lets write poems

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lets write poems
RE: lets write poems
fucking fucking fuck
this piece of shit computer
deserves to go to hell
RE: lets write poems
noodly wiggly strawberry flump
my son was birthed in a garbage dump
stringleburg floopily unglypy zroo
my fingers are green and my toes are blue
guggly guggly fleeeeeeeeeeeeek
stromp stromp stromp

more on request

edit 2: typo in "floopily"
RE: lets write poems
Hey Insultron:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your face is ugly,
And so are you
RE: lets write poems
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Nothing can be objectively proven to exist
And that includes you
RE: lets write poems
Roses are pink,
Violets are purple white,
I couldn't think
of any rhymes with purple.
RE: lets write poems
Sky sky sky sky sky
cloud sky sky sky cloud
cloud cloud sky sky sky sky
cloud sky sky sky sky cloud
sky sky sky sky sky
sky sky sky sky sky
foliage foliage foliage foliage sky
foliage foliage foliage foliage foliage
foliage foliage foliage foliage foliage
undergrowth undergrowth undergrowth undergrowth
dirt dirt dirt dirt rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
aquifer aquifer rocks rocks rocks
aquifer aquifer aquifer aquifer aquifer
rocks aquifer aquifer aquifer aquifer
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
rocks rocks rocks rocks rocks
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
magma magma magma magma magma
RE: lets write poems
iron nickel iron iron nickel
nickel iron iron nickel nickel
silver iron iron nickel iron
nickel nickel zinc iron iron
RE: lets write poems
fluorine fluorine
fluorine uranium fluorine
fluorine fluorine
RE: lets write poems
these are reminicent of this modern triumph of storytelling
RE: lets write poems
6 2 8 7,
41 + 23;
3 9 11.
RE: lets write poems
my cat is sleep
(he sleep all day)
and when he sleep
the birdles may

come into my
house, and storm
the laundry room
where they swarm

all shit on all
my clothes oh no!ke
if only my cat
were awoke
RE: lets write poems
who knows where
the dishes go
where do all
the dishes go
RE: lets write poems
I sure do love to rhyme

I put it in my thyme

Something that rhymes with thyme

Time rhymes with thyme

~Lil Wayne
RE: lets write poems
i am a squid

and i want quid
[Image: Iv0bTLS.png]
RE: lets write poems
Ways of changing themselves change.
There are always other ways.
The mountain road leads front and back;
To left and right tread newer paths.

What have you done to this world?
The world, which was fated,
You will sacrifice?
If the judge of that fate
Lies forever invisible,
Can it be said that
There is no such judgment?
If the judge you see presides
Under a greater judge,
Who then hides evermore -
This, too, is the same.
RE: lets write poems
You would not believe your eyes
If ten million fireflies
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
'Cause they'd fill the open air
And leave tear drops everywhere
You'd think me rude
But I would just stand and stare
-me 2017
RE: lets write poems
For the tablet had shattered,
And the windows had broken
The sun-vulture crept in the chamber

Down at the basin its beady eyes stared
The powder and dust and puddle of water
The fragments of the world it had previously kept
In the small bowl upon the altar

The culprit was nearby, it could sense
Hiding, yet fearless in the corner
With a shout, they ran, seeing the vulture
And sprinted out to the cave's border

The prophet of old, the very first of their own,
Had escaped at last that which was foretold and shown.
RE: lets write poems
The clock strucks AM
and my eyes fall down
The stars glow bright,
and I await them now.

It’s getting quite late,
everyone will say.
But I want to stay up
and watch the night away.

The dim light glows
from the computer screen.
It fades, shuts down
It should be time to sleep.
RE: lets write poems
School is my favorite thing
It is very boring
My favorite class is when we got to gym
Where we all try to get slim
Sometimes we go to Recess
And I wish I had Reeses Pieces
Now I have told you all about School
And I hope that you think that my poem rules.
RE: lets write poems
The old man pushes his machine
That lets forth a dull fury of noise.
He cuts down the young field of green
Through legal means, he kills their joys.

And then a thistle, tall and proud
Challenges the mower, loud.
Too big to cut, above the crowd
Or so it thought before its bow.

But when the dandelions spread
Through gentle winds change does blow.
The green replaced and in its stead
Displays the knowledged yellow.

The old man hauls his own regrets
His thick veins bulge in vain
As lions are tasty with vinaigrettes
But rotten flesh wroughts no fame.
RE: lets write poems
found poetry:

[Image: dBkop1Q.jpg]
RE: lets write poems
I wore sunglasses to hide my eyes
I wore sunglasses to look up at the skys
I wore sunglasses to look cool
I wore sunglasses to my school
I wore sunglasses
It was nice
RE: lets write poems
A carnivores sad haiku
Today I crave meat
But I’m feeling much to beat
To look for such meat
RE: lets write poems
[Image: p3HiDmj.jpg]

oh how i wish that i were you,
i pushed out gas, but out came poo
RE: lets write poems
this belongs in this thread also

(06-22-2018, 06:19 PM)a52 Wrote: »there is a whole straight through my heart
my bedroom floor's now abstract art
when you're naked never trust a fart