahead and change this to chicken soup since that seems to be getting traction and seems like a good idea
RE: +iny ©at people
Will our chicken soup-tcp be a chicken full of soup, or a soup full of chicken?
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
wait a minute, can't tcps only be spawned with single word nouns?
We'd have to do soup type if we wanted a chicken soup tcp, and i don't think that would give us what we want necessarily.
RE: +iny ©at people
A soup type would be fine and very similar, mostly the focus I am interested in is that we probably want an uncomplicated food type tcp, and a liquid food sounds more fun than a solid food in terms of character design.
The chicken soup modifier is my preferred because chicken soup is hearty and has a folk reputation for being good for you but as the abilities of food type tcps are already established as being healers or supportive in some way, just "soup" would probably be very similar.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-30-2017, 09:09 PM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »Chicken soup? NO! That's throwing away an opportunity.
We need something that seems innocuous, but is subtly subversive.

we don't do "subtle" when we decide to go subversive.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-30-2017, 10:57 PM)RedGreenBlue Wrote: »wait a minute, can't tcps only be spawned with single word nouns?
We'd have to do soup type if we wanted a chicken soup tcp, and i don't think that would give us what we want necessarily.

Nah, chicken soup-type is valid. You can get more specific with your nouns, as long as they're still nouns, like... you can't spawn a "purple apple" type, that's not a thing that exists. But "green apple" or "granny smith apple" would be valid, and result in a slightly different TCP than just "apple" type.

hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-29-2017, 12:01 AM)kilozombie Wrote: »Preemptively send a message to every other player:

"Sorry about the knives and also the autobalance. You're justified in hating us now. We're kind of the worst. Please call if you have a solution to our mountain of problems-- else assume they're going to pretty much eat us up, and try and enjoy your game despite us."
I'm actually kind of down for this. At least letting people know what's going on and being honest might soften the blow that we'll eventually receive.
RE: +iny ©at people
>CREATE: Remote-controllable robot duplicates of all our TCPs that the TCPs can control, speak through, and listen and see through, so they can "visit" other TCPs and still appear as themselves, but without risking their own lives. Include video feed of the controller's face projected onto the robot's face. Also, make it visibly obvious that these are robots - we aren't trying to decieve anyone. (As far as this goes, at least.)

>Also, for the last time, no apologies! What the heck do we gain by saying "Hey everyone, we're pretty much the worst, right? Ha ha ha *sigh*" All that will do is burn down any last remaining bits of respect they have for us, to no advantage.
RE: +iny ©at people
I'm retracting my apology suggestion, for what it's worth. Y'all are very right.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
we should teach all: rhetoric, diplomacy, etc. you know, stuff that's gonna be helpful in trying to argue their own case for peace and abstinence, since they're gonna have to be the ones actually ultimately pulling the weight here
RE: +iny ©at people
Okay. After some thought, I'm pretty sure some of us are taking Wax's admonishments too hard.

We should be ashamed of our behavior with Fernando/Prophet. We messed up there, and that's something we've largely owned up to. Similarly, we should be concerned about how we're treating the cats we still have. We seem to be doing okay right now, but we can't be careless.

But Wax is mad because we're bad at the game, and that? That's something we shouldn't give a damn about, even if our continued existence depends on it. Especially because it's Wax's concept of the game he's upset about. We never signed onto that, we just want to do good by the cats.

That's why we shouldn't go telling everyone we're the worst. Own up to making this happen, sure. But don't apologize. We did something stupid that we thought was only going to affect us, and not even meaningfully because we kept the knife in our own space. It was Wax's decisions that gave that the consequences where everyone gets a knife.

I pointed out he didn't give us another warning because the consequences weren't obvious. We could have guessed the knife might result in admin action, sure, but it wasn't a sure thing and we certainly had no reason to believe it would give everyone else a knife. Heck, Wax's over-the-top reaction to it more or less proves it was a bad idea for his rules to work that way in this specific ridiculous situation.

Forget Wax. If he allies with us, we just do what we can to screw with him more, preferably while breaking the game by getting as many cats as possible out of the line of fire. This is his mess more than ours.

I've got no preference on TCP type or on whether we try to join another alliance. I just thought it was worth stating that on further reflection, Wax is full of it.

Are we bad at the game? Sure. Is that a meaningful failing? Hell no. We have one major failing and we've owned up to it. Everything else is just a matter of us not living up to Wax's standards, and who cares about that. Let's aim to live up to our own standards instead, and make those standards worth a damn.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-31-2017, 08:45 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »~A bunch of good stuff~
Yes, this!
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-31-2017, 08:45 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »~nerd shit~

Yes. This is well-put.

The thing about the zone of tranquility warning vs the knife warning is that one is in the game, and the other was in our personal weird dimension where I guess it felt like the rules were different.
[Image: vXCAe9O.png] [Image: tKD6Zjr.png] [Image: CzJL2j4.png]
[Image: afkF4Z7.png] [Image: laXOQ6l.png] [Image: 6SlA6Oy.png] [Image: rwi0EBt.png]
[Image: IJhRwJC.png]
RE: +iny ©at people
i sincerely love how getting smacked down so hard just made us cockier and more sure of ourselves than ever

(12-31-2017, 08:38 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »we should teach all: rhetoric, diplomacy, etc. you know, stuff that's gonna be helpful in trying to argue their own case for peace and abstinence, since they're gonna have to be the ones actually ultimately pulling the weight here

i'm just gonna quote this so it doesn't get stranded on the bottom of the page because i feel preparing our cats to make their case themselves is way way more important to practically enacting our plan than the intragod politics we've been debating.
RE: +iny ©at people
Just realized. Wax is supposed to be, like, the god of gods, right?
as a player, he now has a physical knife, in real life, that can kill him.
This seems like a big deal to me.
RE: +iny ©at people
(12-31-2017, 08:38 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »we should teach all: rhetoric, diplomacy, etc. you know, stuff that's gonna be helpful in trying to argue their own case for peace and abstinence, since they're gonna have to be the ones actually ultimately pulling the weight here

(12-31-2017, 08:02 PM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »>CREATE: Remote-controllable robot duplicates of all our TCPs that the TCPs can control, speak through, and listen and see through, so they can "visit" other TCPs and still appear as themselves, but without risking their own lives. Include video feed of the controller's face projected onto the robot's face. Also, make it visibly obvious that these are robots - we aren't trying to decieve anyone. (As far as this goes, at least.)

>Also, for the last time, no apologies! What the heck do we gain by saying "Hey everyone, we're pretty much the worst, right? Ha ha ha *sigh*" All that will do is burn down any last remaining bits of respect they have for us, to no advantage.

Hey, I'm just going to second these real quick because honestly right now after hearing all sides of our current argument it might seem like the best plan is to just tell our cats
"Um, actually we just thought this through and this is a very dangerous plan, use these robots instead,"
and also maybe we shouldn't be too rude to Wax because he might be a really powerful ally.