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11-21-2017, 05:13 AM
>Ally with Macaron
It would be nice to mediate between Grind and Rein, but knowing our past performance we'd end up only making things worse.
If we could get all the other players in an alliance with us we could create a power block that can keep them from each other's throats while staying neutral. Then they'd have to come to grips with each other, because the game couldn't end until they do so.
Vivian Quest
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11-21-2017, 05:19 AM
>Teach Tubes: Forum Adventures
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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11-21-2017, 06:18 AM
(11-21-2017, 05:19 AM)Gen Wrote: »>Teach Tubes: Forum Adventures
please ribbit text adventure please ribbit text adventure please
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11-29-2017, 06:50 AM
FROG-CRIMES: hhhhhh… We don’t want to drag the game out, but we’re going to hold off for a bit.
FROG-CRIMES: We mean… we think we need more information.
FROG-CRIMES: What happened between you and Grind that was so bad?
REIN: It wasn’t between Grind and I specifically, I’m afraid. It was a much more catastrophic event that affected the whole of Taverne.
REIN: You see, we gods of this pantheon were created in pairs, and to contrast my peaceful and charitable ways, a brutal and vicious god was made. We knew she was violent, but… we never anticipated her going to such horrific lengths, to devour two of her fellow gods.
REIN: It is an important part of my job, to rehabilitate Spit, to teach her and train her in the ways of control, and show her the way of good… even if, just between you and I, I utterly loathe her company.
REIN: Grind would like nothing more than to see Spit dead, which is completely understandable. Velvet was so young, and Wane was like a mother to us all… but violence will only tear our family further apart.
REIN: We all must do things we do not want to, as gods, and I’m sure you know this by now… the hard choices are oftentimes the right ones.
FROG-CRIMES: We see… that sounds pretty tough to deal with.
FROG-CRIMES: Thank you for telling us about this. We hope you won’t mind if we gather some more info from the other players?
REIN: I won’t, but I’d like to ask what else you hope to gain?
FROG-CRIMES: We, um… just remembered a small complication.
FROG-CRIMES: We accidentally pushed one of our TCPs to Rogue status earlier, and we told her to hang out with Grind… We probably shouldn’t pit our remaining TCPs against them.
REIN: Oh… hmmm. That does pose a bit of a problem, but I’m certain it can be overcome in some way.
REIN: Whatever the case, it was pleasant talking to you. I wish you good luck with conversing with the other players, and I do hope you’ll choose to join me soon.
FROG-CRIMES: Thank you, Rein. We’ll talk to you again later.
You take a minute to consider how you’re going to approach Grind.. You’re pretty sure he hates you, whether or not he has Fernando under his care now… but that doesn’t have to mean that your relationship is over. You can still repair things… you think.
FROG-CRIMES: Hi, Grind, it’s us again.
FROG-CRIMES: Uh… how are things?
GRIND: Things are okay
GRIND: My team is filling out nicely… and I found your rogue earlier
FROG-CRIMES: Y-you found her?! How is she, is she okay?
GRIND: She is doing better now though she was very upset when I found her
GRIND: Also she asked me to tell you that she isn’t named Fernando anymore
GRIND: She asked me to help name her when I took her in. Her name is Prophet now
FROG-CRIMES: Oh… that’s not a bad name. We’re glad she’s doing better now.
FROG-CRIMES: So… we’ve got a bit of business to talk about.
FROG-CRIMES: We’ve talked with everyone in this session, and we’re getting the distinct impression that we won’t get to have a diplomatic victory.
FROG-CRIMES: Specifically, Marzu said she thought Rein is creepy, and Rein says you won’t ally with it at all… but Macaron is allying Rein. So, whoever we join, it’s going to be 3 versus 2, right?
FROG-CRIMES: There’s no chance of us making it a 5 versus… 0?
Grind lets out a long, exasperated sigh and puts a metal paw to his forehead.
GRIND: I refuse to work with that deity
GRIND: It protects and works with a killer. Spit is its partner deity and it insists it can somehow heal and redeem her
GRIND: Rein is delusional to believe such a creature is redeemable and I do not trust it for a second. Working with it and anyone who chooses to follow its lead is not an option
FROG-CRIMES: Alright. We won’t press it any further.
FROG-CRIMES: We have an idea. We’re going to talk to Macaron.
GRIND: Is that so?
GRIND: Hm. Well I hope we won’t have to fight
GRIND: Prophet would like to talk to her friends again. We got the package by the way
GRIND: She appreciates it. It helps her new room feel homely
FROG-CRIMES: We see… Well, we’re going to go now. We’ll talk to you later, hopefully.
GRIND: Indeed. Farewell
Well… this might be a longshot, and you’re not even sure if it’s the right thing to do…? But if Macaron doesn’t have anything against Grind or Marzu, you could possibly change the tide of this game.
FROG-CRIMES: Yo Macaron, what’s up?
MACARON: Froggo!!!! I’m good how abt u?
MACARON: Did u talk to every1 yet?
MACARON: Did u… *gasp*... decide to ally with me???
FROG-CRIMES: Yes, and, no… maybe? Uhhh
FROG-CRIMES: You know how we have to choose between two different teams, basically, right?
MACARON: what? No, what do u mean?
FROG-CRIMES: Grind and Marzu both dislike Rein… Grind a lot more than Marzu, actually.
MACARON: what!!!!!!
FROG-CRIMES: Yeah, it’s because Rein is protecting Spit, or something. Didn’t you tell us about Spit? You said she was a terrible person.
MACARON: well yeah NOBODY likes spit, but i thought rein was doing good by stopping her from eating any more gods
FROG-CRIMES: Yeah, Grind doesn’t think that’s a good thing, since it’s keeping Spit from being executed… at least, we’re guessing that’s how things work where you live.
FROG-CRIMES: So, we were thinking of asking you to redact your allyship with Rein and join us with Grind and Marzu.
MACARON: ummmmmmm
MACARON: hmmmmmmm…!!! Idk!!
MACARON: i was rly excited to team up w rein, actually…….
FROG-CRIMES: That’s too bad… the game’s going to be 3 versus 2 no matter what team we join, if that’s the case.
MACARON: aaaaaa oh no
MACARON: but that means more casualties to the kitties………...
FROG-CRIMES: Yeah, and, personally we’re feeling like we might have to ally with Grind, since we don’t want to have to tell our TCPs to fight their old friend.
MACARON: what abt tasty!!!! tasty is their friend 2!!!!!
FROG-CRIMES: … shoot, you’re right.
FROG-CRIMES: Maybe… maybe we should have our cats decide?
MACARON: i mean maybe
MACARON: uhhhh aaaaaahhhhhh listen
MACARON: i’m gonna think some more abt this 4v1 idea
MACARON: but dont think i’m agreeing 2 it yet, ok? bc i rly dont want 2 pass up the opportunity 2 ally w rein
MACARON: i just… would rather there b as little violence as possible.
FROG-CRIMES: Us too. Well, since your planet is close by… We suppose soon we’ll have our cats pay another visit to your base.
MACARON: ok!! I’ll b looking 4ward 2 it!!!!!
Well, time to check in on your TCPs again.
![[Image: hJUSL7Y.png]](
It looks like they’re still working at that key puzzle. Tubes seems to have given up, sitting by and watching as Fennel continues digging through the pile of keys and tossing away the ones it used.
You ask the TCPs if they’re interested in going on a longer adventure after this one is done, for an important goal of visiting all the other TCPs in the world… Fennel doesn’t seem to notice you asked. Windy says sure, since they had a good time with the last visit. Tubes expresses a mild disinterest, but would like something more exciting to do than this.
Ooooh, this seems fun. Tubes opens up a notepad file and starts typing out some ideas.
hahaha i wasted my time on all of you for 8 years.
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11-29-2017, 07:26 AM
Key observation: This doesn't seem to just be about Spit. Grind doesn't just think Rein is wrong, the way he talks suggests he thinks Rein is dangerous in and of itself.
This is what we need to resolve if we're going to end this session peacefully. We don't need to persuade Grind to change his mind about Spit, per se; what we need to do is convince him that Rein's perspective comes from a place of sincerity. That Rein is a perfectly sensible deity who just happens to disagree with him on an important subject.
He doesn't have to like Rein. He just has to get to "cooperating with Rein is not tantamount to cooperating with a murderer". At that point, he could probably be persuaded to ally for the sake of the TCPs.
Now, I'm not saying that's easy, but if we want to make a play for peace, that's how we have to do it.
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11-29-2017, 07:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2017, 07:55 AM by kilozombie.)
There absolutely has to be something better we can do than a key puzzle for the other cats, but I'm glad Tubes found something to do.
>Teach Tubes: Narrative
>Teach Tubes: Ambition
>Teach Tubes: Improv
In terms of the overarching plot: that's a good point, DF, and a good reason to really up our diplomacy game. It seems like Spit isn't a false threat, even if we can argue that they are being helped by Rein, and if we start going into conversation trying to make assumptions about the situation, Grind is just going to treat us like last time, when we were presumptuous and too quick to act.
Is there any way we could put forth the idea of a truce, a cease-fire-- some time to actually play TCP before the whole deal of alliances-going-bad comes into play? Any ideas? I haven't noticed a HUGE amount of urgency but it seems like the vets of the game are fine leaping into that part soon.
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11-29-2017, 08:08 AM
I think it's probably a good idea that we explain to the kitties the current situation, and that they're going to be meeting the other kitties so that they can decide which side to take. It doesn't feel right that they are thinking meeting the kitties is all for fun, and that there's not some consequence to it.
They need to know what the situation is if they're going to decide who we ally with. I don't feel comfortable with Windy thinking this is going to be another playdate, when it would be a series of "meeting the people you'll fight alongside or fight against", which makes me unsure if they should meet all the other kitties at all.
I'm undecided on who to ally with on a level of "which philosophy to dealing with Spit is correct", but I do feel that we should continue to work towards a goal of full alliance. Not on a level of everyone sharing the same opinion, or even liking each other. Marzu doesn't have to agree with Rein's views, and Macaron doesn't have to agree with Grind.
Something something "it feels the more right and responsible decision for a full alliance regardless of how we feel"?
At least in that Rein does seem to be entirely sincere, and mean well (they sound almost patronizing thought about how they spoke of Grind). Grind wants to remove what they feel is an ongoing threat, from their community, and would rather not continue to tolerate someone who tries to protect that threat from what they feel is justice.
Both views are understandable. A thing to keep in mind is that Grind might refuse to ally with Macaron at all because she was willing to work with Rein, given what they said their feelings are on people like that. No matter what we try, this might remain a 3v2 scenario.
Especially considering that remembering Velvet is a person Marzu was close to, and that it still remains that Spit killed Velvet.
This has been a reply to both Dragon Fogel, and also my thoughts on the whole matter here.
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11-29-2017, 10:08 AM
just a friendly reminder, there's a discussion thread! i think this is only for commands lest im mistaken.
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11-29-2017, 12:10 PM
I don't think we should let our cats make the decision. They have no way of interacting directly with the other gods to get a read on their personalities, so they're pretty much guaranteed to want to ally with Grind so they don't have to fight Fernando... or Prophet, I guess. That's not necessarily a bad decision, but it completely ignores the points in favor of Rein, such as the fact that it may be able to help us be less shit, it wants a full alliance victory, and it's far more likely to actually cooperate with us and won't potentially break things off if we fuck up again (which we will).
Where are we with the computer network plan atm? It'd be nice if our cats could communicate with the artist formerly known as Fernando sooner rather than later.
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11-29-2017, 03:16 PM
Create: Small Airship
Mainly to save travel time so our kitties don't get too tired.
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11-29-2017, 03:17 PM
I don't want to end up against Grind, so we can't join team Macaron & Rein.
>Do not ally with anyone atm to prevent a 3v2 situation from arising.
Vivian Quest
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11-29-2017, 06:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-29-2017, 07:25 PM by kilozombie.)
Speaking of which, Wheat:
>Teach Fennel: Speedrunning
>Teach Windy: Speedrunning
A good tactic to find fun in a game where the fun is currently lacking.
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11-29-2017, 10:24 PM
The best result is the one with the least bloodshed. The TCPs have no stake in this disagreement between gods, and to attack them for being caught in the middle is unfair and unjust.
I think the best solution is to propose a competition, a non-lethal contest like some kind of Olympic Games. Grind and Mardu's team of athletes vs Rein and Macaron's team of athletes, with ourselves serving as neutral ground to keep the peace. We have reason not to fight Grind/Prophet, and we have reason not to fight Macaron/Tasty. This ensures we remain an impartial third party. Whosoever loses will voluntarily surrender, without any TCPs coming to harm, and the winners will ally with us to end the game.
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11-29-2017, 11:52 PM
I heavily approve of this contest idea but I have doubts that anyone will agree to it. Worth a shot though.
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11-29-2017, 11:58 PM
I agree that the TCPs shouldn't be forced to bear the brunt of inter-deity bickering. I think the fairest thing would be to tell them we regret hurting Fernando and want our actions going forward to minimise further harm to any TCPs, our own included. I would hope that's a philosophy the other gods could abide by.
Agreed that facilitating some kind of non-lethal contest to decide a winner(s) is ideal but not sure if we'd be trusted on all sides to be the mediator. A more convoluted way to resolve that would be five contests, each one hosted by a different deity, and temporary pair-alliances established between the remaining four deities?
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11-30-2017, 12:06 AM
So we could host Game 1, which would be Grind+Marzu vs Macaron+Rein.
Rein hosts: Grind+Marzu vs Macaron+FC.
Marzu hosts: Grind pairs with either Macaron or FC, Rein pairs with Macaron or FC
Grind hosts: Marzu pairs with Macaron or FC, Rein pairs with Macaron or FC
Macaron hosts: Grind+Marzu vs Rein+FC.
I'd like someone to look over this but, assuming Macaron also supports a full diplomatic victory and the majority of people judge fairly (yes if Macaron+Rein+FC stick by the rules), Marzu+Grind can't throw the game so Rein loses without Macaron or FC winning and demanding everyone ally.
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11-30-2017, 12:43 AM
Why are we teaching the cats to 'create fun' by speedrunning when we were the ones who sucked the fun out of the key puzzle?
> Magic Magnet that has limited use and can attract whatever the user needs
> Note/Ribbit apologizing for making the puzzle harder and explaining the function of the Magic Magnet
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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11-30-2017, 04:18 AM
there's no way grind would agree to the funlympics and abide by its rulings when he basically considers rein a murderer for refusing to murder a murderer
Polite Guardian of Corruption
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11-30-2017, 02:35 PM
>Create: A bunch of hidden keys scattered throughout room with the key to the door be the only key in theme with the door.
I envision them to look like old school keys with two prongs, car keys with plastic heads, and fancy keys with a bunch of curves, engravings, and gems.
I also disapprove of teaching them speedrunning.
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11-30-2017, 09:10 PM
Alright, nix the speedrunning. We'll make this adventure fun yet.
>Note: Fernando is okay, she's going by Prophet now. If you want, you could send a letter, and hopefully in the future you'll be able to talk in person!
i'm rad as hell, and i'm not gonna take it anymore
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12-01-2017, 01:09 AM
(11-30-2017, 09:10 PM)kilozombie Wrote: »Alright, nix the speedrunning. We'll make this adventure fun yet.
>Note: Fernando is okay, she's going by Prophet now. If you want, you could send a letter, and hopefully in the future you'll be able to talk in person!
this is clearly a ribbit.
ribbit Wrote:yoooooo what the fuck
![[Image: n7wgaEP.png]](
not cool satan
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12-11-2017, 09:26 PM
Victory-by-conquest is not an option. We have to sort out Grind and Rein's beef with each other.
Or, failing that, find a way to pressure them into allying anyway.
Maybe TRICK them into allying anyway?
>TEACH: Pacifism
>TEACH: Diplomacy
>TEACH: Seduction
>TEACH: Iterated prisoner's dilemma
>TEACH TUBES: Cryptography
>And maybe ask Grind more about Rein. Spit aside, is Rein trustworthy? What are its goals? How does it behave?
>Not to mention, it would be really useful to get to know Grind's TCPs.
>CREATE: Guardian Hydra at the bridge leading out of our planet that will only let TCPs past if they're on the list. Right now, the list is just Windy, Fennel and Tubes.
Polite Guardian of Corruption
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12-12-2017, 04:52 AM
(12-11-2017, 09:26 PM)SeaWyrm Wrote: »
Show Content
SpoilerVictory-by-conquest is not an option. We have to sort out Grind and Rein's beef with each other.
Or, failing that, find a way to pressure them into allying anyway.
Maybe TRICK them into allying anyway?
>TEACH: Pacifism
>TEACH: Diplomacy
>TEACH: Seduction
>TEACH: Iterated prisoner's dilemma
>TEACH TUBES: Cryptography
>And maybe ask Grind more about Rein. Spit aside, is Rein trustworthy? What are its goals? How does it behave?
>Not to mention, it would be really useful to get to know Grind's TCPs.
>CREATE: Guardian Hydra at the bridge leading out of our planet that will only let TCPs past if they're on the list. Right now, the list is just Windy, Fennel and Tubes.
First of all, I am off put by many of your suggestions. I do agree on your Rein-Grind Dilemma points.
Second, I don't think we should teach them anymore while adventuring. I suggest the turning those TEACH commands into compressed books or magazines our cats can help themselves after the fun adventure. I think those knowledge and the fact they're many may derail the adventure and overwhelm our cats.
Third, I am not in line with guardian hydra idea. I feel like... that's a bit unnecessary, but nonetheless, Macaron did make herself a gate. Hydra is a fearsome choice of a guardian, and that has some issues on itself. I think the guardian should be about two TCPs tall, and wearing a bellhop outfit. Oh yeah, also better put a gate over there.
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12-12-2017, 11:26 AM
i vote for two tall amphibian guards, one who tells truths and one who tells lies, possibly combined into a single two-headed body to play into the hydra motif
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12-12-2017, 06:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-12-2017, 06:28 PM by SeaWyrm.)
>TEACH: Subduction
EDIT: The problem with "one who tells truths and one who tells lies" is that we don't want getting into our space to be a puzzle, we want getting into our space to be as impossible as possible for anyone who has malicious intent.
So it's cool if one tells truths and the other lies... so long as that hasn't got anything to do with who they allow past.