PMC After Dark

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PMC After Dark
PMC After Dark
There's five rules. Pass them and I'll tell you.
RE: PMC After Dark
Duckreport Stop! You violated the law! Drudgerepond
RE: PMC After Dark
Drudgerepond Stop! You violated the law! Duckreport
RE: PMC After Dark
Fact Seagull g0m

And I've got immunity for the next three hours and twenty minutes, so there.
RE: PMC After Dark
(11-24-2017, 06:46 AM)a52 Wrote: »Drudgerepond Stop! You violated the law! Duckreport

no i fucking didn't. i had my vulturesona. in fact, i was reporting this thread for breaking the no-pmc law. unless participating in these threads isn't allowed but making them somehow is, i don't see what i did wrong.

and it's two minutes past midnight here, so you can't nab me for this one, coppers.

[Image: vulturesona.png]
RE: PMC After Dark
It's 3.18 AM time to judge some posts

(11-24-2017, 04:08 AM)Dalmationer Wrote: »Duckreport Stop! You violated the law! Drudgerepond

Passes rule 4.

(11-24-2017, 06:46 AM)a52 Wrote: »Drudgerepond Stop! You violated the law! Duckreport

Passes rule 4 and 5.

(11-24-2017, 07:40 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Fact Seagull g0m

And I've got immunity for the next three hours and twenty minutes, so there.

Passes no rules.

(11-24-2017, 08:02 AM)a52 Wrote: »
(11-24-2017, 06:46 AM)a52 Wrote: »Drudgerepond Stop! You violated the law! Duckreport

no i fucking didn't. i had my vulturesona. in fact, i was reporting this thread for breaking the no-pmc law. unless participating in these threads isn't allowed but making them somehow is, i don't see what i did wrong.

and it's two minutes past midnight here, so you can't nab me for this one, coppers.

[Image: vulturesona.png]

Passes no rules. Also btw it was 3.59AM when I made this thread and thats how I got away with it.
RE: PMC After Dark
3.25 AM and because it's not as easy to legally post and judge in here as in the regular PMC I'm gonna give you hints in the form of the names of the rules.

Rule 1 is Ross
Rule 2 is Chandler
Rule 3 is Joey
Rule 4 is Monica
Rule 5 is Phoebe.

I couldn't think of a rule for Rachel even if I did have a sixth spot.
RE: PMC After Dark
I only watched Friends when I was channel-surfing and there was nothing on, so I remember basically nothing about it.

Let's see if I have the basics right. There's an ancient prophecy that seven friends will join together and destroy a great evil. In the first episode six Friends gather and they go on a quest to find the seventh, but they keep getting distracted by dating and job stuff and wacky antics.

In the second season, the evil overlord emerges and everyone goes "oh, right, we were supposed to thwart that, wait shoot there's only six of us" and then the same general things happen except every episode has a bunch of swordfights with imperial henchmen and possibly an airship battle.

At the end of the second season, it turns out that the overlord is the seventh Friend led astray and there's an even greater evil they all have to fight against. The third season adds an ongoing subplot where the seventh Friend keeps trying to get a job, but because they only know how to be an evil overlord, they keep making hilarious mistakes like stabbing customers who complain that their coffee is too sweet.

The third season concludes with the arrival of the greater evil and the SHOCKING DEATH of the seventh Friend. Then the fourth season is a lot like the second except the writers never figured out how the true greater evil would be defeated without all seven Friends so they just conclude the show with "and the battle still rages on to this day".
RE: PMC After Dark
Okay, I had that slightly wrong.

Apparently there was a dispute between the writers and they couldn't decide between "the seventh Friend comes back from the dead", "it's a bad ending where the Friends all die", or just ignoring it with "the battle still rages on to this day".

So each of the writer factions wrote a separate script and the episode wound up being assembled from completely different scenes from each of the scripts.

What's especially strange about this is that none of the scenes in question involve any of the main characters, so it comes across as a bunch of secondary characters from other episodes talking about the final battle and what the result means, without showing any part of the battle or describing who won. Consequently, the episode is surprisingly cohesive and was widely praised by critics for its unconventional narrative.

However, when I watched it I didn't get any of the jokes.
RE: PMC After Dark
Ix, did I pass all the rules yet?
RE: PMC After Dark
Is one of the rules that you can't post during the "Rules Don't Apply" hours?